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The Preliminary Visit Purpose, Focus and Guiding Concepts Margaret Alvarez Associate Director of CIS Accreditation Services June 2010 The Preliminary /Preparatory.

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Presentation on theme: "The Preliminary Visit Purpose, Focus and Guiding Concepts Margaret Alvarez Associate Director of CIS Accreditation Services June 2010 The Preliminary /Preparatory."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Preliminary Visit Purpose, Focus and Guiding Concepts Margaret Alvarez Associate Director of CIS Accreditation Services June 2010 The Preliminary /Preparatory Visit The beginning of the journey

2 Preliminary/Preparatory Visit (Unchanged from the 7 TH Edition) This is designed to: Clarify the evaluation process and procedures.Clarify the evaluation process and procedures. Validate “Prior Information” received from the school.Validate “Prior Information” received from the school. Ascertain the school’s readiness to undertake the self- study, and give advice on priorities.Ascertain the school’s readiness to undertake the self- study, and give advice on priorities. Agree a timeline for next stages.Agree a timeline for next stages.

3 Conceptual Shifts/Enhanced Emphasis Support the development of a climate of reflection within the school Support the development of a climate of reflection within the school Support the school in eliminating silos and successfully developing school-wide systems Support the school in eliminating silos and successfully developing school-wide systems Support the school in developing a mission led and vision driven approach to school improvement Support the school in developing a mission led and vision driven approach to school improvement Encourage school-wide ownership for change through school improvement. Encourage school-wide ownership for change through school improvement. Gauge the school’s commitment to improvement and capacity for change. Gauge the school’s commitment to improvement and capacity for change. Support schools in developing/gathering critical documentation for the process Support schools in developing/gathering critical documentation for the process

4 The Mechanics of the Preliminary/Preparatory Visit

5 Prior Information and Reflection Form (Information you receive from the school prior to the Visit) Component One- Gathering of Basic Information o School Name: o School Foundation Date: o School’s Official Status: o Facts on School Governance and Management: o Students - number of nationalities; statistically most important nationalities: o Range of Grades or Year-Groups: o Range of Grades or Year-Groups: o Academic Staff - numbers; statistically most important nationalities:Support Staff - numbers; statistically most important nationalities: o Academic Staff - numbers; statistically most important nationalities:Support Staff - numbers; statistically most important nationalities: o List of academic programmes: o Very brief description of the school’s physical facilities: o Accreditation history of the school: o Date of submission of this Prior Information:

6 Prior Information and Reflection Form cont’d Component Two- Reflective Statements - The Head of School should provide a thoughtful, reflective statement on where the school has been, where it is now, and where it should be. This statement should provide insight into the school’s history of school improvement, weaknesses, strengths, and future challenges. - The Governing Body (or Ownership) should provide a reflective statement on the challenges facing the school from the Governing Body/Owners’ point of view. - A small, manageable committee of teachers, administrators, parents, students, and others should be assembled to create responses to the following questions: What are the main challenges facing: the school? the faculty? the parents? the students?What are the main challenges facing: the school? the faculty? the parents? the students? What changes/additions have been made over the last two years and what additional changes/additions/improvements are planned?What changes/additions have been made over the last two years and what additional changes/additions/improvements are planned?

7 Prior Information and Reflection Form cont’d Component Three- Document Collection The school’s Guiding Statements (mission, vision, objectives, etc.) The school’s Guiding Statements (mission, vision, objectives, etc.) The financial template required in the Self-Study (sent with this form) The financial template required in the Self-Study (sent with this form) Strategic Plan or equivalent (including financial aspects) Strategic Plan or equivalent (including financial aspects) Current budget Current budget By-laws By-laws Faculty/parent/and student handbooks Faculty/parent/and student handbooks Curriculum guides Curriculum guides The Board of Trustees policy handbook The Board of Trustees policy handbook

8 Prior Information and Reflection Form Cont’d Component Four- Reflection on the school’s current standing with respect to the standards – similar to the exercise undertaken under the 7 th Edition

9 Preliminary Visit Schedule Day One  Tour of the School  Orientation Meeting (one hour)  Meetings with Section A-G committees, parents, students, the Board. Day Two  Further Meetings with Section A-G committees., parents, students, the Board Day Three  Conclusion of meetings with Section A-G committees, parents, students, the Board  Exit Meeting Day Four  Self Study Workshop

10 The Orientation Meeting Purpose To help the Visitors to further their understanding of: The school’s Guiding Statements and the values that underpin them.The school’s Guiding Statements and the values that underpin them. The ways in which the Guiding Statements impact student learning and well being.The ways in which the Guiding Statements impact student learning and well being. The extent to which the Guiding Statements are embedded in the school’s programmes and operations.The extent to which the Guiding Statements are embedded in the school’s programmes and operations. This meeting also affords the school an opportunity to demonstrate the level of knowledge and acceptance of its Guiding Statements and its ability to critically analyse its effectiveness in putting them into action.

11 The Orientation Meeting Format re-prepared presentation- not a promotional type presentation but a reflective piece which highlights effective as well as less effective practices.A pre-prepared presentation- not a promotional type presentation but a reflective piece which highlights effective as well as less effective practices. Community testimonies.Community testimonies. Portfolio presentations.Portfolio presentations. A combination of any of the above.A combination of any of the above.


13 8 th Edition Concept Diagram Courtesy: Jonathan Evans, April 2009

14 Suggested Self Study Report Sequence Guiding Statements & Part 1 Discussion of findings Teaching and Learning Committees Section B Synthesis of findings + creation of umbrella vertical report. List of implications for sections C - G Committees C - G Discussion of findings Part 3 Action Plans Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4

15 The Accreditation Process as the Vehicle for School Improvement

16 Remind schools of the support given for the journey ahead!

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