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Welcome! Today: Letters, numbers, introductions. Preparation ABCDEFGHABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPIJKLMNOP QRSTUVWXQRSTUVWX Y Z LL Ñ RR.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Today: Letters, numbers, introductions. Preparation ABCDEFGHABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPIJKLMNOP QRSTUVWXQRSTUVWX Y Z LL Ñ RR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Today: Letters, numbers, introductions


3 A note on the alphabet Letter names are given based on pronunciation, not the actual spelling of the letter in Spanish – E.g. the letter “H” is given as “achay”, while it is properly called “hache”

4 A Letter: “ah” Sound: “ah” English example: father Spanish example: gato (cat)

5 B Letter: “bay” Sound: b English example: beat Spanish example: beber (to drink)

6 C Letter: “say” Sound: s Sound before a or o: k English example: Spanish example: decir (to say), flaco (skinny)

7 D Letter: “day” Sound: d English example: desk Spanish example: decir (to say)

8 E Letter: “ay” (ei) Sound: “ay” (ei) English example: Lay Spanish example: decir (to say)

9 F Letter: “efay” Sound: f English example: far Spanish example: flaco (skinny)

10 G Letter: “hay” Sound: h / g (before o or a) English example: hero ; gate Spanish example: eligir (to choose) ; gato (cat)

11 H Letter: “achay” Sound: -- English example: -- Spanish example: hola (pronounced “ola”) (Hello)

12 I Letter: “ee” Sound: “ee” English example: See Spanish example: decir (to say)

13 J Letter: “hota” Sound: h English example: hotel Spanish example: rojo (red)

14 K Letter: “ka” Sound: k English example: kilometre Spanish example: kilómetro (kilometre)

15 L Letter: “el-ay” Sound: l English example: lay Spanish example: levantarse (to get up)

16 LL Letter: “ay-ay”/ “ejay” Sound: y English example: you Spanish example: pollo (chicken)

17 M Letter: “em-ay” Sound: m English example: my Spanish example: mi (my)

18 N Letter: “en-ay” Sound: n English example: never Spanish example: nunca (never)

19 Ñ Letter: “en-yay” Sound: ny English example: onion Spanish example: enseñar (to teach)

20 O Letter: “oh” Sound: oh English example: boat Spanish example: ocho (eight)

21 P Letter: “pay” Sound: between p & b English example: spot Spanish example: pero (but)

22 Q Letter: “koo” Sound: k English example: case Spanish example: queso (cheese)

23 R Letter: “er-ray” Sound: between r and d English example: - Spanish example: para (for)

24 RR Letter: “err-ray” Sound: rolled r English example: - Spanish example: perro (dog)

25 S Letter: “ess-ay” Sound: s (never z) English example: say Spanish example: Luisa

26 T Letter: “tay” Sound: between t and d English example: stop Spanish example: taco

27 U Letter: “oo” Sound: oo English example: noon Spanish example: nunca (never)

28 V Letter: “vay/bay” Sound: between b and v, closer to b English example: bent (sort of…) Spanish example: ventana (window)

29 W Letter: “doh-blay vay” Only used in words of foreign origin

30 X Letter: “aykees” Sound: ks (sometimes sh or h) English example: exact ; hotel Spanish example: exactamente (exactly), México

31 Y Letter: “ee gree-ayga” (i griega: “Greek i”) Sound: ee, sometimes y/j English example: Ski ; you Spanish example: y (and) ; yo (I)

32 Z Letter: “say-ta” Sound: s English example: sorry Spanish example: zorro (fox)

33 Can you pronounce… Casa (house) Nombre (name) Que (what/that) Español (Spanish) Helado (ice cream) Jalapeño Rubio (blonde) Eso (that) Paz (peace) Peque ño (small) Pobre (poor) Estrella (star) Grave (grave, deep) Hablar (to speak)

34 Numbers! 1: uno6: seis 2: dos7: siete 3: tres8: ocho 4: cuatro9: nueve 5: cinco10. diez

35 Numbers! 1: uno oo-no6: seis say-s 2: dos dohs7: siete see-et-ay 3: tres trays8: ocho oh-choh 4: cuatro quatro9: nueve noo-eb-ay 5: cinco seenko10. diez dee-es

36 Conversation Starters Greetings ¡Hola! Hello Buenos días Good day Buenas tardes Good afternoon Adios goodbye Questions ¿Cómo estás? How are you? Estoy ___ I am Bien well (good) Felíz happy Así así so-so (just okay) Cansado tired Muy very Gracias thank you ¿Y tú? And you?

37 Conversation Starters Greetings ¡Hola! Hello Buenos días Good day Buenas tardes Good afternoon ¿Cómo estás? How are you? Estoy ___ I am Bien well (good) Felíz happy Así así so-so (just okay) Cansado tired Muy very Gracias thank you ¿Y tú? And you? Adios goodbye Conversation Topics ¿Cómo se llama? What is your name? Me llamo ___ My name is ___ ¿Cuántos años tienes? How old are you? Tengo ___ años I am ___ (I have ___ years) ¿De dónde eres? Where are you from? Soy de ___ I am from ___ ¿Cuál es tu ___ favorito? What is your favorite… deporte sport color colour película movie clase class Mi (clase) favorito es ___ My favorite (class) is…

38 ¿Quieres Practicar? Voy a poner la presentación en mi sitio de web. Pueden visitarlo a Do you want to practice? I will put the presentation on my website. You can visit it at


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