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Romans 7:14-25.

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Presentation on theme: "Romans 7:14-25."— Presentation transcript:

1 Romans 7:14-25

2 Overview of Romans I. Intro. + Theme 1:1-17 II. Condemnation 1:18-3:20 III. Justification 3:21-5:11 IV. Sanctification 5:12-8:39 V. Illustration 9:1-11:36 VI. Application 12:1-15:13 VII. Epilogue 15:14-16:27

3 Left to themselves, believers live just like unbelievers.
Romans 7:14-25 Left to themselves, believers live just like unbelievers.

4 Just like 6:16-21, Paul talks about enslaved to sin.
Romans 7:14 Just like 6:16-21, Paul talks about enslaved to sin.

5 Paul uses the analogy of a slave market to make his point.
Romans 7:14 Paul uses the analogy of a slave market to make his point.

6 We are under sin’s control because we are “only human.”
Romans 7:14 We are under sin’s control because we are “only human.”

7 Sin rules us because of who we are by nature.
Romans 7:14 Sin rules us because of who we are by nature.

8 This verse expresses Paul’s frustration and ours.
RomaRomans 7:14ns 7:15 This verse expresses Paul’s frustration and ours.

9 Romans 7:15 “I don’t understand” We feel as though, “We’re not getting anything done” on a spiritual level.

10 Romans 7:15 Our will is the issue.

11 Romans 7:15 In spite of decisions and commitments, we are unable to do the good things we decide to do.

12 Romans 7:16-17 As our battle is analyzed, we come to realize with Paul that inside every believer is an agreement with God’s Law .

13 Romans 7:16-17 We realize that when we blow it spiritually, we recognize that as wrong.

14 Romans 7:16-17 This recognition and agreement indicates the presence of a “real” me who is different than the sin I’m committing.

15 Romans 7:16-17 My sinless self, my new nature, feels trapped inside a body that loves and engages in sin.

16 The result is that we don’t do what we truly want to do.
Romans 7:16-17 The result is that we don’t do what we truly want to do.

17 The result is that we don’t do what we truly want to do.
Romans 7:16-17 The result is that we don’t do what we truly want to do.

18 Romans 7:16-17 It is critical that we realize that this is the experience of all believers.

19 Romans 7:16-17 Nothing is easier in the Christian life than to feel alone and a failure in your attempts to walk with God.

20 Our flesh and our new nature.
Romans 7:18-19 Paul now begins to clearly point out the two aspects of a Christian’s experience: Our flesh and our new nature.

21 Romans 7:18-19 Since believers still live enslaved in their flesh, we are unable to do anything good.

22 The sooner we realize that, the better.
Romans 7:18-19 The sooner we realize that, the better.

23 Romans 7:18-19 The desire is present because of our new man, but the ability to live out what we want is not.

24 Paul is building to what he started in the beginning: sin enslaves.
Romans 7:18-19 Paul is building to what he started in the beginning: sin enslaves.

25 Romans 7:18-19 As he began this section in ch. 5, Paul explained that when Adam brought sin into the world, he brought enslavement and death.

26 Romans 7:18-19 Death is not only a final experience in our bodies, it is an experience we have due to sin.

27 Romans 7:18-19 Due to sin, our bodies are “dead”, i.e. they are completely uncooperative to our inner desires.

28 Paul says he has no idea how to get past that problem.
Romans 7:18-19 Paul says he has no idea how to get past that problem. “For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I do.”

29 And, every believer can relate to that!
Romans 7:18-19 And, every believer can relate to that!

30 Romans 7:18-19 Paul’s words are more than, “I tried and blew it”, he really searched for a solution, but… 7:24

31 The “real me” never sins! 1 John 3:9
Romans 7:20 The “real me” never sins! 1 John 3:9

32 Every believer has a new nature that is perfect. Eph. 4:24
Romans 7:20 Every believer has a new nature that is perfect. Eph. 4:24

33 However, we are still in the body and responsible.
Romans 7:20 However, we are still in the body and responsible.

34 (“present” = “lies alongside me”, “ready at hand”)
Romans 7:21 Paul discovered ( “I find”) a principle (“law”) that doing good was difficult but doing bad was easy. (“present” = “lies alongside me”, “ready at hand”)

35 For us to do what is right is hard, but sinning is easy.
Romans 7:21 For us to do what is right is hard, but sinning is easy.

36 Why is this principle true?
Romans 7:22-23 Why is this principle true?

37 Why is this principle, or “law”, true?
Romans 7:22-23 Why is this principle, or “law”, true?

38 Four laws or realities:
Romans 7:22-23 Four laws or realities: Mosaic Law – the inner man “delights” in it Law in my body’s members - fights the delight

39 Four laws or realities:
Romans 7:22-23 Four laws or realities: Law of my understanding - I know the Mosaic Law is good, but #2 wins Law of sin – Used by #2 to win; the reign of sin leading to enslavement of my body.

40 Bottom-line: There’s a war going on inside of us and we keep losing.
Romans 7:22-23 Bottom-line: There’s a war going on inside of us and we keep losing.

41 Romans 7:24-25 Self-hatred and high emotions are common outcomes from trying to live a godly life.

42 Romans 7:24-25 Paul wanted someone to deliver him because he realizes he just can’t do it.

43 God is our Deliverer “through our Lord Jesus Christ”!
Romans 7:24-25 God is our Deliverer “through our Lord Jesus Christ”!

44 Romans 7:24-25 Paul’s summary: Our inner man serves the Law of God 6:18 Our flesh serves the Law of sin

45 Romans 7:24-25 Those who have been saved from eternally must also be saved from sin daily.

46 Romans 7:24-25 While we are in the flesh, we cannot do what God commands without outside help.

47 Romans 7:24-25 That Help has arrived!

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