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Benefits from Participation in the Supercomputing 2008 (SC08) Conference Jim Bottum Jill Gemmill Walt Ligon Mihaela Vorvoreanu.

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Presentation on theme: "Benefits from Participation in the Supercomputing 2008 (SC08) Conference Jim Bottum Jill Gemmill Walt Ligon Mihaela Vorvoreanu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Benefits from Participation in the Supercomputing 2008 (SC08) Conference Jim Bottum Jill Gemmill Walt Ligon Mihaela Vorvoreanu

2 What IS Supercomputing? Dr. Walt Ligon Electrical and Computer Engineering

3 Annual Supercomputing Conference  Technical program, exhibits, education  High performance computing, networking, storage  Technologies, applications, management, education  Research, engineering, policy  CIOs, IT managers, technical, funding  Universities, industry, government

4 Technical Program  Invited Speakers  Papers  Tutorials  Posters  Panels  Workshops  BOFs (Birds of a Feather) ‏

5 Exhibits  Machine Manufacturers  Network Hardware Vendors  Software Developers  Systems Integrators  National Laboratories  Government Agencies  Universities  Research Groups

6 Education Program  Workshops  Keynotes  Lectures  Awards  Project Demonstrations  Challenges

7 Other Activities  Cluster Challenge  Bandwidth Challenge  HPC Storage Challenge  Receptions  Banquet  Music Initiative (new for Austin) ‏

8 What Might I See at SC08?  Latest HPC system available  Keynote on molecular quantum computers  Demonstration of a new software development tool  Tutorial on using OpenMP and MPI  Paper on modeling the neocortex on a Cray  Poster on simulating plasma instability in fusion

9 What Might I See?

10 Why Should I GO to SC08?  Meet program officers  Meet potential collaborators  Meet potential graduate students  Show off Clemson's work in HPC  Learn about latest HPC technologies

11 SC07 Dr. Mihaela Vorvoreanu Dept. of Communication Studies

12 Clemson @ SC07  Created SC 3 - South Carolina Computing Consortium: Clemson University University of South Carolina Medical University of South Carolina Hollings Marine Laboratory Savannah River National Laboratory

13 Communication objectives: 1.Attract visitors to SC 3 booth 2.Communicate key message at the booth: We’re in the race!

14 Attract visitors to the booth  Personalized invitations before the conference  Meeting space in the booth  Meet-me cards  Booth signage  Interactive video- game  Promotional gifts

15 Communicate We’re in the race message  Booth setup: 4 pillars HPC & Communications Data & Visualization Learning Virtual organizations  Nintendo Wii racing game  Attire: SC 3, Clemson shirts  Booth signage  Publications: fact sheets, project summaries, etc.  Presentation templates  Website

16  twitter  Flickr group SC3

17 Results: 1068 recorded booth visits

18 Higher education  U.S.  Russia  Japan  Switzerland  U.K.  Brazil Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University

19 Industry  Cisco  Dell  HP  GE  GM  Google  IBM  Intel  Microsoft  Sun Microsystems

20  NSF Program officer Almadena Chtchelkanova with Walt Ligon NSF officers visiting with Jim Bottum at SC 3 booth Federal agencies  DoD  DoE & NNSA  NASA  NIH  NSF  U.S. Army

21 Research centers & laboratories  National Laboratories: Los Alamos Oak Ridge Argonne Pacific Northwest etc.  Supercomputing centers Ohio Pittsburgh San Diego etc. Bill Kramer, NERSC, SC05 Conference chair and his wife, with Nathan Bohlmann at SC 3 booth


23 Faculty and Student Experience at SC07 (Video)

24 Organizing SC08 : You’re Invited! Jim Bottum Vice Provost and CIO

25 Who should be interested in SC08?  People already using HPC, SciViz, and Grids  Anyone interested in how Cyberinfrastructure is revolutionizing Humanities biology and medicine energy efficiency earth sciences More!

26 Goals for Clemson SC08 presence  Increase the numbers of Clemson participants across conference tracks  Feature Clemson research in the South Carolina exhibit booth  Connect with the many Clemson alumni who are employed throughout the HPC industry  Feature Clemson grad and undergrad research

27 How You Can Get Involved  Submit a proposal to any of the SC08 tracks/activities/student programs  Join the Clemson SC08 planning committee; work on a collaborative South Carolina exhibit  Limited support for travel costs will be available; an RFP is being developed and will be advertised

28 Undergraduate Research  “CyberInfrastructure for Creative Inquiry” undergraduate competition to showcase Clemson Creative Inquiry research projects give students an opportunity to participate  Comments on this idea?

29 Q & A Dr. Jill Gemmill CCIT Cyberinfrastructure Technology Integration

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