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Going the Second Mile Matt. 5:38-41. 38 "You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' 39 "But I tell you not to resist.

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Presentation on theme: "Going the Second Mile Matt. 5:38-41. 38 "You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' 39 "But I tell you not to resist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Going the Second Mile Matt. 5:38-41

2 38 "You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' 39 "But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. 40 "If anyone wants to sue you and take away your tunic, let him have your cloak also. 41 "And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two." Matt. 5:38-41

3 Jesus' Most Famous Sermon

4 Beatitudes

5 Jesus' Most Famous Sermon Beatitudes Light/Salt

6 Jesus' Most Famous Sermon Beatitudes Light/Salt Destroy law/fulfill law

7 Jesus' Most Famous Sermon Beatitudes Light/Salt Destroy law/fulfill law You have heard... I say to you

8 Jesus' Most Famous Sermon Beatitudes Light/Salt Destroy law/fulfill law You have heard... I say to you You have lived... I say to you


10 Eye for eye Resist evil Retaliate the "smiter"

11 You have lived... I say to you Eye for eye Resist evil Retaliate the "smiter" Sue to take tunic

12 You have lived... I say to you Eye for eye Resist evil Retaliate the "smiter" Sue to take tunic Compels to go mile

13 You have lived... I say to you Eye for eye Resist evil Retaliate the "smiter" Sue to take tunic Compels to go mile Refuse to share

14 You have lived... I say to you Eye for eye Resist evil Retaliate the "smiter" Sue to take tunic Compels to go mile Refuse to share Love some/hate others

15 You have lived... I say to you Eye for eye Resist evil Retaliate the "smiter" Sue to take tunic Compels to go mile Refuse to share Love some/hate others Curse cursers

16 You have lived... I say to you Eye for eye Resist evil Retaliate the "smiter" Sue to take tunic Compels to go mile Refuse to share Love some/hate others Curse cursers Hate haters

17 You have lived... I say to you Eye for eye Resist evil Retaliate the "smiter" Sue to take tunic Compels to go mile Refuse to share Love some/hate others Curse cursers Hate haters Persecute persecutors

18 You have lived... I say to you Eye for eye Resist evil Retaliate the "smiter" Sue to take tunic Compels to go mile Refuse to share Love some/hate others Curse cursers Hate haters Persecute persecutors Love lovers

19 You have lived... I say to you Eye for eye Resist evil Retaliate the "smiter" Sue to take tunic Compels to go mile Refuse to share Love some/hate others Curse cursers Hate haters Persecute persecutors Love lovers Greet friends

20 You have lived... I say to you Eye for eye... but I say

21 You have lived... I say to you Eye for eye Resist evil Retaliate the "smiter"... but I say Resist not evil Turn other cheek

22 You have lived... I say to you Eye for eye Resist evil Retaliate the "smiter" Sue to take tunic... but I say Resist not evil Turn other cheek Give cloak to him

23 You have lived... I say to you Eye for eye Resist evil Retaliate the "smiter" Sue to take tunic Compels to go mile... but I say Resist not evil Turn other cheek Give cloak to him GO SECOND MILE

24 You have lived... I say to you Eye for eye Resist evil Retaliate the "smiter" Sue to take tunic Compels to go mile Refuse to share... but I say Resist not evil Turn other cheek Give cloak to him GO SECOND MILE Give to him (Gk. tense)

25 You have lived... I say to you Eye for eye Resist evil Retaliate the "smiter" Sue to take tunic Compels to go mile Refuse to share Love some/hate others... but I say Resist not evil Turn other cheek Give cloak to him GO SECOND MILE Give to him (Gk. tense) Love even enemies

26 You have lived... I say to you Eye for eye Resist evil Retaliate the "smiter" Sue to take tunic Compels to go mile Refuse to share Love some/hate others Curse cursers... but I say Resist not evil Turn other cheek Give cloak to him GO SECOND MILE Give to him (Gk. tense) Love even enemies Bless the cursers

27 You have lived... I say to you Eye for eye Resist evil Retaliate the "smiter" Sue to take tunic Compels to go mile Refuse to share Love some/hate others Curse cursers Hate haters... but I say Resist not evil Turn other cheek Give cloak to him GO SECOND MILE Give to him (Gk. tense) Love even enemies Bless the cursers Do good to haters

28 You have lived... I say to you Eye for eye Resist evil Retaliate the "smiter" Sue to take tunic Compels to go mile Refuse to share Love some/hate others Curse cursers Hate haters Persecute persecutors... but I say Resist not evil Turn other cheek Give cloak to him GO SECOND MILE Give to him (Gk. tense) Love even enemies Bless the cursers Do good to haters Pray for persecutors

29 You have lived... I say to you Eye for eye Resist evil Retaliate the "smiter" Sue to take tunic Compels to go mile Refuse to share Love some/hate others Curse cursers Hate haters Persecute persecutors Love lovers... but I say Resist not evil Turn other cheek Give cloak to him GO SECOND MILE Give to him (Gk. tense) Love even enemies Bless the cursers Do good to haters Pray for persecutors Love enemies

30 You have lived... I say to you Eye for eye Resist evil Retaliate the "smiter" Sue to take tunic Compels to go mile Refuse to share Love some/hate others Curse cursers Hate haters Persecute persecutors Love lovers Greet friends... but I say Resist not evil Turn other cheek Give cloak to him GO SECOND MILE Give to him (Gk. tense) Love even enemies Bless the cursers Do good to haters Pray for persecutors Love enemies Greet all alike

31 The First Mile -- The Second Mile the curser s Do good

32 The First Mile -- The Second Mile Crowded Lonely, but Jesus there the curser s Do good

33 The First Mile -- The Second Mile Crowded Pride Lonely, but Jesus there Humility the curser s Do good

34 The First Mile -- The Second Mile Crowded Pride Self centered Lonely, but Jesus there Humility Puts others first the curser s Do good

35 The First Mile -- The Second Mile Crowded Pride Self centered Partiality Lonely, but Jesus there Humility Puts others first Serves the least the curser s Do good

36 The First Mile -- The Second Mile Crowded Pride Self centered Partiality Governed by law Lonely, but Jesus there Humility Puts others first Serves the least Ruled by love the curser s Do good

37 The First Mile -- The Second Mile Crowded Pride Self centered Partiality Governed by law Returns in kind Lonely, but Jesus there Humility Puts others first Serves the least Ruled by love Returns more/better the curser s Do good

38 The First Mile -- The Second Mile Crowded Pride Self centered Partiality Governed by law Returns in kind Based on feelings Lonely, but Jesus there Humility Puts others first Serves the least Ruled by love Returns more/better Based on actions the curser s Do good

39 The First Mile -- The Second Mile Crowded Pride Self centered Partiality Governed by law Returns in kind Based on feelings Fleshly Lonely, but Jesus there Humility Puts others first Serves the least Ruled by love Returns more/better Based on actions Spiritual the curser s Do good

40 Fill in the Blanks: Preacher First Mile -- The Second Mile ________________ the curser s Do good ________________

41 Fill in the Blanks: Elder First Mile -- The Second Mile ________________ the curser s Do good ________________

42 Fill in the Blanks: Deacon First Mile -- The Second Mile ________________ the curser s Do good ________________

43 Fill in the Blanks: Teacher First Mile -- The Second Mile ________________ the curser s Do good ________________

44 Fill in the Blanks: Usher First Mile -- The Second Mile ________________ the curser s Do good ________________

45 Fill in the Blanks: Server First Mile -- The Second Mile ________________ the curser s Do good ________________

46 Fill in the Blanks: Nursery First Mile -- The Second Mile ________________ the curser s Do good ________________

47 Fill in the Blanks: Food for sick First Mile -- The Second Mile ________________ the curser s Do good ________________

48 Fill in the Blanks: Involvement First Mile -- The Second Mile ________________ the curser s Do good ________________

49 Fill in the Blanks: Visitation First Mile -- The Second Mile ________________ the curser s Do good ________________

50 Fill in the Blanks: Worshiper First Mile -- The Second Mile ________________ the curser s Do good ________________

51 Fill in the Blanks: Husband First Mile -- The Second Mile ________________ the curser s Do good ________________

52 Fill in the Blanks: Wife First Mile -- The Second Mile ________________ the curser s Do good ________________

53 Fill in the Blanks: Parent First Mile -- The Second Mile ________________ the curser s Do good ________________

54 Fill in the Blanks: Son/daughter First Mile -- The Second Mile ________________ the curser s Do good ________________

55 Fill in the Blanks: Employer First Mile -- The Second Mile ________________ the curser s Do good ________________

56 Fill in the Blanks: Employee First Mile -- The Second Mile ________________ the curser s Do good ________________

57 Fill in the Blanks: Neighbor First Mile -- The Second Mile ________________ the curser s Do good ________________

58 Fill in the Blanks: Purchaser First Mile -- The Second Mile ________________ the curser s Do good ________________

59 Fill in the Blanks: Others, etc. First Mile -- The Second Mile ________________ the curser s Do good ________________

60 The Walk with Jesus

61 Believe John 3:16

62 The Walk with Jesus Believe John 3:16 RepentActs 17:30

63 The Walk with Jesus Believe John 3:16 RepentActs 17:30 Confess FaithRom. 10:9

64 The Walk with Jesus Believe John 3:16 RepentActs 17:30 Confess FaithRom. 10:9 Be BaptizedActs 22:16

65 The Walk with Jesus Believe John 3:16 RepentActs 17:30 Confess FaithRom. 10:9 Be BaptizedActs 22:16 Added to His church, His body, His kingdom

66 The Walk with Jesus Believe John 3:16 RepentActs 17:30 Confess FaithRom. 10:9 Be BaptizedActs 22:16 Added to His church, His body, His kingdom Be FaithfulRev. 2:10

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