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Arkansas Science Instructional Specialists 2010 Science Keys Biology Day 3 Cellular Respiration 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Arkansas Science Instructional Specialists 2010 Science Keys Biology Day 3 Cellular Respiration 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arkansas Science Instructional Specialists 2010 Science Keys Biology Day 3 Cellular Respiration 1

2 Overview Overview  Agenda  Norms  One Day Training  7 E Learning Cycle  Cellular Respiration  Teacher’s Guide 2

3 3

4 Summer 2010 4

5 5

6 6

7 Safety  General Safety Information  Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)  Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)  Safety Equipment  Goggles 7

8 Lab Safety  Lab Safety Rules Online  Jim Kaufman  Founder of the Laboratory Safety Institute  Expert in lab safety  Website:  Think! “What is the worst that could go wrong?” wrong?” 8

9 OVERVIEW  Unit time line = 5-6 class periods  Concepts of cellular respiration  Kinesthetic activities  Labs  Literacy connections  Graphic organizers 9

10 Cellular Respiration  Arkansas Framework SLEs  MC3.B.5 Compare and contrast cellular respiration and photosynthesis as energy conversion pathways  MC1.B.4 Explain the role of energy in chemical reactions of living systems: activation energy, exergonic reactions, endergonic reactions  MC3.B.1 Compare and contrast the structure and function of mitochondria and chloroplasts 10

11 11

12 Classroom Time Line  Day 1  Energy Transfer Demonstration  3D Model of Cellular Respiration  Magnetic Concept Map  Day 2  Mitochondria Video  4 Square  Mitochondria Model  Venn Diagram 12

13 Classroom Time Line  Day 3-4  Fermentation  Jigsaw Activity  Day 5-6  Pearson Movie  Flap Book 13

14 Assessments  Open response  Concept map  Formative assessment  Summative assessment 14

15 Energy Transfer Engage 15

16 Energy Transfer Demonstration  Elicit  Is there energy in food?  When burning a food item how much change in water temperature will there be?  Discuss 16

17 Cellular Respiration 3D MODEL  Explore  Construct models to represent the reactants in the equation of cellular respiration.  What is the equation for cellular respiration? Click Here 17

18 Cellular Respiration Equation C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 6CO 2 + 6H 2 O Glucose + Oxygen Carbon Dioxide + Water Glucose + Oxygen Carbon Dioxide + Water 18

19 Cellular Respiration 3D MODEL  Explore  Disassemble the reactants and create the products of cellular respiration.  What did you notice about the number of atoms in the products as compared to the reactants? 19

20 Cellular Respiration 3D MODEL  Explain  Discuss “Conservation of Matter”  Magnetic Concept Map  Connect respiration to the reactions of photosynthesis.  Relate this to the Carbon Cycle. 20

21 Venn Diagram  Evaluate  Complete the Venn Diagram ? What is this? ? What is this? 21

22 Mitochondria  Elicit  mitochondria video for elicit.mp4 mitochondria video for elicit.mp4 mitochondria video for elicit.mp4  4 square 22

23 Mitochondria  Elicit  mitochondria video for elicit.mp4 mitochondria video for elicit.mp4 mitochondria video for elicit.mp4  4 square  Engage  mitochondria powerhouses of the cell.mp4 mitochondria powerhouses of the cell.mp4 mitochondria powerhouses of the cell.mp4 23

24 Mitochondrion 24

25 Mitochondrion  Outer Membrane-layer of phospholipids  Inner Membrane-more permeable than outer membrane  Intermembrane space-between the outer and inner membranes  Cristae-layers of inner membrane folds that increase surface area.  Matrix-site of Kreb’s cycle  Ribosome-site of protein synthesis  mDNA-DNA found only in mitochondria  ATP Synthase-enzyme that makes ATP from ADP 25

26 Mitochondrion  Matrix- site of the Kreb’s cycle  Ribosome- site of protein synthesis  mDNA- DNA found only in mitochondria  ATP Synthase- enzyme that catalyzes phosphorylation of ADP to ATP. 26

27 Mitochondrion  Explore  Construct a mitochondrion model  Explain  Describe the function and structure of a mitochondrion structure of a mitochondrion 27

28 Chloroplast  Explore Intergrana 28

29 Structure of a Chloroplast Membrane - Layers of phospholipids Thylakoid - Flattened interconnected sacs that are stacked like coins are stacked like coins Granum - The name given to each stack of thylakoids. thylakoids. Intergranum - Connects the thylakoid Lumen - Cavity or thylakoid space Stroma - Fluid outside the thylakoid that contains DNA and ribosomes contains DNA and ribosomes 29

30 Mitochondria  Evaluate  Venn diagram  Compare and contrast structure and function of the mitochondria and chloroplast. 30


32 Fermentation  Elicit  What do these grocery items have in common?  Engage  Bromothymol Blue Demonstration 32

33 Fermentation  Explore  Fermentation Lab  Explain  Jigsaw activity  Evaluate  Post lab discussion  Jigsaw discussion 33

34 Cellular Respiration  Elicit- Paper Dot activity  Explore -Flap book  Explain 34

35 Closing remarks  Q/A 35

36 Post test and evaluation  Administer test  Use the same password as pre-test.  Evaluations 36

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