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BY KAYLX LAYTON. OHIO MOTTO AND NICKNAME During the early 1950s, the Ohio legislature sponsored a contest for selecting a state motto. "With God All.

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4 OHIO MOTTO AND NICKNAME During the early 1950s, the Ohio legislature sponsored a contest for selecting a state motto. "With God All Things Are Possible" became Ohio's state motto on October 1, 1959. James Mastronardo, a twelve-year-old boy recommended this quotation from the Bible. In 1997, the American Civil Liberties Union filed a suit against Ohio and its state motto, claiming that this phrase from the Bible violated the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, which guarantees religious freedom and a separation of church and state. Various federal courts sided with Ohio, allowing the state to retain the motto. Judges ruled that Ohio's motto does not endorse a specific God and, thus, was not a violation of the First Amendment. Ohio is one of five states with the word "God" in their mottos.  The nickname for Ohio is The Buckeye State. Partly because many buckeye trees once covered Ohio's hills and plains. The name buckeye stems from native Americans - Indians called the nut "hetuck" (meaning buck eye, as the markings on the nut resemble the eye of a deer).

5 OHIO STATE SONG  sailed away; Wandered afar; Crossed the mighty restless sea; Looked for where I ought to be. Cities so grand, mountains above, Led to this land I love.  Chorus  Beautiful Ohio, where the golden grain Dwarf the lovely flowers in the summer rain. Cities rising high, silhouette the sky. Freedom is supreme in this majestic land; Mighty factories seem to hum in tune, so grand. Beautiful Ohio, thy wonders are in view, Land where my dreams all come true!






11 Born in Lucasville, Ohio, TED Strickland was one of nine children; his father was a steelworker. A 1959 graduate of Northwest High School, Strickland went on to be the first member of his family to attend college. [1] Strickland was awarded a Bachelor of Arts degree in history with a minor in psychology from Asbury College in 1963. In 1966, he received a Master of Arts degree in guidance counseling from the University of Kentucky and a Master of Divinity from the Asbury Theological Seminary in 1967. He then returned to the University of Kentucky to earn his Ph.D in counseling psychology in 1980. He is married to Frances Strickland, an educational psychologist and author of a widely used screening test for kindergarten-age children. Strickland worked as a counseling psychologist at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility in Lucasville, Ohio He was an administrator at a Methodist children's home and was a professor of psychology at Shawnee State University. His only known pastoral position within a church was a very brief associate pastoral position at Wesley United Methodist Church located at the corner of Offnere and Gallia Streets, Portsmouth, Ohio (now Cornerstone United Methodist Church).LucasvilleOhioNorthwest High School [1]Bachelor of Artshistorypsychology Asbury CollegeMaster of ArtsUniversity of KentuckyMaster of DivinityAsbury Theological SeminaryPh.Dcounseling psychologyFrances Stricklandeducational psychologistSouthern Ohio Correctional FacilityLucasville, Ohio MethodistShawnee State UniversityPortsmouth, Ohio


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