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Neo-shamanism & clairvoyance applied to clinical diagnosis Terence J. Palmer PhD.

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Presentation on theme: "Neo-shamanism & clairvoyance applied to clinical diagnosis Terence J. Palmer PhD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neo-shamanism & clairvoyance applied to clinical diagnosis Terence J. Palmer PhD

2 Aims & Objectives  The end objective is to heal the sick (Stage 2)  The primary aim is to diagnose the sickness (Stage 1)  Secondary aims include teaching the techniques to others  The academic objective is to present a scientific conceptual framework that can accommodate the procedure into clinical practice

3 Research Perspectives  Medicine  Psychology  Parapsychology  Anomalistic psychology  Theology  Natural philosophy  Anthropology  Afterlife research

4 A Conceptual Framework  Animism  Shamanism  Mediumship / clairvoyance  Spiritism  Telepathy  Altered states of consciousness  Remote viewing  OBE & NDE  Non-brain dependent consciousness  Survival of consciousness after death  Quantum physics- zero-point field

5 Project Protocol  Interview subject with audio/visual recording for base-line data  Each viewer to access the subject remotely with no information other than name and location. Audio-visual record  Conduct consistency/discrepancy analysis  Present diagnosis (if any)

6 Terence J. Palmer

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