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Warm up What activities a knightdale student can do while in campus (school) to have fun and enjoy beside studying.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up What activities a knightdale student can do while in campus (school) to have fun and enjoy beside studying."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up What activities a knightdale student can do while in campus (school) to have fun and enjoy beside studying.

2 Changing Gear: Students design flyers related to Olympic sports with inscription in French. Some will be displayed for French one; you are free to access images of sports through your smart phones; use your creativity!

3 On page 122: comment? Making, accepting… On page 122, do # 27 cd 4 Tr. 10 On page 122- Grammar: adverbs of frequency To tell how often you do something, use quelquefois ( sometimes), de temps en temps ( from time to time), une fois par semaine (…times(s) a week), souvent (often), d’habitude (usually), rarement (rarely), and ne…jamais (never)**Look for Practices!!!

4 Let’s move around- First, students practice how to make an offer; then practice how to accept and refuse an offer. ** The class has to send f team to the “school Olympics”. First, we need 5 captains, one by a team. Let’s practice for one team first. Captain will ask: Peux-tu faire partie de mon équipe? Answer: D’accord or Désolé(e), mais je ne peux pas or ça ne me dit rien.

5 The captain who succeeds to make a team of total of 6 players ( including himself) wins. Lets line up and have fun; we need to see how each captain is recruiting his/her players. We need to practice French and have fun!!!

6 On page 123, Do 28 sd 4 Tr.28. Placement: usually, short adverb come after the verb; longer one at the beginning or end of the sentence; but ne…jamais and ne…pas around the verb. On page 131, do #9-10 Exit Ticket

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