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Framework for Statistical Comparisons on Cultural Expenditure (per Domains and Subdomains)

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Presentation on theme: "Framework for Statistical Comparisons on Cultural Expenditure (per Domains and Subdomains)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Framework for Statistical Comparisons on Cultural Expenditure (per Domains and Subdomains)

2 % Share of cultural expenditure by levels of Government and total expenditure in some European Countries (various years) Austria Finland Germany Italy The NetherlandsPolandPortugalSpainHungary Years2007200520072006 2008 2006 2008 State 33 57 15 39 35 21 34 15 27 Regions 36 - 41 23 8 24 - 30 - Municipalities 31 43 44 38 57 55 66 55 73 Total % 100 Total (milions of EURO ) 2170 881 8.320 6.914 2.981 1.652 795 3.176 538

3 Total Government expenditure per capita in some European countries (Euro, various years)

4 Ratio of Government expenditure for culture on the GDP in some European countries (various years)

5 Expenditure of the Italian Ministry for Culture 2000- 2008 (Million current and constant EUR)

6 Expenditure of the Italian Ministry for Culture 2000- 2008 (Forecasted expenditure and expenditure)

7 Expenditure of the Italian Ministry of Culture by sectorial administrative units (million of Euros)

8 Perentage share of the sectorial administrative units on total expenditure of the Italian Ministry of Culture (2000-2008)

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