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Welcome Vendor Representative Orientation

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Vendor Representative Orientation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Vendor Representative Orientation
Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital Shoals Hospital Keith Wiginton Director, Materials Management

2 Outline Parking Sign In Access Within the Hospital Visits Gratuities
Approved Product Samples Product or Equipment Literature Meetings with Materials Management Ethical Behavior/Compliance Monitoring Infractions and Disciplinary Actions

3 Parking Vendor Parking is located at the North side of the campus at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital outside of the Materials Management Department. Access is off of College Street. NO PARKING is allowed in any area designated as a NO PARKING area

4 Sign In All Representatives (Reps) must check in daily at Materials Management. Sign the log sheet Each Day you are here. Obtain an ID badge from Materials Management. The ID badge must be worn and visible at all times while at ECM and Shoals Hospitals.

5 Sign In (cont.) Return the ID badge to Materials Management at the end of your daily visit. Temporary ID badges are also available from Materials Management for District Managers accompanying representatives

6 Access Within the Hospitals
Representatives’ promotional activities will be confined to Non-Patient Care areas at all times and must not interfere with patient care. Reps should not detain clinical staff when they are en-route to their destinations. It is recommended that appropriate hospital staff meet the Representative at the Information Desk or Materials Management and escort him/her to any meeting area.

7 Visits All visits to see ECM and/or Shoals Hospital personnel must be planned and scheduled. No visits without appointments are permitted.

8 Gratuities Vendors may only provide non-cash “De Minimis” gifts to hospital employees. For purposes of this policy, “De Minimis” shall be defined by the following: All gifts must be pre-approved by Department Manager; Must be offered on hospital premises to all employees within a department or specialty area Examples of acceptable “De Minimis” gifts to employees by vendors include the following: Coffee, doughnuts, soft drinks, pizza, fast foods Coffee mugs Tablets, pencils, pens

9 Approved Products ECM and Shoals buys the majority of their supplies, equipment and services through approved contracts. New and unique products are evaluated with clinical sponsorship and approval of the Hospitals’ Value Analysis Committee. Existing contracts are given first consideration, and it is requested reps do not counter-detail products which conflict with existing contracts.

10 Approved Products (cont.)
If there is any doubt about what is under contract versus what is not, check with the Buyers in Materials Management.

11 Samples Samples of products and/or demo or loaner equipment at “no charge” may be periodically requested by buyers from vendors to determine acceptable quality, confirm or ascertain specifications. Unsolicited samples or equipment demos are not allowed and should not be left on hospital premises. Equipment must be authorized prior to placement by a valid purchase order.

12 Product or Equipment Literature
Distribution of promotional literature to patients is not permitted. Literature of promotional items may not be left in clinic waiting areas or in other public areas.

13 Meetings with Purchasing
Meetings with Buyers are to be scheduled in advance by calling Meetings with the Director or Assistant Director of Materials Management also must be scheduled in advance and may be made by calling the same number.

14 Standards of Conduct & Corporate Compliance
North Alabama Medical Center Hospitals maintain a high standard of legal and ethical behavior. Our values form the foundation of the service rendered to the community by employees, physicians, volunteers and contractors. Our commitment to our values extends to patients, families and to those with whom we do business. Our values are: Integrity Truth in word or deed Respect Value in other people and their ideas Trust Basis of confidence, hope, and faith Compassion Sensitivity and a desire to ease the suffering of another Responsibility Reliable and accountable for our actions performance Customer Service Serving others promptly and appropriately Innovation Open-mindedness and encouraging of new ideas

15 Standards of Conduct & Corporate Compliance
Compliance means doing the right thing at the right time and for the right reason. Compliance means that we will abide by federal and state laws and standards with an emphasis on preventing fraud and abuse. Compliance means we have a responsibility to report any behavior that may be considered illegal or unethical. We ask our business associates to partner with us in maintaining these high standards. Any questions or concerns can be discussed with the ECM and Shoals Compliance Officer: Karen Ritter at or

16 Ethical Behavior/Compliance
Reps are expected to comply with OIG and industry guidelines for healthcare manufacturers. Reps are required to sign the Vendor Information & Policies acknowledgement and agreement. Reps are asked to sign a NAMC Confidentiality Agreement. Completion of the NAMC Vendor Representative Orientation Module is an ANNUAL Requirement.

17 Monitoring All Hospital Managers and Administrative Staff will assist with the monitoring of these policies as part of his/her responsibilities. All Security Personnel will assist with this policy, as needed.

18 Infractions and Disciplinary Actions
Promotional activity by Vendor Representatives is a privilege, which has been extended by this organization. The Materials Management Department is responsible for enforcement of the Guidelines for Vendor Representatives. Any individual observing infractions of these guidelines will contact the Materials Management Department ( ).

19 Infractions and Disciplinary Actions
Adherence to the above statements and conditions included in this presentation are required. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action. 1st offense - Representative meets with the Director, Materials Management 2nd Offense - Representative and the District Manager meet with the Director, Materials Management Subsequent Offenses - Company may be restricted from calling on CHG for an extended period of time. Any single offense, depending on seriousness or incident, may result in suspension or debarment of vendor from any sales activities.

20 Thank You Please feel free to contact Materials Management with any questions or concerns (256)

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