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Reflection in Nursing Practice Rebecca Taylor (3 rd year student nurse)

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Presentation on theme: "Reflection in Nursing Practice Rebecca Taylor (3 rd year student nurse)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reflection in Nursing Practice Rebecca Taylor (3 rd year student nurse)

2 Learning outcomes… Define reflection Understand reflection in nursing Recognise models for reflection

3 What is reflection? “an active process of witnessing one’s own experience in order to take a closer look and explore it in depth”. (Amulya, 1999)

4 Why do we reflect??? “to develop strategies for survival throughout our lives”. (Jasper, 2003)

5 Example … A night out on the town… excessive alcohol intake!!

6 Reflecting … Description of the event How this made you feel Evaluating if it was good or bad Analysing an area for learning Coming to a conclusion The changes you might make

7 Analysis of alcohol... What is it? How much should I drink? Are there any short term or long term effects? How does it affect me physically or psychologically?

8 Reflection in nursing practice… “a process of reviewing an experience of practice in order to describe, analyse and evaluate, and so, inform learning from practice”. (Reid, 1993)

9 An example from practice… An incidence of poor patient care in the operating theatre.

10 Reflection models … Gibb’s model (1988)

11 Analysis of advocacy … What is advocacy? Your responsibility as a nurse. What elements need to be present? What barriers can inhibit advocacy? Understanding facilitates a change in practice

12 Any questions???

13 References… Amulya, J. (1999) What is reflective practice? Centre for Reflective Community Practice. MIT. Gibbs, G. (1988) Learning by doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods. Oxford. Oxford Polytechnic. Jasper, M. (2003) Beginning reflective practice. In: Foundations in Nursing and Healthcare. Nelson Thornes. Johns, C. (1994) Guided reflection. In: Palmer, A. Burns, S. and Bulman, C. (eds) Reflective practice in nursing: The growth of the professional practitioner. Oxford. Blackwell Science. Reid, B. (1993) But we’re already doing it! Exploring a response to the concept of reflective practice in order to improve it’s facilitation. Nurse Education Today. 13 pp. 305- 309. Stephenson, S. (2000) Exemplars of reflection. In: Burns, S. and Bulman, C. (eds) Reflective practice in nursing: The growth of the professional practitioner. Oxford. Blackwell Science. Somerville, D. and Keeling, A. (2004) A practical approach to promote reflective practice within nursing [online] Available from: practice/204502.article [accessed: 10th June 2011]. practice/204502.article

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