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Reflecting on my Learning & Teaching. Who am I?- TEACHER B. A. – English Literature – Albania B. ED.- Secondary ESL – Albania 1994- Fullbright Scholar.

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Presentation on theme: "Reflecting on my Learning & Teaching. Who am I?- TEACHER B. A. – English Literature – Albania B. ED.- Secondary ESL – Albania 1994- Fullbright Scholar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reflecting on my Learning & Teaching


3 Who am I?- TEACHER B. A. – English Literature – Albania B. ED.- Secondary ESL – Albania 1994- Fullbright Scholar World Fellowship M. ED.–Leadership & Diversity–U.S.A. ED. D. – Educational Contexts & Brain- Based Learning, Canada The Highest Degree of ALL? DKG Degree

4 Who are we? -DKG  Διδασκοτικι (dĭ des kō' tee ki') = teacher  Κλειδουχι (klĭ doo' kī) = key  Γυναικεσ (gee nī' kāys) = women  World Fellowship Scholarship  1946-2012 = 555 graduate degrees from over 100 countries

5 “All change begins with the notion of self” Think: what is a good lesson/ teacher; Share:thoughts about teaching; Understand the need to “think about our teaching and reflect “; Expand our understanding of the teaching/learning process; Enlarge our repertoire of options as effective teachers; Enhance learning opportunities for our students. KEEP LEARNING!

6 Let us reflect: What do you see here ?

7 Reflection There is an art of which every (wo)man should be a master-the art of reflection. If you are not a thinking (wo)man, to what purpose are you a (wo)man at all? William Hart Coleridge

8 Reflection on my presentation: 1. What areas of change have I identified? (What is the problem?) Poor pacing in my presentations

9 Action Plan 2. What do I need to know? (what necessary information is needed?) Follow and time presentations

10 Action Plan 3. How will I know I am making improvements? (What change should happen?) I will finish the presentation on time

11 Action Plan 4. When will I know I have improved? (What is the goal?) When I consistently finish my presentation on time.

12 Action Plan 5. What difference did I make? (What changed in the classroom/audience?) Participants got more work done and LEARNED.

13 Confucius on Wisdom By three methods we may learn wisdom:  by reflection- the noblest;  by imitation- the easiest;  by experience- the bitterest.

14 Reflection Think about a lesson I taught. Describe a part of a lesson that went well. Why? Describe a part of a lesson that didn’t go well. Why? What might I do differently to make that part go better?

15 A Great Lesson Students Content Classroom Teachers Other Delivery

16 2008 Cohort 1- 72 ELLs, 28 dropout, Success Rate 61% Cohort 2- 46 ELLs, 8 dropout, Success Rate 83%

17 2009 Cohort 1-100 ELLs, 32 dropout, Success Rate 68% Cohort 2 – 41 ELLs, 6 dropout Success Rate 87%

18 Overall Cohort 1 vs. Cohort 2 Cohort 1- 386 ELLs, 185 dropout Success Rate 47.92% Cohort 2 – 112 ELLs, 27 dropout Success Rate 75.89%

19 Success Rate: Cohort 1 vs. CSSD & Alberta Success Rate: Cohort 2 vs. CSSD & Alberta

20 Diploma completion 2006-2009 Year School Cohort 1 Cohort 2 (SEI) 2006 60.4% 51% 71% 2007 58.9% 47% 67% 2008 55.4% 61% 83% 2009 59.5% 68% 86% Fraser Institute Data 4-Year Average: 58% 47.92% 75.89

21 What is Reflective Teaching? Three attitudes are necessary for us to become reflective teachers:  Open-mindedness.  Responsibility.  Wholeheartedness. (J. Dewey, A Handbook for Reflective Teaching)

22 Reflective teaching cont….. Exploring underlying beliefs; Self-observation, evaluation; Process of observing and collecting information: -- our own behaviors -- those of others. A means to institute meaningful changes and improvements in our teaching. A beneficial form of professional development.

23 Effective/reflective teachers “ If we are to become more effective teachers, we need to become more reflective teachers. To be reflective we need to articulate our theories of learning, critically examine them and replace those parts which, we suspect or, better still, can show do not work. J.Webb, 1996

24 Reflection Opportunities  Enhance student learning  Enhance professional development as an academician  Continuous professional development as a teacher /practitioner

25 Reflective practice "the capacity to reflect on action so as to engage in a process of continuous learning", which is "one of the defining characteristics of professional practice"

26 Importance of Reflection in Teaching Most important pedagogical goals: Develop inquiry and metacognitive expertise; TTeach intentionally; Transform our students, their learning tools and classroom environment into self improving systems;

27 Teaching Process Exploring Teaching-- "Shall I Teach?" Academic Preparation-- "What Shall I Teach?" Understanding Learners-- "How Do Students Learn?" Organizing for Teaching --"How Shall I Teach?" Schooling and Cultural Context--"Why Do We Teach?"

28 the Thinking Educator Decisions: What decisions should I be making? How would I make these decisions? How can I enhance student learning in this process? What is the thought process that students should understand?

29 Levels of Reflections Rapid – Immediate and automatic, often while teaching, constantly and often done privately. Repair – Thoughtful decision to alter behaviour based upon student clues Review – Less formal, done at a particular point in time; teacher writes, thinks, discusses on some element, collegial and interpersonal Research – More systematic review, over a period of time; thinking and observation on a particular issue over time, examples include action research, exploratory practice, teaching journal Re-theorizing and Re-formulating – Long term, informed by public academic theories, more rigorous, examine practice theories and consider in light of academic theories Zeichner and Liston, 1996


31 Tools Lesson notes. Teacher diary Peer observation. Video or audio class recordings. Student feedback. Professional portfolio…ABOVE ALL DISCOVER THAT JEWEL IN YOUR STUDENT AND REFLECT


33 Watch & Reflect qCm_shc

34 References Reflective teaching: Exploring our own classroom practice

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