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Reporting Verbs verb + object + infinitive verb + infinitive

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1 Reporting Verbs verb + object + infinitive verb + infinitive
verb + (that) verb + gerund verb + object + preposition + gerund verb + preposition + gerund advise encourage invite remind warn agree decide offer promise refuse threaten admit agree decide deny explain insist promise recommend suggest deny recommend suggest accuse blame congratulate apologize insist Examples: Jack encouraged me to look for a new job. They invited all their friends to attend the presentation Examples: She offered to give him a lift to work. My brother refused to take no for an answer Examples: Tom admitted (that) he had tried to leave early. She agreed (that) we needed to reconsider our plans. Examples: He denied having anything to do with her. Ken suggested studying early in the morning. Examples: They accused the boys of cheating on the exam. She blamed her husband for missing the train. Examples: He apologized for being late. She insisted on doing the washing up.

2 Reporting Verbs verb + object + infinitive verb + infinitive
verb + (that) verb + gerund verb + object + preposition + gerund verb + preposition + gerund The teacher explained the rules to the children. She explained that she was going to stay with her sister. If the service was so bad why didn't you complain to the manager? He complained that his boss was useless and he had too much work She complained of having a bad back recently I'll thank you to leave my private papers alone. . She thanked Lucy that she had taken out insurance. He thanked me for taking him home I must apologize to Isobel for my lateness. we apologize for any inconvenience caused

3 Reporting Verbs verb + object + infinitive verb + infinitive
verb + (that) verb + gerund verb + object + preposition + gerund verb + preposition + gerund He warned me not to eat the fish which might give us a slight stomach upset. Have you warned them (that) there will be an extra person for dinner? He warned David about skipping his class. I didn't offer them any food to eat in this restaurant. My father's offered to take us to the airport. Greg still insists (that) he did nothing wrong. She insisted on seeing her lawyer.

4 Reporting Verbs verb + object + infinitive verb + infinitive
verb + (that) verb + gerund verb + object + preposition + gerund verb + preposition + gerund He promised me not to be late next time. He promised faithfully to call me every week. The government have promised that they'll reduce taxes. Might I suggest a white wine to eat with your salmon, sir? I suggest (that) we wait a while before we make any firm decisions. I suggested putting the matter to the committee. The minister argued that cuts in military spending were needed. You can argue the case either way. The minister argued for making cuts in military spending

5 Reporting Verbs verb + object + infinitive verb + infinitive
verb + (that) verb + gerund verb + object + preposition + gerund verb + preposition + gerund If you see her you must point her out to me.  I'd never noticed that till you pointed it out to me.  I pointed out that long term this would undoubtedly cost us more She admitted (that) she had made a mistake. She admitted making a mistake.

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