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Creative Project Monday, May 12, 2014. Quick Write: Quote and Question Quote: “Success is a journey, not a destination” Arthur Ashe Question: How can.

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Presentation on theme: "Creative Project Monday, May 12, 2014. Quick Write: Quote and Question Quote: “Success is a journey, not a destination” Arthur Ashe Question: How can."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creative Project Monday, May 12, 2014

2 Quick Write: Quote and Question Quote: “Success is a journey, not a destination” Arthur Ashe Question: How can the community (ies) in which we function affect the quality of our journey? At the beginning of the unit, we reflected on the quote and question. Now that we have read several stories and written about the influence of community in those stories, I want you to spend a few minutes thinking and writing about this quote and question. What do the quote and question suggest to you? Do you agree or disagree with the quote? Think of some examples from your own life that reflect your responses to the quote and question. Write quietly for the next five minutes.

3 Objective, Agenda, & Homework Objective: Students will identify a way to creatively express their understanding of community. Agenda: ▫Quick Write ▫Look up 1 word for each Greek root (63-70) ▫Discuss Creative Project Homework: ▫Study for your Greek roots final exam. ▫Bring supplies for creative project tomorrow! ▫Comparative analysis papers due last Friday must be turned in ASAP.

4 Greek Roots 63-70 Using the word lists I gave you, look up the part of speech and definition of ONE WORD FOR EACH ROOT. Then, draw a visual. ▫Look up 1 word for thanat, thanas. ▫Look up 1 word for necro. ▫Look up 1 word for soph. ▫Look up 1 word for mim. ▫Look up 1 word for therm. ▫Look up 1 word for hydr. ▫Look up 1 word for phot, phos. ▫Look up 1 word for pyr. If you were not here last week, then look at the power point for those days on my website to get the 3 new roots with their meanings and word lists. Quiz is Monday!

5 Schedule This Week You will need to finish typing and printing your paper in study hall. Tuesday and Wednesday: Work on creative project in class. ▫This needs to be complete by the beginning of the period next Monday. ▫Note: No ELP days Thursday: Write statement of intent. ▫Due next Monday or sooner Friday: Write reflection. ▫Due on final exam day or sooner

6 Creative Project Options All options must reflect your understanding of community. Your understanding may come from the short stories and/or it may be a reflection on your understanding of the unit quote and question. ▫Create an original piece of visual art. This can be whatever medium you would like (paint, charcoal, pencil sketch, etc.), but your piece must be of a quality worthy of a final assessment. In other words, if you are a recreational artist, or are interested in pursuing a serious art project, think about this option. ▫Write a short story, poem, or other narrative genre that reflects your analysis into the truth of the success quote. ▫Publish a photographic essay, collage, or comic strip. Develop a thesis that analyzes the success quote and utilize a series of photographs to defend that thesis.

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