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Presented by: Josh Budd. Budget Constraints Replacing Old Technologies Doing More with Less Chasing Yield Chasing Grant Funding Declining Sales Tax Revenue.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Josh Budd. Budget Constraints Replacing Old Technologies Doing More with Less Chasing Yield Chasing Grant Funding Declining Sales Tax Revenue."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Josh Budd

2 Budget Constraints Replacing Old Technologies Doing More with Less Chasing Yield Chasing Grant Funding Declining Sales Tax Revenue Board Resistance Different Objectives by Agency Budget Constraints Replacing Old Technologies Doing More with Less Chasing Yield Chasing Grant Funding Declining Sales Tax Revenue Board Resistance Different Objectives by Agency

3 Doing things with less is now doing things differently and more efficient. Stop and Think about this Statement Think? Would you agree?

4 Simple, but evident answers proving that we are even part of the Next Generation Constituent How many of you would know if you lost your phone right now? How many of you would know if you lost your keys right now? How many of you have a Blackberry, I-Phone, Android or SmartPhone with you? How many of you have a LinkedIn or Facebook page?

5 Buzek said. "Why pay $3,000 [for a traditional POS] when I can get an iPad and put Square on it? This is going to fundamentally change the mall in the next three years." Traditional POS Purchases To Plummet Due To Mobile, IHL Reports Retail Checkout Experience M obile payments was one of the hottest topics at our MobileBeat 2011 conference in July, primarily because there’s a ton of potential in having your mobile phone take the place of your wallet. Juniper predicts that mobile payments will reach $670 billion globally by 2015. our MobileBeat 2011 conferencemobile payments will reach $670 billion globally by 2015 ISIS Network 8.75Million I-Phones sold Jan-Mar 2010,vs 3.79 Million prior year during that period. 51.15Million, Jobs said 100M March 2011 15Million I-Pads sold March 2011 800Million active users Sept 2011. 50 %access daily, avg of 130 friends NACHA 1/28/11 report shows 82% increase in adoption of e-Bills w/fastest growth in Insurance and Municipals over past 2years 52.3% govt. Social Media Google - one of the largest booths at GFOA San Antonio Google GIS Mapping Apps for citizens Reporting Google Earth - Google Enterprise Pro YouTube for Board Meetings Deploy the app for less $ using NetBook, I-Pad than laptop (lessupdates/maintenance/license fees) Apps/Google Earth The mobile payment network Isis is said to receive a major boost of more than $100 million from its parent companies AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon, Bloomberg payment network Isis Bloomberg reports

6 Google & Social Networks E-Billing Public-Private App World Cloud Public – Private Partnerships Leverage Website – drive traffic, opportunity to generate new revenues Advertisements? E-Billing State and Local Laws reviewed Quatify ROI to implement change Social Mediums State and Local Laws reviewed Legal Division review of privacy matters Leverage “Free” tools Google earth to discover-generate revenue App World Are there departments that only need an App? Issuing I-Pads versus laptops and purchasing software licenses Cloud Computing What is it? SaaS ? Drop-Box GoToMeeting Think about Government websites in the 90’s vs. today

7 Imagine your world without email, text messaging, photosharing, Blackberry, iPhone, iPad, Kendle, or Google, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pandora, Groupon, Secondlife, LivingSocial, DropBox, MobileMe Connecting and creating conversation with constituents from a new perspective A Radical Change in your constituent base is occurring!

8 By 2014 it is estimated that all e-Commerce transactions will be made by using SmartPhones and other mobile devices. Text

9 STOP & Take Time Unbiased – Non threating- Open communication Sooner you start, the sooner you discover You will uncover savings & time efficieniency gains with your employee’s You will uncover ideas Establish Buy-In STOP & Take Time Unbiased – Non threating- Open communication Sooner you start, the sooner you discover You will uncover savings & time efficieniency gains with your employee’s You will uncover ideas Establish Buy-In How many people in this room have spent time with their with each of there staff members to conduct a work-flow analysis? Strategic Plan Implement those that take little to/no time, money, resources Evaluate those procedures to see if they need additional steps or reduction of steps. Forces to update policies/procedures Builds Respect/Appreciaton Strategic Plan Implement those that take little to/no time, money, resources Evaluate those procedures to see if they need additional steps or reduction of steps. Forces to update policies/procedures Builds Respect/Appreciaton Discover ? Stop


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