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Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey Faculty of Mines and Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences A SPECIFIC SUPPORT ACTION of the SIXTH FRAMEWORK.

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Presentation on theme: "Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey Faculty of Mines and Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences A SPECIFIC SUPPORT ACTION of the SIXTH FRAMEWORK."— Presentation transcript:

1 Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey Faculty of Mines and Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences A SPECIFIC SUPPORT ACTION of the SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME [FP6-2004-ACC-SSA-2] Eastern Mediterranean Centre for Oceanography and Limnology

2 EMCOL’s Objectives To establish state-of-the-art laboratory and field facilities that will be used extensively in marine and lake studies, including natural hazards and environmental changes, so that the output will be comparable with that from European, American, and other worldwide centres of excellence. To develop highly qualified first- and second-generation researchers in interdisciplinary marine and lake studies at ITU, covering a wide range the fields such as underwater earthquake geology, submarine land slides, tsunamis, floods, climate change and environmental pollution. To enhance interactions in projects and idea exchanges between ITU researchers and those in the EU countries


4 EMCOL Facilities Surveying Equipment Chirp-Type Sub-bottom Profiling System with Differential GPS Field Work Capabilities Mapping active faults using the sub-bottom (Chirp) profiler Fault Zone

5 Water Column Sampling Equipment sediment traps (20) for lake studies CTD with oxygen sensor EMCOL Facilities Field Work Capabilities XRD results from a sediment trap in Bear Lake, Utah, USA showing different forms of calcium carbonate being deposited (Dean et al., 2000) Spring diatom bloom Winter deposits

6 EMCOL Facilities Sediment Sampling Equipment Submersible Vibracorer (Rossfelder Corp.) Gravity corer with 5 m penetration capability Kajak corer for collecting surface sediments Livingstone piston corer with 30 m of rods Grab sampler (Ekmann dredge) Drilling equipment (up to 25 m depth) Support Equipment Platform (4m x 3.5 m) & tripod 4-wheel drive field vehicle Van equipped for in situ geophysical tests Small boat and motor with trailer Field Work Capabilities

7 EMCOL Laboratory Facilities Itrax Core Scanner Multi-Sensor Core Logger Core Analysis Laboratory






13 EMCOL Facilities Capabilities Freeze-drying of samples Freeze-drying of samples Sample homogenization Sample homogenization Resin embedding (for thin sections) Resin embedding (for thin sections) Particle-size analysis by laser diffraction and standardized sieving Particle-size analysis by laser diffraction and standardized sieving High-speed centrifuge for clay and microfossil separations High-speed centrifuge for clay and microfossil separations Sedimentology Laboratory

14 Geochemistry Laboratory EMCOL Facilities Geochemistry Laboratory Capabilities Total Organic Carbon and Inorganic Carbon by coulometry Total Organic Carbon and Inorganic Carbon by coulometry Stable isotope analyses pretreatments Stable isotope analyses pretreatments Microfossil preparations such as for foraminifera, biogenic silica, pollen, diatoms and ostracodes Microfossil preparations such as for foraminifera, biogenic silica, pollen, diatoms and ostracodes MD-2430 Organic and inorganic (carbonate) carbon analyses from a Sea of Marmara core Çağatay et al. (2004) Diagenetic carb. Sapropel layer

15 EMCOL Facilities Wet Core Laboratory Core splitting Photography and description Geotechnical tests Sub-sampling Wet sieving Core Storage Facility Horizontal storage for 210 one-meter core sections Vertical storage racks for 2 m cores Temperature data logger and temperature alarm

16 Gravity corer on MTA’s marine research vessel Sismik-1 EMCOL Facilities Supporting Partnerships Other ITU Laboratories Palaeontology Microscopy Tree-ring Analysis XRD, AAS, SEM-EDX & ICP-ES GIS, Remote sensing Off-site Facilities MTA General Directorate (Geological Survey of Turkey) ship-time, gravity corers & multi- channel seismic equipment

17 Natural Hazards and Environmental Change Earthquake studies and risk evaluation Sub-aqueous landslides studies Tsunami studies Sea-level and coastline changes Climate studies Enviromental studies EMCOL Facility Research Applications

18 Identifying and dating past earthquake events using grain-size analysis McHugh, Çagatay et al. (2003) EMCOL Facility Research Applications

19 Mapping ancient shorelines EMCOL Facility Research Applications

20 Sapropel (suboxic/dysoxic bottom water conditions) Freshwater period Freshwater-marine transition layer dated at 12 kyr BP Identification of past hydrologic and climatic changes EMCOL Facility Research Applications Split core from the Sea of Marmara Çağatay et al. (2000) Mar. Geol.

21 Vesuvius? Identifying records of explosive volcanic activity EMCOL Facility Research Applications Çağatay et al. (2004)

22 EMCOL will have established state-of-the art research facilities in natural hazards and environmental change studies in marine and lake basins. Researchers working in the Black Sea and Eastern Mediterranean regions are encouraged to use these facilities in their Research Projects You can follow the progress on EMCOL infrastucture, training, future projects and scholarships at EMCOL web site:

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