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By Neil Kruger Supervisor: Prof. KD Palmer University of Stellenbosch

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1 By Neil Kruger Supervisor: Prof. KD Palmer University of Stellenbosch
Chaff RCS Modelling By Neil Kruger Supervisor: Prof. KD Palmer University of Stellenbosch

2 Introduction Chaff Background Dipole RCS Dipole Spatial Average RCS
Chaff Cloud RCS Screening Effect of Chaff GUI Tool Summary © CSIR

3 Chaff Background Chaff consist of very thin dipoles cut to resonant length With different cut lengths a larger radar bandwidth can be covered Dispensed in the atmosphere to form a cloud of scatterers Dispensed by dropping or firing from ships or aircraft. Chaff can be used in different missions, but overall the purpose of chaff is to mask the radar target © CSIR

4 Dipole RCS - Single Dipole Orientation
Numerous factors influence the RCS a chaff cloud To model a chaff cloud as a whole, one first needs to understand the RCS behavior of a single dipole element This initial investigation was done analytically © CSIR

5 Dipole RCS - Analytical Model

6 Dipole Single Orientation RCS - Analytical Results vs. FEKO

7 Dipole Single Orientation RCS - Analytical Results with Error Correction

8 Dipole Spatial Average RCS
The RCS of a dipole can be calculated for any orientation, but this is limited to the resonant frequency. Literature addressing this problem by O. Einarsson is available The original Einarsson paper was obtainable but a revised paper was not, so it was decided to direct the modeling approach from a analytical to a computational approach. © CSIR

9 Dipole Spatial Average RCS - Literature
From literature the average value was found to differ between 0.15λ² and 0.28λ² depending on approach used. Further literature study grouped these values as below 0.15λ² λ² for a dipole uniformly distributed over a sphere 0.27λ² λ² for a dipole uniformly distributed over a disc 0.22λ² is the value associated with the Scattering Cross Section For SCS the polarization is not taken into account © CSIR

10 Dipole Spatial Average RCS - Dipole Bistatic Spatial Average RCS at Resonance

11 Dipole Spatial Average RCS - Results

12 Dipole Spatial Average RCS - Results

13 Chaff Cloud RCS The next step is modeling the RCS of a chaff cloud.
Simple mathematical equations exist to address this problem analytically. These equations are however limited to dipoles at resonance The chaff cloud modeling needs to be investigated computationally. © CSIR

14 Chaff Cloud RCS - Back Scatter RCS
Simple relationship exists for calculating the backscatter RCS of a chaff cloud: This simple equation is well known for sparsely spaced chaff clouds with negligible inter-dipole coupling and will the formulation will not be discussed © CSIR

15 Chaff Cloud RCS - Hypothesis for Forward Scatter RCS
A relationship exists between the forward scatter RCS (being coherent) and the number of dipoles, such that the forward scatter RCS is directly proportional to N²: © CSIR

16 Chaff Cloud RCS - Modeling a Chaff Cloud
Creating a sphere of randomly orientated and uniformly distributed dipoles © CSIR

17 Chaff Cloud RCS - Modelling a Chaff Cloud
A 1m³ spherical chaff cloud was simulated with an increasing dipole density, to compare analytical and computational back scatter results Results were averaged over 15 simulations to determine a statistical average The forward scatter RCS was also averaged and the proportional constant was derived as k = 0.07 © CSIR

18 Chaff Cloud RCS - Average RCS Plot over 15 Simulations

19 Chaff Cloud RCS - Forward Scatter and Back Scatter Results
Simulations results coincide within 2dB from Analytical results © CSIR

20 Chaff Cloud RCS - Coupling

21 Chaff Cloud RCS - Coupling
1 dB compression density (N/λ³) 3 dB compression density (N/λ³) Literature 0.125 15 Back Scatter (FEKO) 0.60 2.0 Forward Scatter (FEKO) 0.45 1.2 These values serve as guidelines for applying the analytical formulation © CSIR

22 Screening effect of Sparse Clouds
Chaff’s primary application is as a military defense mechanism to avoid detection or attack by adversary defense systems. A chaff cloud forms the EM equivalent of a visual smoke screen that can temporarily hide the target from radar. This is known as the screening effect of chaff or “shadowing” and will be discussed. © CSIR

23 Screening effect of Sparse Clouds - Hypothesis
A relationship exists between the forward scattering of a chaff cloud and that of a solid sphere so that the E-field behind the cloud can be modeled in terms of this relationship: The formulation of the hypothesis will be explained at the hand of the following figures… © CSIR

24 Screening effect of Sparse Clouds - Hypothesis

25 Screening effect of Sparse Clouds - Hypothesis

26 Screening effect of Sparse Clouds - Hypothesis

27 Screening effect of Sparse Clouds - Hypothesis

28 Screening effect of Sparse Clouds - Initial Simulation

29 Screening effect of Sparse Clouds - Initial Simulation Results

30 Screening effect of Sparse Clouds - Simulation investigating the Hypothesis

31 Screening effect of Sparse Clouds - Near field results for increasing N and constant density

32 Screening effect of Sparse Clouds - Proportional constants

33 Screening effect of Sparse Clouds - Near field results for increasing N and increasing density

34 Screening effect of Sparse Clouds - Near field results at high densities

35 Screening effect of Sparse Clouds - Near field results vs. Hypothesis

36 Screening effect of Sparse Clouds - Near field results vs. Hypothesis

37 Screening effect of Sparse Clouds - Conclusion
It is thus possible to accurately model the near field behavior of a chaff cloud on small scale This is however limited to low density chaff clouds at resonance Further investigation and modeling is still possible © CSIR

38 GUI Tool Demo © CSIR

39 Summary © CSIR

40 c RCS Screening GUI Theory + Corr. Term Theory + Postulate σavg, f0
σforward, f0 c σavg, GHz Postulate screening, f0 σcloud GUI

41 Questions?

42 © CSIR

43 © CSIR

44 GUI Tool © CSIR

45 GUI Tool © CSIR

46 GUI Tool © CSIR

47 GUI Tool © CSIR

48 GUI Tool © CSIR

49 GUI Tool © CSIR

50 GUI Tool © CSIR

51 GUI Tool © CSIR

52 GUI Tool © CSIR

53 GUI Tool © CSIR

54 GUI Tool © CSIR

55 GUI Tool © CSIR

56 GUI Tool © CSIR

57 GUI Tool © CSIR

58 GUI Tool © CSIR

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