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Sistem Informasi Geografis Pertemuan 4 Teknologi, Aplikasi & Bidang- Bidang Pemanfatan GIS Part 1.

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2 Sistem Informasi Geografis Pertemuan 4 Teknologi, Aplikasi & Bidang- Bidang Pemanfatan GIS Part 1

3 GIS Technology GIS Dekstop GISWeb GISMobile GIS GIS is moving from Desktop systems to Distributed system ▫ OpenGIS concept  increase the interoperability of geospatial data

4 Sistem Informasi Geografis Desktop GIS Represents the real world on a computer Limited to the desktop Computer Not everyone can access the applications Desktop GIS Functionalities ▫ View data on a map ▫ Analyze data  Create, edit, and analyze geographic data on your desktop computer. ▫ Create publication quality, professional maps

5 Sistem Informasi Geografis Desktop GIS GIS Software ▫ Proprietary Software  ArcGIS Desktop (ESRI)  Envision (Autodesk)  MapInfo Professional ▫ Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)  GRASS GIS  Quantum GIS (QGIS)

6 Sistem Informasi Geografis Proprietary Software 1.ArcGIS Desktop (ESRI) Includes 4 software components. a.ArcReader b.ArcView c.ArcEditor d.ArcInfo

7 Sistem Informasi Geografis Proprietary Software 2.Envision (Autodesk) Integrates GIS spatial data and AutoCad design data Perform civil engineering tasks such as Calculating elevations Cut/fill volumes Running flood analyses AutoDesk Raster Design is used to edit, modify, and enhance raster data

8 Sistem Informasi Geografis Proprietary Software 3.MapInfo Professional A full featured Desktop geospatial solution Comes with easy-to-use software and a powerful software tool Vertical Mapper third party add-on for raster data

9 Sistem Informasi Geografis FOSS Software 1.GRASS GIS GRASS - Geographic Resources Analysis Support System Supports various platforms Supports for both raster & vector formats Functionalities Geospatial data management and analysis Image processing Graphics/maps production Spatial modeling Visualization

10 Sistem Informasi Geografis FOSS Software 2.Quantum GIS (QGIS) Support multiple platforms: Linux, Unix, Mac OSX, and Windows Support multiple data formats: Vector, raster, database formats, GRASS layers Extendable functionality using plug-ins

11 Sistem Informasi Geografis Desktop GIS Advantages ▫ You have all the data and processing at your station Disadvantages ▫ You must invest in the processor and storage space ▫ Data and maps are not easily shared

12 Sistem Informasi Geografis “Web GIS is a Geographic Information System distributed across a networked computer environment to integrate, disseminate, and communicate geographic information visually on the World Wide Web over the Internet.” [Gillavry, 2000] Disseminate geospatial data and processing tools Possible to Process geo-related information with no location restrictions. Web Based GIS

13 Sistem Informasi Geografis Web Based GIS Advantages ▫ Minimal processor and storage space needed ▫ Many data sets available ▫ The processor on the web server is likely to be more powerful than your desktop unit Disadvantages ▫ Must have a fast network connection ▫ Data resides off site ▫ Dependent on resources off site, not under your control

14 Sistem Informasi Geografis Web GIS Client-Server Architecture Client-Server Architecture Distributed Architecture Distributed Architecture Web GIS Architechture

15 Sistem Informasi Geografis Web GIS Architechture 1. Client – Server Architecture Geoprocessing  Server side & Client side tasks Typical three tier architecture Presentation tier : contains user interface Application logic tier : model & process GIS data Storage tier : databases that store GIS data

16 Sistem Informasi Geografis Web GIS Architechture 1. Client – Server Architecture A typical client-server architecture Web Browser Client Web Server Internet Map Server (IMS) GIS Software GIS Database Server Internet Middle Ware Spatial request HTML, Image, Map..

17 Sistem Informasi Geografis 2. Distributed Architecture  Both data and processing components are distributed  The client and server do not refer to a specific machine  “Geodata anywhere, Geoprocessing anywhere” model  Distributed object architectures o Microsoft's Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) o Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) o Java Remote Method Invocation (Java RMI) Web GIS Architechture

18 Sistem Informasi Geografis Internet Map Server (IMS) Software  Allow users to access spatial data via a web browser interface  Interact with web server and spatial database Proprietary software - ArcView IMS (ESRI) - MapObjects IMS (ESRI) - ArcIMS (ESRI) - MapGuide (Autodesk) FOSS software - Minnesota Map Server - Open-GIS Multiviewer - GIS Viewer

19 Sistem Informasi Geografis Proprietary Software 1.ArcView IMS (ESRI)  Extension of ESRI's Desktop-GIS application- ArcView  One of the first available Map Server systems  Requires an open session of ArcView running on the Web server with IMS ArcView middleware  Client cannot change the composition of the received map Internet Map Server (IMS) Software

20 Sistem Informasi Geografis 2. MapObjects IMS (ESRI)  Integrate three applications :MapObjects IMS, MapObjects Professional, and ArcExplorer  Can consider as a programming platform  For GIS applications - Visual Basic, Visual C + +, Delphi  For client applications - HTML (JavaScript), ActiveX  Supports Windows or UNIX-based Web servers  Uses modern three-tier architecture Proprietary Software Internet Map Server (IMS) Software

21 Sistem Informasi Geografis 3. ArcIMS (ESRI)  Most widely used Proprietary IMS software  A three tier architecture Proprietary Software Internet Map Server (IMS) Software

22 Sistem Informasi Geografis 3. ArcIMS …  The components of the ArcIMS server : -Spatial Server -Applications Server -Connectors to the Applications Server [Servelets, ColdFusion, ActiveX ] -Administrator  Tool for designing map services  need not to program client  Client receives instructions suitable for processing Proprietary Software Internet Map Server (IMS) Software

23 Sistem Informasi Geografis 4. MapGuide (Autodesk)  Similar capacities to those of ArcIMS  Provide tools for basic geographical operations  Own data format – SDF  Extensions required to convert other formats to SDF format Proprietary Software Internet Map Server (IMS) Software

24 Sistem Informasi Geografis 1. Minnesota Map Server  World’s leading open source Web-Mapping tool  Originally developed for the University of Minnesota (UMN)  Supported platforms : Linux/Apache, Windows NT/98/95  A CGI program that sits inactive on a Web Server  Uses information passed in the URL and the Map File to process the request FOSS Software Internet Map Server (IMS) Software

25 Sistem Informasi Geografis 1. Minnesota Map Server…  The MapServer architecture   Client - Web browser  Server - HTTP Server (Apache, IIS) - MapServer CGI (mapserve.exe) - Map Files - Geographic Data [ESRI Shape files, GeoTIFF] Illustrated according to diagram from FOSS Software Internet Map Server (IMS) Software

26 Sistem Informasi Geografis 1. Minnesota Map Server… How MapServer works? Web Server Mapserver (CGI) Mapfiles http:// map=/ms4w/apps/app1/htdocs/ Request Result Web Browser FOSS Software Internet Map Server (IMS) Software

27 Sistem Informasi Geografis 1. Minnesota Map Server…  Advantages of using MapServer -Comes as a standard package which bundles MapServer and many required supporting tools -No dedicated hardware is required -Client is only a web browser -Not bounded to any specific language -Compliant to the OGC Specification -Support for database access (PostGIS, MySql) FOSS Software Internet Map Server (IMS) Software

28 Sistem Informasi Geografis 2. GIS VIEWER  Developed by the University of California, Berkeley at "UC Berkeley Digital Library Project”  Supported platforms : Unix, Linux, Windows NT  Display geographical information by means of a window (viewfinder) FOSS Software Internet Map Server (IMS) Software

29 Sistem Informasi Geografis Tugas Kelompok Buatlah kelompok terdiri dari 3-4 orang. Carilah sebuah contoh WebGIS yang dikembangkan instansi/lembaga/perusahaan di Indonesia. Telaah dan bahas poin-poin yang disajikan dalam aplikasi WebGIS tersebut termasuk tentang: Analisis tentang user dan scopenya (jumlah user) Teknologi yang digunakan Kekurangan-kekurangan yang kira-kira dapat dioptimalkan Peluang-peluang pengembangan, dll Buat presentasi (PPTX) hasil pembahasannya. Tugas dikumpulkan via E-mail dengan penamaan file ‘webgis’

30 Sistem Informasi Geografis Terima Kasih Thank You Xie xie Arigato gozaimas Shukron

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