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Dr. Laurie Solis.  Organisms transform the energy they acquire from their surroundings.  Animals and plants are made up of eukaryotic cells.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Laurie Solis.  Organisms transform the energy they acquire from their surroundings.  Animals and plants are made up of eukaryotic cells."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Laurie Solis


3  Organisms transform the energy they acquire from their surroundings.  Animals and plants are made up of eukaryotic cells

4  In eukaryotic cells  Mitochondria and chloroplasts are the organelles that convert energy to forms that cells use for work

5  Mitochondria is found in nearly all eukaryotic cells:  Plants  Animals  Fungi  Most protists

6  Mitochondria is responsible for cellular respiration, the metabolic process that generates ATP (extracts energy from sugar, fats, and other fuels with the help of oxygen)

7  Rarely, some cells have a single large mitochondrian  Mostly, cells have hundreds or thousands of mitochondria  The number correlates with the level of metabolic activity (cells that are more active have more mitochondria)

8 Two membranes: Outer: smooth Inner: membranes called cristae, divides the mitochondria into the matrix

9  Found in plants and algae  Location of the process of photosynthesis  Converts solar energy to chemical energy by absorbing sunlight and using it to drive the synthesis of organic compounds such as sugars, from carbon dioxide and water

10  Photosynthesis takes place in two areas of the chloroplasts.  grana – also called: thylakoids  stroma chloroplast stroma grana (thylakoids) Granum: thylakoids stacked like poker chips

11  Specialized compartment in a cell bound by a single membrane  Has enzymes that transfer hydrogen to oxygen, producing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)

12  Peroxisomes can also break down fatty acids  Detoxify alcohol in the liver  H2O2 is toxic, but peroxisomes also contain an enzyme that converts H2O2 to H2O  Is able to do this because it is compartmentalized.

13  Plant seeds have a special kind of peroxisome: called glyoxysomes  Stores in fatty tissue  Have enzymes that convert fatty acids to sugar  Sugar is then used as a source of energy

14  Peroxisomes are not part of the endomembrane system  How do they grow?  Using proteins  Lipids from the ER  Lipids synthesized in the peroxisome  If it gets too large, it splits in two!

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