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A Cohort Lab-Based Professional Learning Model Denise Goldin-Dubois: Math STEM instructional coach Sherri Dennstedt: Science STEM instructional coach.

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Presentation on theme: "A Cohort Lab-Based Professional Learning Model Denise Goldin-Dubois: Math STEM instructional coach Sherri Dennstedt: Science STEM instructional coach."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Cohort Lab-Based Professional Learning Model Denise Goldin-Dubois: Math STEM instructional coach Sherri Dennstedt: Science STEM instructional coach

2 Grounding and Introductions Frame the day: Review agenda. Think about what are you hoping to take away today? What are some questions you want to make sure we address today? Record thoughts on the agenda. Put questions on post it notes. Sharing: Name, what you do, why are you here, agenda reflections

3 History: District Commitment How did we get started? 2012: STEM math and science coaches became a district priority (new state and national standards)

4 History : What we had to get smarter about *Identify what STEM is *Identify what our coaching should look like: ●Instructional/ Curriculum Specialist - Consulting and Collaborating ●Classroom Supporter - Coaching ●Capacity Builder/Learning Facilitator/ Change Agent (Killan and Harrison, 2006)

5 Why Coaching Matters What does the research say? (Knight, 2007, p. 1) Coaching influences teacher practice, and some studies have found that coaching also affects student achievement and school culture. (Killion, Harrison, Bryan, & Clifton, 2012) pg. 8

6 Why Lab Days? *Observational Protocols help teachers envision instructional strategies and pedagogy *Collaboration time and reflection on practice and beliefs (Bennett, 2007) http://www. (Sweeney, 2013)

7 Cohort Structure Link to cohort slide Funding

8 Components of our work * Lab days Coaching Cycles Professional Learning workshop days

9 Professional Learning Days Math sample agenda Model lessons Reading Planning Tool Lesson and Unit planning Science sample agenda Model lesson Reading Planning Tool LessonLesson and Unit planning

10 Lab Days * *Observational protocol with pre-brief and debrief (schoology) *Personal reflection *New learning in content *Collaborative planning (templates for lesson and unit planning for STEM/thinking) Sample agenda Schoology resources Example of lab day - 9th grade EPS class

11 Coaching Cycle Plan, Observe, Debrief with teachers up to 3 times per year. Team planning and review of student work (observation template)observation template Judging/observing STEM project symposiums nal+Development

12 Collaborative Community *Schoology math, science and leadership mathscienceleadership *Middle school science PLC - district wide *PLC teams at schools in cohort content/uploads/2013/01/team- collaboration.jpg

13 Measurements of success *Change in practice leads to changes in beliefs *Student work *Anecdotal observational data about why it matters *Teacher reflection *Increase in numbers *Increase in efficacy *Teacher leadership group *Teacher evaluations marketing/why-smes-need-meaningful-analytics-to-measure-marketing-070520

14 Reflections, Questions, Citations ●What are you still wondering? ●Answering Sticky Note lingerings and wonderings. ●Reflecting - how might I use this? References: Killion, J., Harrison, C., Bryan, C., & Clifton, H. (2012). Coaching Matters. Oxford, OH: Learning Forward. Knight, J. (2007). Instructional Coaching. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Sweeney, D. (2013). Student-Centered Coaching at the Secondary Level. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin. Killion, J., & Harrison, C. (2006). Taking the Lead: New roles for teachers and school-based coaches. Oxford, OH: NSDC. Bennett, S. (2007). That Workshop Book: New Systems and Structures for Classrooms That Read, Write, and Think. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

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