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Point Indication Class 6. The Small Intestine primary channel connects with the following zangfu: Heart, Stomach and Small Intestine.

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Presentation on theme: "Point Indication Class 6. The Small Intestine primary channel connects with the following zangfu: Heart, Stomach and Small Intestine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Point Indication Class 6

2 The Small Intestine primary channel connects with the following zangfu: Heart, Stomach and Small Intestine.

3 The Small Intestine luo- connecting channel separates from the Small Intestine channel at SI-7 and connects with the Heart channel, connects with the shoulder at L.I.-15

4 The Small Intestine divergent channel separates from the primary channel at the shoulder, enters the axilla, crosses the Heart and descends to the abdomen where it connects with the Small Intestine

5 The actions and indications of the points of the Small Intestine channel can be summarized as: clearing heat from the pathways of the channel and reducing fever (points SI-1 to SI-4). assisting in transforming phlegm and clearing heat from the Heart zang, especially in the treatment of mania disorder (SI-3, SI-5, SI-7 and SI-8).

6 cooling heat and fire and alleviating pain along the course of the channel in the arm, axilla, shoulder, scapula, neck (including mumps) and throat, jaw, mouth, teeth, tongue, nose, cheek, eyes and ears. Points of the Small Intestine channel are particularly indicated for swelling (mainly of the neck, throat and cheek). treating disorders of the breast (SI-1, SI- 2 and SI-11) and lateral costal region (SI-1, SI-4, SI-5 and SI-11).

7 Note that even though the principal function of the Small Intestine fu is to receive, transform and separate fluids, the only indications relating to this function are dark and hesitant urination (SI-2 and SI-3). Even more notably, no points of the Small Intestine channel are indicated for disorders of the digestive system.

8 SHAOZE SI-1*** Jing-Well and Metal point ACTIONS: Clears heat and benefits the sensory orifices, revives consciousness, promotes lactation and benefits the breasts INDICATIONS: Insufficient lactation, headache, febrile diseases, loss of consciousness, sore throat, redness of the eye, superficial visual obstruction.

9 QIANGU SI-2** Ying-Spring and Water point ACTIONS: Clears wind-heat and reduces swelling, benefits the eyes, ears and throat, activates the channel and alleviates pain INDICATIONS: Mumps, sore swollen throat, eye pain, dysuria with dark urine, insufficient lactation, pain in hand, arm or neck.

10 HOUXI SI-3***** Shu-Stream and Wood point Confluent point of the Governing vessel

11 ACTIONS Benefits the occiput, neck and back Activates the channel and alleviates pain Clears wind and heat and treats malaria Calms the spirit and treats epilepsy Clears heat and benefits the sensory orifices Regulates the Governing vessel

12 INDICATIONS: Pain and rigidity of neck, tinnitus, deafness, sore throat, mania, malaria, acute lumbar sprain, night sweating, febrile diseases, contracture and numbness of the fingers, pain in the shoulder and elbow, epilepsy, mania- depression, disorders of the Governing vessel.

13 WANGU SI-4** Yuan-Source point ACTIONS: Activates the channel and alleviates pain, clears heat and reduces swelling, clears damp-heat and treats jaundice INDICATIONS: Jaundice (empirical), contraction, stiffness and pain along the entire length of the channel, febrile diseases with no sweat.

14 YANGGU SI-5** Jing-River and Fire point ACTIONS: Clears heat and reduces swelling, calms the spirit INDICATIONS: Swelling of the neck and submandibular region, jaw disorders, toothache in both the upper and lower jaw, pain of the hand and wrist, febrile diseases, tinnitus and deafness, mania.

15 YANGLAO SI-6*** Xi-Cleft point ACTIONS: Activates the channel and alleviates pain, benefits the shoulder and arm, moderates acute conditions, benefits the eyes INDICATIONS: Blurring of vision, eye pain, acute pain in the shoulder, elbow and arm.

16 ZHIZHENG SI-7** Luo-Connecting point ACTIONS: Clears heat and releases the exterior, calms the spirit, activates the channel and alleviates pain, benefits the finger joints INDICATIONS: Neck rigidity, headache, dizziness, spasmodic pain in the elbow and fingers, febrile diseases, mania.

17 XIAOHAI SI-8** He-Sea and Earth point ACTIONS: Clears heat and dissipates swelling, calms the spirit, activates the channel and alleviates pain INDICATIONS: Headache, swelling of the cheek, pain of the neck shoulder, arm and elbow, epilepsy.

18 JIANZHEN SI-9** ACTIONS: Expels wind and benefits the shoulder, activates the channel and alleviates pain INDICATIONS: Pain in the scapular region, motor impairment of the hand and arm.

19 NAOSHU SI-10** Meeting point of the Small Intestine and Bladder channels with the Yang Linking and Yang Motility vessels ACTIONS: Benefits the shoulder, activates the channel and alleviates pain INDICATIONS: Swelling of the shoulder, aching and weakness of the shoulder and arm.

20 TIANZONG SI-11** ACTIONS: Activates the channel and alleviates pain, moves qi and unbinds the chest and lateral costal region, benefits the breasts INDICATIONS: Pain in the scapular region, pain in the latero-posterior aspect of the elbow and arm, breast abscess, insufficient lactation.

21 BINGFENG SI-12* ACTIONS: Expels wind and benefits the shoulder and scapula INDICATIONS: Pain in the scapular region, numbness and aching of the upper extremities, motor impairment of the shoulder and arm.

22 QUYUAN SI-13** ACTIONS: Benefits the shoulder and scapula INDICATIONS: Pain and stiffness of the scapular region.

23 JIANWAISHU SI-14* ACTIONS: Activates the channel and alleviates pain, expels wind and cold and benefits the shoulder and scapula INDICATIONS: Aching of the shoulder and back, pain and rigidity of the neck.

24 JIANZHONGSHU SI- 15* ACTIONS: Descends Lung qi, activates the channel and alleviates pain INDICATIONS: Cough, asthma, pain in the shoulder and back, hemoptysis.

25 TIANCHUANG SI- 16** ACTIONS: Benefits the ears, throat and voice, regulates qi and calms the spirit, activates the channel, alleviates pain and clears heat INDICATIONS: Sore throat, sudden loss of voice, deafness, tinnitus, stiffness and pain of the neck.

26 TIANRONG SI-17* Point of the Window of Heaven ACTIONS: Benefits the neck and throat and disperses swelling, descends rebellious qi, benefits the ears INDICATIONS: Deafness, tinnitus, sore throat, swelling of the cheek, foreign body sensation in the throat, goiter.

27 QUANLIAO SI-18* ACTIONS: Eliminates wind and alleviates pain, clears heat and reduces swelling INDICATIONS: Facial paralysis, twitching of eyelids, pain in the face, toothache, swelling of the cheek, yellowish sclera.

28 TINGGONG SI-19** ACTIONS: Benefits the ears, calms the spirit INDICATIONS: Deafness, tinnitus, purulent discharge from the ear, TMJ syndrome, toothache.

29 Review for Quiz 2

30 HEGU L.I.-4***** Yuan-Source point, Command point of the face, Four Gates point ACTIONS: Regulates the defensive qi and adjusts sweating, expels wind and releases the exterior, regulates the face, eyes, nose, mouth and ears, activates the channel and alleviates pain, induces labor, restores the yang

31 INDICATIONS: Exterior wind-cold (or wind-heat) pattern, copious sweating, absence of sweating. Face / senses: Eye pain, nosebleed, nasal congestion, toothache in the lower jaw, mouth ulcers, swelling of the face, facial paralysis, deafness, tinnitus, sore throat, headache. Amenorrhea, delayed labor, hypertension, Bi and Wei, hemiplegia.

32 QUCHl L.I.-11***** He-Sea and Earth point Sun Si-miao Ghost point ACTIONS: Clears heat, cools the blood, eliminates wind, drains damp and alleviates itching, regulates qi and blood, activates the channel and alleviates pain

33 Any Excess Heat pattern Fever, thirst, sore throat, toothache, redness and pain of the eyes, agitation, mania, hypertension, dizziness. Various skin disorders (esp d/t Heat), itching of the skin. Intestinal complaints. Bi & Wei patterns.

34 JIANYU L.I.-15**** Meeting point of the L.I. channel with the Yang Motility vessel ACTIONS: Dispels wind-damp, alleviates pain, benefits the shoulder joint, eliminates wind, regulates qi and blood, dissipates phlegm nodules INDICATIONS: Pain in shoulder & arms, motor impairment of upper limbs, Wind- Heat skin rashes, goiter, hypertension.

35 Jing-River and Fire point ACTIONS: Clears heat and alleviates pain, clears yangming fire, calms the spirit, benefits the wrist joint INDICATIONS: Headache, rhinitis, nosebleed, redness pain and swelling of the eye, toothache, sore throat, fright, mania-depression, pain of the wrist. YANGXI L.I.-5***

36 PIANLI L.I.-6*** Luo-Connecting point ACTIONS: Expels wind and clears heat, opens and regulates the water passages INDICATIONS: Redness of the eye, edema (esp facial edema), difficult urination, tinnitus, deafness, nosebleed, pain of hand and arm, sore throat, manic depression.

37 SHOUSANLI L.I.- 10*** “Arm ST-36” ACTIONS: Regulates qi and blood, activates the channel and alleviates pain, harmonizes the intestines and Stomach INDICATIONS: Pain / immobility of the arm and shoulder, windstroke, hemiplegia, deviation of the mouth, abdominal pain, diarrhea, toothache, swelling of the cheek.

38 YlNGXIANG L.I.-20*** ACTIONS: Opens the nasal passages, expels wind and clears heat INDICATIONS: Nasal congestion and discharge, nasal obstruction, nosebleed, deviation of the mouth, swelling and itching of the face, round worms in the bile duct. Main local point for nose problems

39 ZUSANLI ST-36***** He-Sea and Earth point, Command point of the abdomen, Sea of Water and Grain Point ACTIONS: Harmonizes the Stomach, fortifies the Spleen and resolves dampness, supports the correct qi and fosters original qi, tonifies qi and nourishes blood and yin, clears fire and calms the spirit, activates the channel and alleviates pain, revives the yang and restores consciousness

40 Stomach patterns Spleen patterns Qi & Blood Deficiency ST channel: Breast, leg, hemiplegia, bi pain. Mania, depression, fright Hypertension

41 FENGLONG ST- 40***** Luo-Connecting point ACTIONS: Transforms phlegm and dampness (Lung, Heart, etc), stops cough, calms the spirit, activates the channel and alleviates pain INDICATIONS: Phlegm patterns: any Phlegm pattern. Most important point for Phlegm ST channel problems: numbness, atrophy or pain of the lower limbs

42 Lower He-Sea point, Sea of Blood Point ACTIONS: Regulates the intestines and transforms stagnation, clears damp heat, alleviates diarrhea and dysentery, regulates the Spleen and Stomach, activates the channel and alleviates pain INDICATIONS: Intestinal disorders, Qi deficiency, Leg problems SHANGJUXU ST- 37****

43 NEITlNG ST-44**** Ying-Spring and Water point ACTIONS: Clears heat from the Stomach channel, alleviates pain, harmonizes the intestines, clears damp- heat, calms the spirit INDICATIONS: ST Fire: (channel) Toothache, pain or paralysis of face, sore throat, nosebleed, foot swelling and pain, hot-type skin problems. (Fu) Epigastric pain, acid reflux, etc

44 TIANSHU ST-25**** Front-Mu point of the Large Intestine ACTIONS: Regulates intestines, Spleen and Stomach, resolves dampness/damp- heat, regulates qi & blood and eliminates stagnation INDICATIONS: LI/SP/ST disorders Qi & Blood stagnation, esp lower jiao Damp.

45 LIANGMEN ST-21*** ACTIONS: Regulates qi and alleviates pain, harmonizes the middle jiao and transforms stagnation, raises the qi and stops diarrhea INDICATIONS: Epigastric pain, vomiting, poor appetite, ab distention, diarrhea. Mainly for acute excess stomach problems (such as LR -> ST). JA: Stomach (L) / duodenal (R) ulcer reflex

46 SHUIDAO ST-28*** ACTIONS: Regulates the lower jiao and dispels stagnation, benefits the Bladder and the uterus INDICATIONS: Damp stagnation & Blood stasis: Lower abdominal distension, retention of urine, edema, hernia, prostatitis, dysmenorrhea, uterine masses.

47 GUILAI ST-29*** ACTIONS: Warms the lower jiao, regulates menstruation and benefits the genital region INDICATIONS: Retention of Cold in the uterus: Ab pain, ab masses hernia, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, leukorrhea, prolapse of the uterus, infertility. Also for GYN disorders d/t Kidney yang def

48 LIANGQIU ST-34*** Xi-Cleft point of the Stomach channel ACTIONS: Activates the channel, harmonizes the Stomach, alleviates pain, moderates acute conditions INDICATIONS: Epigastric pain, acid reflux, mastitis, swelling and pain of the knee, motor impairment of the lower limbs.

49 ACTIONS: Expels wind-damp and alleviates pain, benefits the shoulder INDICATIONS: Frozen shoulder, pain or weakness of the lower limb. Empirical for frozen shoulder TIAOKOU ST-38***

50 XIAJUXU ST-39*** Lower He-Sea point of the Small Intestine Point of the Sea of Blood ACTIONS: Moves Small Intestine qi, regulates the intestines, clears damp- heat, activates the channel and alleviates pain INDICATIONS: Low ab pain, backache referring to the testes, mastitis, diarrhea, dysentery, numbness and paralysis of the lower limbs.

51 XIANGU ST-43*** Shu-Stream and Wood point ACTIONS: Regulates the Spleen, dispels edema, regulates and harmonizes the Stomach and intestines INDICATIONS: Edema (body & face), ab pain, borborygmus, swelling and pain of the dorsum of the foot.

52 SANYINJIAO SP- 6***** Meeting point of the Spleen, Liver and Kidney channels ACTIONS: Tonifies the Spleen and Stomach, Resolves dampness, harmonizes the Liver and tonifies the Kidneys, Regulates menstruation and induces labour, harmonizes the lower jiao, Regulates urination and benefits the genitals, Calms the spirit, Invigorates blood, Activates the channel and alleviates pain

53 INDICATIONS: Spleen and Stomach deficiency OB / GYN Andrology Urinary Palpitations, insomnia, dizziness, blurred vision, tinnitus, hypertension. Damp: Skin diseases, joint pain, swelling, etc

54 YINLlNGQUAN SP- 9***** He-Sea and Water point ACTIONS: Regulates the Spleen and resolves dampness, opens and moves the water passages, benefits the lower jiao INDICATIONS: Dampness: edema, swelling of the lower limbs, retention of urine, difficult urination, enuresis, qi painful urinary dysfunction, abdominal distention, diarrhea.

55 DIJI SP-8**** Xi-Cleft point of the Spleen channel ACTIONS: Regulates menstruation and invigorates blood, harmonizes the Spleen and resolves dampness, moderates acute conditions INDICATIONS: Dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, abdominal masses in women, abdominal pain and distension, difficult urination, edema.

56 XUEHAI SP-10**** ACTIONS: Invigorates the blood and dispels stasis, cools blood, harmonizes menstruation, benefits the skin INDICATIONS: Blood disorders (esp stasis/heat): Irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, uterine bleeding, bloody urine. Skin: Urticaria, eczema, herpes zoster, redness, pain and itching.

57 GONGSUN SP-4**** Luo-Connecting point, Confluent point of the Penetrating vessel ACTIONS: Fortifies the Spleen, harmonizes the middle jiao, regulates qi, resolves dampness, calms the spirit, benefits the Heart and chest, regulates Penetrating vessel INDICATIONS: Epigastric pain, vomiting, abdominal pain, mania- depression, insomnia and restlessness, Heart pain, irregular menstruation, GYN disorders.

58 TAIBAI SP-3*** Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source and Earth ACTIONS: Tonifies the Spleen and resolves dampness and damp-heat, harmonizes the Spleen and Stomach, regulates qi INDICATIONS: SP-ST Deficiency: abdominal distension, constipation, diarrhea, borborygmus, sluggishness, joint pains.

59 DAHENG SP-15*** ACTIONS: Moves qi and regulates the intestines INDICATIONS: Constipation, abdominal pain and distension, diarrhea, dysentery.

60 SHENMEN HE-7***** Shu Stream, Yuan Source and Earth point ACTIONS: Calms the spirit, regulates and tonifies the Heart INDICATIONS: All Heart deficiency patterns, esp w/Shen disturbance: Insomnia, talking during sleep, poor memory, mania-depression, epilepsy, dementia, sadness, fear and fright, restless zang disorder. Palpitations, irregular heart rhythm

61 TONGLI HE-5**** Luo-Connecting point ACTIONS: Calms the spirit, regulates Heart rhythm, benefits the tongue, activates the channel and alleviates pain INDICATIONS: Heart Qi deficiency: Frequent yawning and groaning, restless zang disorder, anger, sadness and fright, sudden loss of voice, stuttering, palpitations, stiffness of the tongue, eye pain, elbow, wrist and hand pain

62 YINXI HE-6**** Xi-Cleft point of the Heart channel ACTIONS: Regulates Heart blood, calms the spirit, moderates acute conditions, clears deficiency fire and alleviates night sweating INDICATIONS: Heart Yin-Blood Deficiency: Heart pain, palpitations, fright, epilepsy, night sweating, insomnia, steaming bone disorder.

63 SHAOFU HE-8*** Ying-Spring and Fire point ACTIONS: Clears heat from the Heart and Small Intestine, calms the spirit, regulates Heart qi, activates the channel, alleviates pain INDICATIONS: Heart Fire: Palpitations, fright, fear, chest pain, pain of the genitals, difficult urination, contraction of the little finger or hand, heat of the palms, pain of the arm, contraction of the elbow and axilla.

64 HOUXI SI-3***** Shu-Stream and Wood point Confluent point of the Governing vessel ACTIONS: Benefits the occiput, neck and back, activates the channel and alleviates pain, clears wind and heat, calms the spirit and treats epilepsy, clears heat and benefits the sensory orifices, regulates the Governing vessel

65 INDICATIONS: Pain and rigidity of neck, tinnitus, deafness, sore throat, mania, malaria, acute lumbar sprain, night sweating, febrile diseases, contracture and numbness of the fingers, pain in the shoulder and elbow, epilepsy, mania- depression, disorders of the Governing vessel.

66 SHAOZE SI-1*** Jing-Well and Metal point ACTIONS: Clears heat and benefits the sensory orifices, revives consciousness, promotes lactation and benefits the breasts INDICATIONS: Insufficient lactation, headache, febrile diseases, loss of consciousness, sore throat, redness of the eye, superficial visual obstruction.

67 YANGLAO SI-6*** Xi-Cleft point ACTIONS: Activates the channel and alleviates pain, benefits the shoulder and arm, moderates acute conditions, benefits the eyes INDICATIONS: Blurring of vision, eye pain, acute pain in the shoulder, elbow and arm.

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