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Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session
February 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X A Story of Units Bridging the Gap: Coherence and Support for Grade 1 Learning NOTE THAT THIS SESSION IS DESIGNED TO BE 270 MINUTES IN LENGTH, with the first part, Bridging the Gap, approximately 75 minutes and the second part, Grade 1- Module 5, approximately 195 minutes. Welcome! During the first part of this session, we will focus on strategies for bridging the gaps in some students’ learning. During the second part of the session, we will more closely examine Grade 1 – Module 5.
Grade 1– Module 5 Module Focus Session
February 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minute MATERIALS NEEDED: X Session Objectives Examination of the progression from Kindergarten, Module 4 into Grade 1 standards. Consideration of how to utilize curriculum materials to bridge learning gaps for students. Our objectives for this session are to: Examination of the progression from Kindergarten, Module 4 into Grade 1 standards. Consideration of how to utilize curriculum materials to bridge learning gaps for students.
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session
February 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 0 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Agenda Examination of Coherence Links Addressing Students’ Gaps in Learning We will begin by examining how Grade K, Module 4 learning provides a foundation for the Grade 1 focal standards of Grade 1, Modules 1 and 2.
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session
February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 15 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: Grade 1 Focal Standards for Modules 1, 2, and 4 Coherence Links Read the Grade 1 Focal Standards for Modules 1 and 2, with Grade K’s Module 4 in mind. How does GK-M4 create a foundation for Grade 1 learning? What specific strategies/skills does GK-M4 introduce that are critical for G1 learning? Read through the Focal Standards of early Grade 1 Modules. Consider the questions on the slide. Possible responses: Composing and decomposing Partners of 10 Partners for sums below 10 Number bond work Focused work on using number sentences, both addition and subtraction Students
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session
February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 0 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Agenda Examination of Coherence Link Addressing Students’ Gaps in Learning We will begin by examining how Grade K, Module 4 learning provides a foundation for the Grade 1 focal standards of Grade 1, Modules 1 and 2.
Sample of a Student with Gaps in Learning
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 2 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Sample of a Student with Gaps in Learning Breccan’s math learning profile: Counts all when counting When using number bonds, he always adds the two numbers provided to complete third section, no matter which circle is empty Based on the standards, he may need support with foundational skills. Share the student profile listed on the slide.
Sample of a Student with Gaps in Learning
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minute MATERIALS NEEDED: X Sample of a Student with Gaps in Learning In determining the best way to address gaps, I must consider: What level of conceptual understanding does the student have: limited, concrete, pictorial, abstract? Does he have difficulty with the entire concept or is there just an element of the concept that is tripping him up? Does he understand conceptually but not apply or transfer the understanding? Read the questions from the slide. In the case of this student, the teacher felt that he has limited understanding of counting on. His mental images and ability to subitize numbers is weak, and so he does not rely on counting on because he is not confident that the the counting of the initial part is accurate. In using the number bonds, he has limited conceptual understanding of their notation.
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session
February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 3 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: Materials from Grade K Session (e.g. GK-M4 overview) Grade 1 Focal Standards from M1 and M2 Sample of a Student with Gaps in Learning How might I bridge across Breccan’s gaps? Consider: Foundational Standards Instructional work from those foundations Grade 1 standards and objectives As a large group, share thoughts and suggestions for supporting Breccan and helping bridge the gap in learning as much as possible. Consider the work from the Foundational Module (Grade K- Module 4) as well as your knowledge and experience with the Grade 1 Standards and the Grade 1 Modules.
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session
February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 4 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: 100-Bead Rekenrek Number Bond Dash Linking cubes Grade K number bond mat Sample of a Student with Gaps in Learning How might I bridge across Breccan’s gaps? During Extra Help (or another resource time), utilize a part of an activity from Grade K, Module 4 objective that targets gap. Pair the concrete or pictorial representation with the Grade 1 work to support transfer. Share the bullets listed on the slide. These are some of the methods that supported the student in bridging the gaps in his math understanding.
Sample of a Student with Gaps in Learning
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 2 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Sample of a Student with Gaps in Learning Maria’s math learning profile: Properly completes concrete tasks for Level 3 strategies If reminded to make a math drawing, can accurately represent and solve task for Level 3 strategy Uses counting all using her fingers when working independently. Based on the standards, she may need support with foundational skills. Share the student profile listed on the slide.
Sample of a Student with Gaps in Learning
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minute MATERIALS NEEDED: X Sample of a Student with Gaps in Learning In determining the best way to address gaps, I must consider: What level of conceptual understanding does the student have: limited, concrete, pictorial, abstract? Does she have difficulty with the entire concept or is there just an element of the concept that is tripping her up? Does she understand conceptually but not apply or transfer the understanding? Read the questions from the slide. In the case of this student, the child is able to apply the concept at the concrete and pictorial levels. Her ability to apply or transfer her understanding is held back by her weak fluency with the underlying components: possibly partners of 10, 10 + n facts, or decompositions of the second addend. The student may also not be connecting the concrete and pictorial experiences with the activities that use the abstract level.
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session
February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 3 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Sample of a Student with Gaps in Learning How might I bridge across Maria’s gaps? Consider: Foundational Standards Instructional work from those foundations Grade 1 standards and objectives As a large group, share thoughts and suggestions for supporting Maria and helping bridge the gap in learning as much as possible. Consider the work from the Foundational Module (Grade K- Module 4, Grade, K- Module 5, and Grade 1- Module 1) as well as your knowledge and experience with the Grade 1 Standards and the Grade 1 Modules.
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session
February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 4 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: 100-Bead Rekenrek Student cardboard 20-bead Rekenrek Making Ten Sprint ( Sample of a Student with Gaps in Learning How might I bridge across Maria’s gaps? Connecting concrete or representational activities with abstract activities Use fluency work that strengthens the fluency of individual components within the concept. Repeating a particular fluency experience for several days in a row Share the bullets listed on the slide. These are some of the methods that supported the student in bridging the gaps in his math understanding.
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session
February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 35 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Exploring Ways to Bridge the Gaps What kinds of gaps in student learning are you seeing or hearing about with Grade 1 students? Using the learning profiles shared, the chart of objectives from the Foundational Modules (such as GK-M4) and your experiences with the Grade 1 Modules, create 2 specific possibilities for bridging the students’ gap in mathematical understanding. Provide 5 minutes for participants to share math learning profiles of their students. At tables, brainstorm potential support strategies for 20 minutes. Share as a large group for 15 minutes.
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session
February 2014 Network Team Institute
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session
February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X A Story of Units Grade 1 – Module 5 NOTE THAT THIS SESSION IS DESIGNED TO BE 270 MINUTES IN LENGTH. Welcome! In this module focus session, we will examine Grade1 – Module 5.
Grade 1– Module 5 Module Focus Session
February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minute MATERIALS NEEDED: X Session Objectives Examination of the development of mathematical understanding across the module using a focus on Concept Development within the lessons. Introduction to mathematical models and instructional strategies to support implementation of A Story of Units. Our objectives for this session are to: Examination of the development of mathematical understanding across the module using a focus on Concept Development within the lessons. Introduction to mathematical models and instructional strategies to support implementation of A Story of Units.
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session
February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 0 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Agenda Introduction to the Module Concept Development Module Review We will begin by exploring the module overview to understand the purpose of this module. Then we will dig in to the math of the module. We’ll lead you through the teaching sequence, one concept at a time. Along the way, we’ll also examine the other lesson components and how they function in collaboration with the concept development. Finally, we’ll take a look back at the module, reflecting on all the parts as one cohesive whole. Let’s get started with the module overview.
Curriculum Overview of A Story of Units
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 0 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Curriculum Overview of A Story of Units The fifth module in Grade 1 is Identifying, Comparing, and Partitioning Shapes. The module includes 13 lessons and is allotted 15 instructional days. This module builds on understandings established in Kindergarten during Modules 2 and 6, and prepares students for their Second Grade learning, which takes place in Grade 2, Module 8.
Module 5 Focal Standards
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 2 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Module 5 Focal Standards Reason with shapes and their attributes. 1.G.1 Distinguish between defining attributes (e.g., triangles are closed and three-sided) versus non-defining attributes (e.g., color, orientation, overall size); build and draw shapes to possess Take a minute to read the Focus Standards for this module, as listed on the slide in front of you.
Module 5 Focal Standards
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 2 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Module 5 Focal Standards Reason with shapes and their attributes. 1.G.2 Compose two-dimensional shapes (rectangles, squares, trapezoids, triangles, half-circles, and quarter-circles) or three-dimensional shapes (cubes, right rectangular prisms, right circular cones, and right circular cylinders) to create a composite shape, and compose new shapes from the composite shape. (Students do not need to learn formal names such as “right rectangular prism.”) Take a minute to read the Focus Standards for this module, as listed on the slide in front of you.
Module 5 Focal Standards
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 2 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Module 5 Focal Standards Reason with shapes and their attributes. 1.G.3 Partition circles and rectangles into two and four equal shares, describe the shares using the words halves, fourths, and quarters, and use the phrases half of, fourth of, and quarter of. Describe the whole as two of, or four of the shares. Understand for these examples that decomposing into more equal shares creates smaller shares. Take a minute to read the Focus Standards for this module, as listed on the slide in front of you.
Module 5 Focal Standards
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Module 5 Focal Standards Tell and write time. 1.MD.3 Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks. Take a minute to read the Focus Standards for this module, as listed on the slide in front of you.
The Progressions Document, K-6 Geometry
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 15 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: Progressions Document, Geometry The Progressions Document, K-6 Geometry Read pages 1-5 and pages 8-9. What are some of the overarching goals of exploring and understanding geometry in the primary grades? What stands out to you about the examples used in the Progressions? Read pages 1-5 and 8-9 in the Progressions, K-6 Geometry. As you read the introduction, how would you describe the overarching goals of exploring and understanding geometry in the primary grades? In reading parts that are specific to Grade 1, both in the introduction and in pages 8 and 9, what stands out to you about the examples? (5 minutes to read) Turn and talk with elbow partner about the questions (5 minutes) Engage participants in a discussion of their reading, using the questions listed on the slide. (5 minutes) Progressions Document: K-6 Geometry
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session
February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 3 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: Materials for module: coffee straws, ruler, pattern blocks, 3D shapes, paper copy of tangram puzzle, paper clock parts, digital clock template Module Topics Topic A: Attributes of Shapes Topic B: Part-Whole Relationships within Composite Shapes Topic C: Halves and Quarters of Rectangles and Circles Topic D: Application of Halves to Tell Time To achieve these goals, students explore 4 topics: attributes of shapes, part-whole relationships within composite shapes, halves and quarters of rectangles and circles, and application of halves to tell time. As discussed after reading the Progressions Document, there are many interesting and exciting ways to explore geometry with first graders. This creates the additional challenge to remember the need to Focus, as one of the major shifts accompanying the common core standards. While many various activities CAN be used to achieve the standards, activities should be chosen so that the focus for learning is clear and so that instructional time is held to an appropriate proportion considering these are additional clusters, rather than major clusters in the standards. We want to get the most “bang for our buck” with each day’s lesson, knowing that we have a finite amount of time to spend. That being said, we have tried to likewise limit the materials used throughout the module with the hope of creating as much connection throughout the module for students and teachers while exploring the various aspects of each standard. In front of you, there is a “toolkit” of materials for the module, including: coffee straws, cut at various lengths, Ruler (for straight edge) pattern blocks, three-dimensional shapes, a paper copy of a tangram puzzle, paper parts and a brad fastener for making a clock, a digital clock template for your personal board. We have given all of the materials to you at once, so that you can get a sense of the materials used in the module and consider your preparation needs. When working with students, materials would be added to the toolkit as needed or introduced.
Topic A: Attributes of Shapes
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 2 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: Coffee straws Topic A: Attributes of Shapes Take out your coffee straws. We will be using these to begin our exploration of the attributes of shapes. As shown on the slide, the toolkit of straws is made using 4 straws, 2 that remain full length, 1 straw cut in half, and another straw first cut in half, and then one half cut again to make 2 shorter straws that are ¼ the length of the full straws. Present the task listed on the slide. Give participants about 1 minute to create/explore shapes that they can make using the straws. If useful, remind participants that they can try to manipulate the straws in ways they believe their students might use them, so that they can anticipate student challenges and questions, which may be used as an entry to the objective. Take two minutes to explore the pieces and see what you can make. Keep the straws flat on your table. Lesson 1, Concept Development
Topic A: Attributes of Shapes
Grade 1– Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Topic A: Attributes of Shapes Some of you created designs that are open, like this (point to design labeled Open Shapes), and some of you created designs that are closed, like this (point to design labeled Closed Shapes). If you have participated in the K/1 sessions before, or you are familiar with the kindergarten Module 2 or 6, what have children learned about the difference between an open shape and a closed shape? What might we “remind” students now? (Answer: A closed shape is one that has no opening to get out if you were inside the lines. There’s an inside and an outside for a closed shape. Both ends of every straw touch another straw.) Use the document camera to show various shapes that were created by participants, noting open shapes and closed shapes. Inform the participants that we’ll be focusing only on closed shapes for the rest of our time together. If any participant has an open shape in front of them, please adjust the straws to create a closed shape. Open Shapes Closed Shapes Lesson 1, Concept Development
Topic A: Attributes of Shapes
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 4 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: Blank paper Coffee straws used in previous slides Ruler to be used as a straight edge Topic A: Attributes of Shapes Now that everyone has closed shapes, let’s explore what we have without using any of the names we might know for the given shapes. Instead, let’s just describe each shape by describing what we see. An aside to participants: The names of these shapes are intentionally omitted during this lesson to encourage students to use precise language as they describe each shape. In this way, students attend to, and clarify, a shape’s defining attribute. For some students, for example, a 3-sided figure that has a point at the bottom is called “an upside down triangle,” although it is simply a “triangle” since the orientation of the shape does not matter. By focusing first on attributes and then on naming the shapes, students can overcome such misconceptions and develop more precise language to describe each shape. Show a 3-sided closed shape under the document camera. Let’s look at this shape. How could you describe what you see? (Responses: It has three straight sides. The straws come together at three points. It has three corners. The sides are different lengths. Or, the sides are the same length, depending on the shape displayed.) On Chart Paper, begin creating Chart 1, writing 3 Corners and 3 Sides. Ask participants to make the exact shape with their straws on top of the blank paper provided. Under a document camera, demonstrate how we can record this shape by using a pencil to make a dot at the corners where each set of straws meet. After moving the straws away, use the ruler as a straight edge and connect the dots to form a record of the shape. Ask participants to make their own recording of the shape. Invite participants to share other ways for making a shape with 3 corners and 3 sides. Record each shape on the chart paper. Participants may choose to practice recording the shapes on their blank paper as described above. Repeat the process with shapes that have 4 sides and 4 corners and create a new chart, Chart 2 for these shapes. After creating several shapes, ask participants to combine straws to see if they can make any other shapes that have 4-sides and 4-corners. (This enables squares and rhombuses to be added to the chart.) Introduce the “square corner tester,” an L-shaped template, and ask participants which shapes have corners that make squares in the corner when you use the tester. Then create Chart 3, and add any shape participants/students made that do not fit Chart 1 or Chart 2. Ask a participant to add a shape that has no straight sides to this chart. (Participants add oval and circle.) Lesson 1, Concept Development
Topic A: Attributes of Shapes
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 3 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Topic A: Attributes of Shapes What stands out as important experiences for your students from this lesson? What challenges do you foresee that can be addressed through planning or preparation? Lead participants in debriefing this lesson mathematically and logistically, so that teachers feel confident in addressing the objective during implementation. Lesson 1, Concept Development
Mathematical Practices
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 3 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: Chart with mathematical practices in M5 overview Mathematical Practices Now, combine your straws with your partner. Can you come up with other shapes with four corners and four straight sides that we did not record on our list? Which mathematical practice are students using when they engage in this activity? When considering elements that are critical to the objective and the rigor of the lesson, we may want to review the mathematical practice that is embedded in the lesson. Is this something I regularly integrate into my lessons? Do my students need more exposure or practice at this mathematical practice? Give participants 1-2 minutes to work on making new shapes with 4 sides and 4 corners, that we have not already recorded on your list. As participants work to make shapes with their shared materials, they are using Mathematical Practice 1. Participants/Students: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Although some students thrive on the visual–spatial perspective of geometric concepts, it can be quite challenging for others. Throughout the module, students will be encouraged to continue working towards success when trying to arrange shapes to create specific composite shapes and when recomposing the pieces into different shapes. This practice can be difficult for teachers, as we do not like to see our students struggle. If students are struggling to make different shapes during this lesson and continue to make shapes that are already given on the chart encourage students to: Look at the chart Ask them which straws could you use differently? Encourage them to keep trying, you know they can do it? Lesson 1, Concept Development
Topic A: Attributes of Shapes
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 6 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: Blank paper Coffee straws used in previous slides Ruler to be used as a straight edge Topic A: Attributes of Shapes Teacher Quiz: What are the defining attributes of each shape below? triangle rectangle rhombus square Sometimes we adults take for granted the specific defining attributes of given shapes. We, too, have gotten used to the typical examples shown for various shapes. Being careful of defining attributes during the primary grades will be important for student readiness in the intermediate and upper grades. Give participants 1-2 minutes to write down defining attributes for each of the shapes listed. Then discuss the attributes, using the information listed below: Triangle: Triangles can be described based on their three sides or their three corners or angles. Rectangle: Rectangles are quadrilaterals with four right angles. The length of each side is not a defining attribute. For this reason, a square is a type of rectangle. While some rectangles have two short sides and two longer sides, that is not a requirement or defining attribute of a rectangle. Rhombus: A rhombus is a quadrilateral with four sides of the same length. The definition does not depend on the measure of its angles. For this reason, a square is also a special type of rhombus that has right angles. Square: A square is a special shape that is both a rectangle and a rhombus, since it is a quadrilateral with four right angles and four sides of the same length. (Note: These descriptions are consistent with the mathematical descriptions that will be used from K through 12 in this curriculum.) Lesson 2, Concept Development
Topic A: Attributes of Shapes
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 5 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: Charts created for previous slide Sample Charts page for participants Description Cards from Lesson 2 Topic A: Attributes of Shapes On your own or with a partner. use only the description side of each card and place it by the appropriate shape on the sample charts. As participants complete this activity, elicit a discussion about the description cards and any differences between these descriptions and descriptions they may have used previously. Have participants discuss the following questions: How would these previously used descriptions affect labeling the charts? How could they lead to misconceptions in future grades? Lesson 2, Concept Development
Topic A: Attributes of Shapes
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 3 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: Three-dimensional shapes Topic A: Attributes of Shapes THREE-DIMENSIONAL SHAPES What do you know about three-dimensional shapes? What are some new vocabulary students will encounter in this lesson? In this lesson students are going to explore 3-dimensional shapes using a variety of examples found in their classrooms and homes. Give participants 1-2 minutes to explore the materials on their tables and discussion these questions. Make a chart of the new vocabulary that will be new to students in this lesson. (faces, vertices, cone, cylinder, sphere, rectangular prism, cube) Lesson 3, Concept Development
Topic A: Attributes of Shapes
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 4 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: 3-dimensional shapes chart paper Topic A: Attributes of Shapes What are the defining attributes of each shape below: Cube Cylinder Cone Sphere Rectangular prism Give participants 1-2 minutes to write down defining attributes for each shape. Discuss the attributes based on the definitions for each shape listed below. As each 3-dimensional shape is defined have the participants find an example of that shape on their table and check that their shape matches the attributes by answering the questions below the definitions. After they have checked the shapes to be sure they meet the criteria for that 3-dimensional shape, have the participants place their example on the corresponding chart paper. A cube has six faces and every face is a square. Does your shape have six faces? Are all six faces squares? A Cylinder has one circular or oval face or space on each end and one curved side. Does your shape have one circular or oval face or space? Does your shape have on curved side? A cone has one circular or oval face or space and one curved side that comes to a point at the other end . Does your shape have one curved side that comes to a point at the other end? A sphere has one curved surface with no flat faces. Does your shape have one curved surface? Does your shape have no flat faces? A rectangular prism has six faces and all of the faces are rectangles. Remember that a square is a special rectangle so some of the sides can be squares. Are all the faces rectangles? Lesson 3, Concept Development
Topic A: Attributes of Shapes
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 4 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: Charts created for previous slide Chart of mathematical practices in M5 overview Topic A: Attributes of Shapes “Discuss the similarities and differences between each of the 3-dimensional shapes found on the chart papers.” Which mathematical practice are students using when they engage in this activity? Throughout the lessons in these modules mathematical practices are highlighted in portions of the concept development. These practices are important components when considering honoring the objective and the rigor of the lesson. Give the participants 1-2 minutes to discuss the similarities and differences between the objects on each chart. Either have charts in a central location for all participants to view or place each chart under a document camera. Also, have a copy or chart of the mathematical practices available for the participants. Lead participants in a discussion about which mathematical practice is used during this activity. In this lesson Mathematical Practice 8 is highlighted because when discussing the similarities and differences between the objects the participants/students are: Looking for and making use of structure. Participants/Students identify attributes in order to classify shapes such as triangles and cylinders. Participant/Students recognize that attributes such as the number of sides, surfaces, etc., are defining attributes whereas color, size, and orientation are not. Although this is the practice that is highlighted, encourage discussions about other practices that may be apparent in the lesson. Lesson 3 Concept Development
Topic B: Part-Whole Relationships within Composite Shapes
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 5 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: Pattern blocks including 6 squares per person Topic B: Part-Whole Relationships within Composite Shapes For the next few lessons, we will be using pattern blocks to learn more about shapes. Give participants 1-2 minutes to explore the kinds of shapes you can make using these materials. As participants explore, walk around and take note of examples that can be used during the lesson.. What shapes do the pattern blocks come in? (Hexagons,Squares,Triangles,Trapezoids, Two different types of rhombuses.) Are there any rectangles? ( a square is a special type of rectangle, so yes we have a rectangle, a square is a special type of rhombus too, so we have three different rhombuses. Lots of you made larger shapes or composite shapes with your pattern blocks. Have the participants make a variety of composite shapes with the pattern blocks. For example a larger rectangle, and a hexagon. Elicit a discussion about the different ways the composite shapes were made. Now have participants work with only the squares to make a rectangle. Elicit a discussion about how many squares are found inside of this composite shape. (8 squares, 6 small squares and 2 larger squares made from 4 of the smaller squares) Lesson 4, Concept Development
Topic B: Part-Whole Relationships within Composite Shapes
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 3 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: Tangram template Problem Set Lesson 5 page 2 Topic B: Part-Whole Relationships within Composite Shapes In this lesson we will be cutting out our shapes from this one large shape. What is this shape? (Hold up tangram backwards, so participants do not see all of the lines within the square. Cut out the large square from your piece of paper. Look how I folded my paper down the diagonal line that goes through the middle of the square. (Fold paper.) What do you see on one side? (a triangle) Have participants cut out the triangle. What shapes do you have now. (two triangles) Have participants cut out the two triangles within the larger triangle and put aside.( two small triangles and one bigger triangle, a square, a parallelogram) a parallelogram is a new term that students will be introduced to, students will most likely say this shape looks like a rhombus. Have participants discuss how a parallelogram is the same/different from a rhombus. Have participants cut the triangle from the top of the larger triangle and set aside. What shape do you see now? (a trapezoid) This is also a new term for students. Have the participants cut off the parallelogram. What shape do you see now? (a smaller trapezoid) Have participants cut apart the rest of the tangram pieces. I see two small triangles and one bigger triangle. I see a square. I see another shape. It kind of looks like a rhombus, but the sides don’t look like they are the same length. Lesson 5, Concept Development
Topic B: Part-Whole Relationships within Composite Shapes
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 5 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: Tangram pieces Chart with mathematical practices from M5 Overview Topic B: Part-Whole Relationships within Composite Shapes “Now use your tangram pieces to make the larger square.” Which mathematical practice are students using when they engage in this activity? Throughout the lessons in these modules mathematical practices are highlighted in portions of the concept development. These practices are important components when considering honoring the objective and the rigor of the lesson. Give the participants 1-2 minutes to complete this activity. In this lesson Mathematical Practice 1 is highlighted because when using the smaller tangram pieces together to make the larger square students/participants: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Although some students thrive on the visual–spatial perspective of geometric concepts, it can be quite challenging for others. Throughout the module, students will be encouraged to continue working towards success when trying to arrange shapes to create specific composite shapes and when recomposing the pieces into different shapes. Lesson 5, Concept Development
Topic B: Part-Whole Relationships within Composite Shapes
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 2 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: 3 dimensional shapes File Folder Topic B: Part-Whole Relationships within Composite Shapes In this lesson students will be making composite shapes using three-dimensional shapes. Have participants create a composite shape using the 3-dimensional pieces, following the directions below. As you give directions build the composite shape behind a file folder. A rectangular prism with the longest face touching the table. A cylinder on top of the prism all the way to the right, with the circular face touching the prism. A cylinder on top of the prism all the way to the left, with the circular face touching the prism. A rectangular prism on top of these cylinders, so that it touches both cylinders. A cone right in the center of this rectangular prism, with the circular face touching the prism. Let me repeat my description. As I do, look at your structure and decide if you have everything where you want it . Reveal the composite shape so that the participants can check their work. Lesson 6, Concept Development
Topic C: Halves and Quarters
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 4 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: Tangram pieces Pattern blocks Topic C: Halves and Quarters In Lesson 7 we will use our tangram pieces and pattern blocks to explore equal parts within composite shapes . Give participants 1-2 minutes to explore with the tangram pieces and pattern blocks to make a square and a hexagon using equal parts and parts that are not equal. Have participants share the shapes they made and answer if their shape is made with equal parts or unequal parts and how many parts were used. A square (equal parts: two triangles, unequal parts: the seven tangram pieces) A hexagon ( equal parts: 6 small triangle pattern blocks or two trapezoids, unequal parts: 3 small triangle and a trapezoid) Lesson 7, Concept Development
Topic C: Halves and Quarters
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 3 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: Lesson 8 Pizza Template Topic C: Halves and Quarters In this lesson, students will work with their sense of fairness to explore halves and quarters using the scenario of sharing a round and Sicilian pizza (rectangular pizza) with a family member. First, participants share the different ways both pizzas could be cut to have two equal pieces. The terms half and halves are introduced. Participants are now presented with the scenario of sharing a pizza between 4 people. Have participants share different ways in which round and rectangular (Sicilian) pizzas can be cut into fourths. The terms fourth, fourths, quarter and quarters are introduced. Lesson 8, Concept Development
Topic C: Halves and Quarters
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 5 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: Lesson 8 Pizza Template 2 pieces of paper of different colors Scissors Topic C: Halves and Quarters Which is larger one half or one quarter? Is this true for every shape? What are some misconceptions students could encounter during this lesson? In lesson 9 students will compare halves and quarters of the same whole. Divide participants into Partners A and B. Have the Partner A group, divide the pizza template in their personal white boards into halves, and color one of the halves. Partner B will divide their pizza template in their personal white board into quarters, and color one of the quarters. Have participants compare the size of a half and a quarter and discuss: Which partner had bigger pieces? Partner A Which partner had more pieces? Partner B Now we will try this with a rectangle to see which is larger a half or a quarter. Demonstrate dividing a rectangle using a piece of paper. First fold in half to be sure you have equal parts. Cut into halves, labeling each half. Then cut another piece of paper (preferably a different color) into fourths by folding in half twice to be sure there are equal parts. Cut into quarters and label each quarter. Have participants compare the size of the halves and quarters and discuss: Which is larger the half or the quarter? Which color paper did I cut into more pieces? Is this true for every shape? Lead participants in a discussion about the misconceptions that may occur during this lesson. Potential responses: Students may become confused because quarters have more parts, although halves are larger. Fractional parts being compared must be from the same whole. Lesson 9, Concept Development
Topic D: Application of Halves to Tell Time
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 15 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: Pre participant: Clock template Scissors Ruler for straight edge Orange and yellow crayon Brad fastener Digital clock template Brown colored pencil Topic D: Application of Halves to Tell Time Topic D applies students’ understanding of equal partitions and halves of circles to support telling time on an analog clock. During this Topic, students are given a circle , from which an analog clock is made. From your materials, please take out the circle shown on the slide. What do you notice about the dotted lines on the circle? Responses: The lines start in the middle and go out to the edge. There are 12 of them. No, there are 6 and they all go through the dot in the middle. They all look equal. The spaces between the lines are about the same size. (Put the circle under the document camera.) Let’s look at the spaces between the lines. Are the parts equal, or are all of the parts different sizes? Response: The parts are all equal. Let’s count the parts. With students, we would use our finger to trace the edge as we count. We’ll stretch out the counting numbers as we trace the piece. When we get to the next piece, we stop and get ready to say the next number. Let me show you. Trace the edge of the circle under the document camera as the participants do the same at their seats, while in unison counting the pieces: Ooooonnnnnne! Twooooooo! Etc.) How many equal parts do we have? (Response: 12 parts.) We’re going to color in each of the parts, but first we’ll use our brown pencil to trace the edge. Just as we get to the end of the part, or section, we’ll put in the number. Watch me. Start at the edge of the circle, at one dotted line, and trace the edge with the brown colored pencil until reaching the next line. Then write 1 just before the line, as shown in the image to the right. While drawing the line, stretch out saying the word one, “Oooooonnnne!” Then ask participants to do the same. Continue with the rest of the clock. Does this look like something we’ve seen before? (A clock.) Let’s color in the 12 parts so we can see them more easily. Alternate between yellow and orange, so each part stands out. We’ll start with yellow. (Demonstrate by coloring in the first part (between 12 and 1) using a yellow crayon. What else does a clock have that we will need to add to make these look like clocks? (Response: Minute hand. Hour hand. Second hand.) We will only be using the minute and hour hands in first grade. Take out the two hands from your toolkit and the brad fastener, put the minute hand behind the hour hand and fasten them to your clock. Lesson 10, Concept Development
Topic D: Application of Halves to Tell Time
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 3 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: Pre participant: Clock template Scissors Ruler for straight edge Orange and yellow crayon Brad fastener Digital clock template Brown colored pencil Topic D: Application of Halves to Tell Time When students make the clock, I would show them my clock under the document camera with both hands on 12. I would tell them that at midnight, or 12 o’clock, we begin a new day. As each minute goes by, both hands of the clock move. When the minute hand gets back to the top and the hour hand reaches the next number it means we just completed a full hour. (Position the clock hands so that it is set at 1:00.) We can look at the hour hand to tell us which hour we have completed in the new day. This clock’s hour hand is now at? (Response: 1, or “1 o’clock”) Yes, when we get through a full hour and no “extra minutes” have passed, we say “o’clock” at the end. At this point, we show students the digital clock. Put personal board with digital clock template under the document camera. Write 1:00 on the clock. We see the hour first (point to the 1). No extra minutes have passed (point to the zeros). Reposition the hands to show 3:00. What time is this? (Response: 3 o’clock.) Write 3:00 on the digital clock template. Point to each part of the time, 3 (pointing to 3) o’clock (pointing to the two zeros.) Ask participants to show 11 o’clock on their paper clocks. We would ask students, what hand did they move? The hour hand or the minute hand? We might also point out the size of this hand, noting that it is the smaller of the two hands. With my students, I would ask them to repeat this step of creating and saying times with their partner while I walked around to assess where everyone is at with their understanding. Lesson 10, Concept Development
Topic D: Application of Halves to Tell Time
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 3 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Topic D: Application of Halves to Tell Time Turn and Talk: What specific learning do you see helping students to tell time to the hour? What challenges do you students typically have in telling time to the hour? What might help students work through these challenges? Take two minutes to turn and talk with others at your table, discussing the questions listed on the slides. Below are some possible responses that may come up in discussion. Possible responses:
Topic D: Application of Halves to Tell Time
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 2 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: Pre participant: Clock template Scissors Ruler for straight edge Orange and yellow crayon Brad fastener Digital clock template Brown colored pencil Topic D: Application of Halves to Tell Time Telling time to the hour is much easier for students than telling time to the half hour. I reinforce telling time to the hour in my classroom by having an incentive for students to notice when we start a new hour and have an “o’clock” time. This gives the opportunity to notice and read the clock to the hour a few times a day and creates a type of fluency work for telling time. Moving to telling time to the half hour brings a few more complexities. What challenges do you typically see students having when learning to tell time to the nearest half hour? Possible responses: Understanding why the minute hand being on 6 means “thirty” Figuring out which hour to say because the hour hand is between two numbers Lesson 11, Concept Development
Topic D: Application of Halves to Tell Time
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Topic D: Application of Halves to Tell Time Continuing Practice Lesson 12 Sequence A- time to the hour. Sequence B- discriminating between time to the hour and the half hour. Sequence C- positioning the hour hand when telling time to the half hour. Sequence D- beyond the standard to apply their ability of telling time to the hour and half hour to story problems. Lesson 13 After the initial lesson on telling time to the half hour, there are two more lessons in the module. The first lesson is set out as a practice day with various sequences to choose from depending on your students’ needs. There are suggestions for working with time to the hour, time to both the hour and half hour, and extensions of application problems for telling time. The final lesson introduces students to various clock and watch faces to apply their understanding. Again, this final lesson is meant to be another application of telling time to the hour and half hour. If students need more experiences with telling time to the hour and half hour on standard clocks, teachers are encouraged to do so. Lesson 13, Concept Development
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session
February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 3 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Module Topics Topic A: Attributes of Shapes Topic B: Part-Whole Relationships within Composite Shapes Topic C: Halves and Quarters of Rectangles and Circles Topic D: Application of Halves to Tell Time Based on our work together so far, how do you see the learning flowing or building as we work from topic to topic? How does each part of the learning connect to another part of the learning? Responses may include: -The students become more and more specific with their language. (First defining one shape by its parts, then defining larger shapes by its larger parts, and then defining shapes based on fractional terms such as halves and quarters. Students then use those halves to help them understand telling time.) -Students are composing and decomposing shapes throughout, and using the smaller parts of shapes to describe the whole. Then as they work with halves and quarters, they use its relation to the larger whole to describe the smaller parts. How does the learning flow or build? How is each bit of learning connected to another bit of learning?
Fluency & Application Problems
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 30 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: Fluency and Applications document Fluency & Application Problems Fluency Work & Application Problems related to Module 5 Fluency Work & Application Problems that reviews previous modules Fluency Work that anticipates Module 6 Now we are going to take a look at the fluencies included in Module 5. As you review the fluency activities, try to determine the category (relate to M5, review previous modules or anticipate Module 6) pertaining to each fluency activity. Allow participants to practice fluency activities at their tables and share.
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session
February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 15 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: Fluency & Applications document Fluency Activities Grade 1 Core Fluency Sprints choose for class Grade 1 Core Fluency Differentiated Practice Sets choose for individual students Embedded opportunities for teacher choice to meet the needs of his/her class or individual students. Module 5 introduces Fluency Sprints and continues the use of Differentiated Practice Sets. When Sprints are suggested, choose a Core Fluency Sprint that meets your students’ needs. All five Core Fluency Sprints are provided at the end of this lesson and described below for easy reference. Prepare class sets or save the masters for later use as they will not be included in future lessons. With each Sprint, notice how many problems the class averages. Discuss and celebrate improvement as students progress toward Grade 1’s required fluency. Core Fluency Sprint List: Core Addition Sprint (Targets core addition and missing addends.) Core Addition Sprint 2 (Targets the most challenging addition within 10.) Core Subtraction Sprint (Targets core subtraction.) Core Fluency Sprint: Totals of 5, 6, and 7 (Develops understanding of the relationship between addition and subtraction.) Core Fluency Sprint: Totals of 8, 9, and 10 (Develops understanding of the relationship between addition and subtraction.) When Differentiated Practice Sets are suggested, students will all working on different levels of Practice Sets. Five options are provided in this lesson for the Core Fluency Practice Set, with Sheet A being the simplest addition fluency of the grade and Sheet E being the most complex. Start all students on Sheet A. Keep a record of student progress so that you can move students to more complex sheets as they are ready. Students complete as many problems as they can in 90 seconds. We recommend 100% accuracy and completion before moving to the next level. Collect any Practice Sheets that have been completed within the 90 seconds and check the answers. The next time Core Fluency Practice Sets are used, students who have successfully completed their set today can be provided with the next level. For early finishers, you might assign a counting pattern and start number. Celebrate improvement as well as advancement. Students should be encouraged to compete with themselves rather than their peers. Interview students on practice strategies. Notify caring adults of each child’s progress. Allow 2-3 minutes for participants to look over the two types of fluency activities. What do you see as the advantages of the sprints and the differentiated practice sets?
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session
February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 0 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Agenda Introduction to the Module Concept Development Module Review
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session
February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 3 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: Module 5 Overview Module Overview Read the Module Overview. Look more closely at the assessment. Turn and Talk: What questions were answered for you? What ideas have been sparked? What new questions have surfaced? Take two minutes to turn and talk with others at your table. During this session, what information was particularly helpful and/or insightful? What new questions do you have? Allow 2 minutes for participants to turn and talk. Bring the group to order and advance to the next slide.
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session
February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 3 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Biggest Takeaway Turn and Talk: What is your biggest takeaway? Take two minutes to turn and talk with others at your table. During this session, what information was particularly helpful and/or insightful? What new questions do you have? Allow 2 minutes for participants to turn and talk. Bring the group to order and advance to the next slide.
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session
February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 2 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Key Points The Concept Development for Module 5 focuses on the standards that are considered additional clusters. Fluency and many of the Application Problems for Module 5 focus on the standards that are major clusters. Shapes can be described by their defining attributes. Large nameable shapes can be composed of smaller nameable shapes. When shapes are made of two equal parts, those parts are called halves. When shapes are made of four equal parts, those parts are called fourths or quarters. Students are expected to tell time to the hour and half hour on digital and analog clocks. Let’s review some key points of this session.
Grade 1 – Module 5 Module Focus Session
February, 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 55 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Working Session What types of modifications have you or your colleagues been making to meet students needs? (e.g. fluency, assessments, application problems) How have you or your colleagues been overcoming constraints such as time, resources, or pacing? At your tables, discuss each of the questions listed on the slide. You will have approximately 20 minutes to share challenges, solutions, and other ideas. We will then ask each table to share their table conversations with the group. Based on the topics that arise from participants during the session, additional questions may be added to best accommodate the work-session needs of the group. (20 minutes for table sharing, 35 minutes for whole group sharing)
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