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Working to your Strengths (and overcoming weaknesses) An introduction to Personality Types MBTI – Myers Briggs David Craigie 30 th September 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Working to your Strengths (and overcoming weaknesses) An introduction to Personality Types MBTI – Myers Briggs David Craigie 30 th September 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working to your Strengths (and overcoming weaknesses) An introduction to Personality Types MBTI – Myers Briggs David Craigie 30 th September 2014

2 Overview  Understanding Personality  Advantages (and dangers) of Type  Exploring Personality with MBTI  Practical Applications and Tips

3 Mahatma Gandhi “I want freedom for the full expression of my personality.”

4 What is Personality? “the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character” Oxford Dictionary “the complex of characteristics that distinguishes an individual”; “the totality of an individual's behavioral and emotional characteristics” Merriam-Webster

5 Early personality measures The Greek physician Hippocrates (460 – 370 BC) proposed one of the earliest personality type systems, based on bodily fluids:  Sanguines (pleasure seeking, sociable)  Cholerics (ambitious, leader-like)  Melancholics (analytical, quiet)  Phlegmatics (relaxed and peaceful)

6 Pros and Cons of Type Understanding personality as a type has advantages and disadvantages  Pros: helps us gain a much broader understanding of groups and meet the needs of others in practical ways  Cons: can lead to temptations of over- generalising or discrimination

7 The MBTI  One of the most popular measures of Type across the world is the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)  Developed and statistically researched and refined over the last 60 years, based on Type theory by Carl Jung and developed by Isabel Myers and her mother Katharine Briggs.

8 Serious uses of MBTI  Stress Management  Career Decisions  Conflict Management  Decision Making  Team Building  Change Management  Time Management  etc

9 Less serious uses of MBTI  The popularity of MBTI has led to some slightly less statistically valid uses...




13 Exploring the MBTI  4 personality “dimensions”  Each dimension has one of two preferences  This gives one of 16 four letter types  What does it mean to have a personality preference?

14 Preferences  Each day, we will use both preferences on each dimension  Our natural preference will lead us to typically choose one over the other  It is possible, through training and awareness, to consciously operate in our less-preferred mode

15 How we are energised  Extraversion (E) is not about being gregarious or fun-loving, but rather about being energised by and drawn to interaction with the outer world  Introversion (I) is not about being shy or reserved, but rather about being energised by the inner world and reflection

16 How we take in information  Sensing (S) is not about being sensitive or intuitive, but rather is about being focused on information that is real and tangible, often detail focused and practical  Intuition (N) is not about gut feeling, but rather a preference for the bigger picture, patterns and concepts, often future focused

17 How we make decisions  Thinking (T) is a process that values logic, more objective analysis, and can appear “tough minded”. Fairness is more likely to be about equality.  Feeling (F) is a process that values empathic, more subjective and values- based reasoning, and can appear “tender hearted”. Fairness is about treating people as individuals.

18 How we relate to the outer world  Judging (J) is not about being judgemental, but rather seeking to plan, organise and regulate or control life, feeling energised once decisions are made  Perceiving (P) is not about being perceptive, but is a preference for flexibility, spontaneity and experiencing life in a very adaptable and open-ended way

19 The 4 dimensions  Extraversion (E) ------------------  Sensing (S) ------------------  Thinking (T) ------------------  Judging (J)  Introversion (I) ------------------  Intuition (N) ------------------  Feeling (F) ------------------  Perceiving (P)

20 Finding your best fit  Remember that we each use all the preferences at some point each day  However, we have a natural preference (similar to having a dominant hand) for one of each pairing E or I S or N T or F J or P

21 How can I identify my Type?  Read the descriptors and choose which is most naturally or comfortably you  Ask people who know you well  Complete a formal psychometric questionnaire  Compare the findings, read descriptions of your most likely Type and choose your closest match


23 Understanding others  Extraverts can appear fickle or overbearing, and Introverts can appear closed and reserved  Sensing types appreciate practical facts, whereas Intuitives appreciate the bigger picture

24 Understanding others  Thinkers can appear thick skinned and harsh, and Feelers can appear illogical and over-sensitive  Judgers appreciate knowing in advance and having a plan, whereas Perceivers can feel constrained by excessive policy and procedure

25 Well-being and Blind Spots  Knowing how you are energised can help with your time management, work life balance and stress  Try to use all 4 “function” preferences S – N – T – F when making decisions

26 Points to Ponder  What is my most likely Personality Type?  How would these preferences express themselves in my work and personal lives?  What differences might I see in colleagues, friends or family and how can I help support their own preferences?

27 What next?  Retreat to the safety of your office...  Start to explore your personality Type to learn more about yourself and your colleagues  Sign up to our MBTI Personality Masterclass on October 21 st !

28 What's more to know?  How personality develops over time  How our personalities respond to stress  How we can manage interpersonal relationships more effectively  Using personality in our career development

29 Any Questions?   

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