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MUSCULAR SYSTEM ANATOMY. TRUE/FALSE 1. There are 3 types of muscle. 2. There are 600 skeletal muscles in the human body. 3. You use more than 40 muscles.

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Presentation on theme: "MUSCULAR SYSTEM ANATOMY. TRUE/FALSE 1. There are 3 types of muscle. 2. There are 600 skeletal muscles in the human body. 3. You use more than 40 muscles."— Presentation transcript:


2 TRUE/FALSE 1. There are 3 types of muscle. 2. There are 600 skeletal muscles in the human body. 3. You use more than 40 muscles to frown. 4. You use about 20 muscle to smile. 5. The smallest muscle is in your ear. 6. The largest muscle is in your butt. 7. The longest muscle is in your thigh.

3 MATCHING 8. Closes eye____ 9. Raises corner of mouth ____ 10. Closes lips ____ A. Orbicularis oris B. Orbicularis oculi C. zygomaticus

4  3 types of muscle (smooth, cardiac, skeletal)  There are more than 600 skeletal muscles in the human body 60 face muscles

5 MUSCLELOCATIONACTION Orbicularis oculiAround eyeCloses eye Orbicularis orisAround mouthClose/protrude mouth BuccinatorCheekCompress cheek inward ZygomaticusCheek boneRaises corner of mouth PlatysmaNeckDraws angle of mouth downward FrontalisForeheadRaises eyebrows OccipitalisLower back of headRaises eyebrows NasalisnoseWrinkles nose


7 MUSCLELOCATIONACTION MasseterBack of jawElevate mandible TemporalisSide of headElevate mandible SternocleidomastoidSide of neckPulls head to side and down TEMPORALIS MASSETER

8 MuscleLocationAction TrapeziusT of upper backRaises arm Serratus AnteriorSides of ribsPulls scapula anteriorly and downward Pectoralis MinorUpper chest -scapula-ribs Pulls scapula anteriorly and downward

9 MuscleLocationAction Pectoralis MajorChestAdducts arm & pulls arm across chest Latissimus dorsiBackExtend & adducts arm DeltoidShoulderAbduct arm Biceps BrachiiFront of upper armFlex forearm BrachialisBelow bicepsFlex forearm Triceps BrachiiBack of upper armExtend forearm Flexor/Extensor Carpi’s forearmMove wrist



12 MUSCLELOCATIONACTION External ObliqueLove handlesCompress abdomen Internal ObliqueInside external oblique's Compress abdomen Transversus abdominis Side of rectusCompress abdomen Rectus abdominis6 pack (10)Compress abdomen & flex vertebral column Intercostalsb/w ribsBreathing Linea albaBand of CT down middle of abdomen Separates abdomen DiaphragmSeparates thoracic & abdominal region breathing


14 MUSCLELOCATIONACTION Gluteus maximusOuter layer buttExtend thigh Gluteus mediusMiddle layer buttAdduct & rotate thigh medially Gluteus minimusInside layer buttAdduct & rotate thigh medially GracilisInner thighAdduct, flex rotate thigh

15 MUSCLELOCATIONACTION SartoriusAcross front of thighFlex leg & thigh Biceps femorisBack of thighFlex leg, extend thigh Rectus femorisFront of thighExtend leg at knee Vastus lateralisOutside (lateral) thighExtend leg at knee Vastus medialisInside (lateral) thighExtend leg at knee Tibialis anteriorShin (anterior to tibia)Dorsiflexion & inversion Extensor digitorum longus Lateral to tibialisDorsiflexion and eversion GastrocnemiusCalfPlantarflexion SoleusLateral/lower legPlantarflexion Calcaneal Tendon (Achilles) AnkleAttaches calcaneal to gastrocnemius





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