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Test Ethics and Security
January 30, 2015
Session Goals Overview of Kansas Assessment Program (KAP)
Review test security and ethical practices related to the KAP. Develop an understanding of what is new and what has changed with KAP.
Housekeeping In order to receive credit for training (and be eligible to participate in administering the assessments), you must sign the agreement and return it to your principal. I will check with principals because the district must also have a list approved to help with testing
Changes for 2015 High school test for math and ELA moves to 10th grade
Multidisciplinary Performance Task (MDPT) Performance Task in math Performance Task in history/government will be MDPT, even if prompts are science
Testing Window Plan early – more days to schedule cPass
Math, ELA, Science, MDPT, History/Government March 9 to May 8 District deadline is 1 week before the hard close date of May 15 DLM November 10 to December 20 January 5 to March 16 March 16 to May 15 KELPA-P February 3 to May 1 cPass October 1 to May 15 Plan early – more days to schedule
“Need Not Test” Date Math, ELA, Science, History/Government, MDPT DLM
Students entering on or after March 7 need not test DLM Students entering on or after December 31 need not test KELPA-P All students must test, regardless of entry date
Newcomers Exceptions Math, Science
No exemption; arrival after March 9, 2014 (last school year) counts for participation only ELA, History/Government Arrival after March 9, 2014 (last school year) need not take ELA or H/G; must take KELPA-P DLM Follows rules for content areas KELPA-P All ELL students must take
Purpose Test security is essential to obtain reliable and valid scores for accountability purposes. Accordingly, KSDE must take every step to assure the security and confidentiality of the state test materials. It is the responsibility of individuals who develop the tests, who administer the tests, and those who use the results to follow test security laws, regulations, and procedures.
Theme Do not do or say anything that will give any student or students an advantage in testing.
District Test Coordinator Responsibilities
Oversee test security for the entire district. Establish and implement test security and ethics procedures for the district. Train building-level personnel annually before testing begins. Establish procedures to document which individuals have received the training. Keep documentation and entry procedures on accommodations. Documentation must also be kept at the building level. Establish procedures to determine who has access to the Educator Portal (KITE). Establish local reactivation procedures. Report any breach of test security to KSDE.
Educator Portal Roles Different user roles are available. The district test coordinator determines role assignments. Per state policy, teachers may not print tickets or reactivate student tests. When logging into the Portal you are agreeing to “follow rules and protocols for test security and ethics.”
Accommodations Accommodations are entered in the Personal Needs Profile They apply to all tests the student takes They must be documents with a formal plan and be a regular part of instruction
Materials Except where explicitly allowed in the Test Administration Manual, electronic materials used during the assessment may not be printed or created. Therefore, each building has established procedures for obtaining materials necessary for test administration, distributing them to teachers, and establishing procedures for returning and shredding test materials (i.e. tickets, braille, large print, etc.) upon completion of the test.
No one may store or save any test items on computers or any other storage device. Test items may not be shared via or other file sharing systems. They may not be reproduced by any means.
Reactivation Reactivation of students is allowed in the district in the following circumstances: Reactivation may be done by the building principal or test coordinator There must be a witness Per KSDE, teachers may not reactivate at any time Record the reactivation in the building log. Principals will receive the reactivation log in early March. Logs will be periodically ed to the district test coordinator
Reactivation, Cont. Once a student has completed all test parts, only the district test coordinator can reactivate Students will not be reactivated when all test parts are complete unless there are unanswered questions Teachers should require that students show them the End Review Screen to avoid this problem Students will not be reactivated in order to try to improve a score
Reactivation After Viewing Scores
Not an issue this year because we will not get scores until fall Once scores are viewed, KSDE permission is required in order to reactivate. District test coordinator would initiate this conversation If you feel there are circumstances that do not allow the collection of valid assessment data, notify your principal, who will contact me.
Breach of Test Security
Report any breach of test security, loss of materials, failure to account for materials, or any other deviation to district test coordinator Together, we will report the breach to KSDE Lee Jones, Assessment Coordinator, KSDE,
Building Test Coordinators
Building test coordinator may not be a classroom teacher Responsible for test security within the building Follow procedures established by the district for all aspects of testing Distribution and collection of all testing materials Store test materials (i.e. tickets, large print, braille) in a secure, locked area before and between each test session and after testing Distribute test materials immediately before each test session and collect materials immediately following each test session Follow guidelines to destroy materials after the test Report any breach of security or other deviation
Test Proctors Before testing begins, attend training and sign an agreement to abide by KSDE test security, ethics of testing, and regulations Follow procedures outlined by district/building test coordinators Follow test procedures outlined in examiner’s manual and from training District expectation is two proctors in the room Remove or cover bulletin board displays and other instructional material which may give assistance or advantage during testing Follow district/building procedures for collecting and destroying tickets, students notes, scratch paper, etc. upon completion of each test part
Test Proctors Actively monitor the testing environment by moving around the room Teacher/proctor may not say or do anything that would let a student know whether an answer is correct Teacher/proctor may not ask students how they got an answer Teacher/proctor may not tell students to redo a specific item or to review any specific part of the test Verify the End Review Screen upon completion of the test. Teacher/proctor may not go back and review questions with students May not store or save test items or materials Report any breach of test security or any other deviation
Appropriate Testing Practices Fact Sheet
Seating Verify that students are arranged so they are not sitting next to someone with the same test form and/or adequate spacing between test takers* *Note: Until we complete the tests, arrangements to avoid students sitting next to each other with the same form are not possible for all sections of the test. Therefore, it is important to be up and moving around the room to monitor students
iPad Security We will pilot iPad testing this year
Do not purchase the $0.99 app – it is not the right one Coordinate with sysop and technology department if you are in this situation
State Monitor Visits State will monitor (visit) 5-10% of buildings
Combination of volunteers and random selections We always volunteer 80% of visits are unannounced
Text-to-Speech Again this year, no human readers. Read aloud must be done using the audio feature of the KITE system and headphones Students must be registered for this feature in the PNP based on formal plans and use of read-alouds in regular classroom instruction For students with this accommodation, you may not read anything to students except the directions
Calculator Policy – Revised October 1
Students taking the mathematics assessment will be required to use the online TI-84 calculator provided by KITE Handheld calculators will not be permitted except as an accommodation documented on an IEP or 504. In high school, a few items will require the use of functions on the graphing calculator to solve. The majority of items, however, for which a calculator is allowed, are items that could be done on scratch paper
Calculator TI-84 is for grades 8 & 10 only
Grades 6 & 7 will have access to a TI-30X IIS Grades 3-5 – no calculator allowed Calculators must be cleared before and after each testing session
Formula Sheets Printed formula sheets are no longer allowed
Formulas and/or conversion factors will be available in items that are not directly assessing the knowledge of the formula or conversion factor
Manipulatives Manipulatives routinely used in the classroom may be used by students on state assessments The manipulative must be chosen by the student. Teacher many neither suggest a manipulative nor insist it be used Students are allowed graph paper, blank paper Textbooks, dictionaries, other curricular materials are not allowed Graphic organizers generated solely by student on blank paper during the assessment are allowed
Aids During the MDPT Commercially-made, teacher-made, or teacher-generated graphic organizers permitted under the following conditions: Individual students are selecting the use these graphic organizers of their own volition (i.e. educators cannot require their use or coerce students to use them) The graphic organizers are a tool used frequently during instruction No content specific to the prompt is including in the graphic organizer Students are permitted to use writing reference materials (dictionary, thesaurus, etc.) if they are typically made available during writing instruction, are selected by the student, and contain no content specific to the prompt Note: Students currently not allowed to hand write answers and then key in.
Reporting Item Issues If there are problems with testing items, report to district test coordinator, who will contact KSDE It remains a secure item – do not information or take a picture Collect the following State ID number of student (not name – FERPA violation) Content area and grade level of the test Form number or type (appears on student ticket) Test part and sequence number of the item (for reading tests there might also be a passage number) Procedure is outlined on the Fact Sheet
Ethical Tests The Golden Rule Test: Would I want people to do this to me? The Truth Test: Does this action represent the whole truth and nothing but the truth? The What-If-Everybody-Did-This Test: Would I want everyone to do this? Would I want to live in that kind of world? The Parents Test: How would may parents feel if they found out I did this? What advice would they give me if I asked them if I should do it? The Conscience Test: Does this go against my conscience? Will I feel guilty afterwards? The Consequences Test: Might this action have bad consequences, such as damage to relationships or loss of self-respect, now or in the future? Might I come to regret doing this? The Front Page Test: How would I feel if my actions were reported on the front page of the newspaper?
Test Security Resources
More test security resources are posted on KSDE’s website Darren Dennis
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