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Digital Storytelling Spring 2010 ASTA By Barbara Wolf and Kara Longo.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Storytelling Spring 2010 ASTA By Barbara Wolf and Kara Longo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Storytelling Spring 2010 ASTA By Barbara Wolf and Kara Longo

2 Throughout history, storytelling has been used to share knowledge, wisdom, and values. Stories have taken many different forms. Stories have been adapted to each successive medium that has emerged, from the circle of the campfire to the silver screen, and now the computer screen.“ - The Digital Storytelling Association

3 Digital Storytelling Age-old art of storytelling Power of new technology Digital Story

4 Digital Storytelling Digital Storytelling is the process of writing about a story and adding multimedia elements such as voice, imagery, and music to create a visual story.

5 Types of Digital Stories I. Personal Narratives II. Stories That Examine Historical Events III. Stories That Inform or Instruct Most digital stories are between 2-10 minutes long.

6 Center for Digital Storytelling Since the early 1990s, Joe Lambert and Center for Digital Storytelling (CDS) have provided training and assistance to people interested in creating and sharing their personal narratives. Center for Digital Storytelling (CDS)

7 Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling Website: / / Today, Digital storytelling is used as an educational tool.

8 Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling An anticipatory set or hook for a lesson To enhance current lesson plans with the use of a digital story within a unit To support student research on a topic from a particular point of view To demonstrate a competency To describe a process In portfolios of achievement To develop writing skills and sense of story for younger students

9 The 7 Elements of Digital Storytelling What is the main point of the story and what is the perspective of the author? 1. Point of View A key question that keeps the viewer's attention and will be answered by the end of the story. 2. Dramatic Question Serious issues that come alive in a personal and powerful way and connects the story to the audience. 3. Emotional Content

10 A way to personalize the story to help the audience understand the context. 4. Gift of Voice Music or other sounds that support and embellish the storyline. 5. Power of the Soundtrack Using just enough content to tell the story without overloading the viewer. 6. Economy The rhythm of the story and how slowly or quickly it progresses. 7. Pacing The 7 Elements of Digital Storytelling Source: Center for Digital Storytelling

11 Audience Elementary Focus on content from classroom Narration with visible text can help build vocabulary Vibrant pictures Age appropriate music

12 Goals for Teachers Generate interest, attention and motivation for the "digital generation" students in our classrooms; Appeal to the diverse learning styles of the students by using Digital Storytelling as a presentation tool; Capitalize on the creative talents of students as they begin to research and tell stories of their own; Allow student work to be published on the Internet for viewing and critiquing by others.

13 Goals for Students Digital Storytelling Writing Skills Problem Solving Skills Assessment Skills Organization Skills Interview Skills Interpersonal Skills Technology Skills Presentation Skills Research skills

14 Evaluate a Digital Story Personal Reflection: The Computer and I The Gettysburg Address Social Studies: The Race to the Moon

15 Evaluate a Digital Story The Ghost Ship

16 Evaluate a Digital Story Wangdoodle

17 Which story was the best? Remember: There are many types of digital stories Some include narration without music Some include music without narration All are tailored to the audience

18 Popular Topics PSA – Public Service Announcement Breaking News or Old Broadcasts “Movie” Trailer (book, article, historical era or event, etc.) Reenactment / Living History Oral History Documentary or Docu-Drama Virtual Tour Story told from the perspective of an object

19 Please see the integrated curriculum handout for additional ideas organized by subject area

20 Process “Capturing Stories, Capturing Lives: An Introduction to Digital Storytelling” -David Jakes

21 Writing Stories from one image (writing prompt) Stories from a sequence of images Stories from a muted video clip or sequence of images with background sound Stories with student- found images and set narrative Stories with student-found images and student-created narrative

22 Script and Storyboard

23 Music Images Video Locate Resources

24 Create See Ms. Longo’s website for additional resources: Save a PowerPoint file as a JPEG MovieMaker Overview Storyboarding Adding Audio

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