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First -year students’ experiences of peer groups and peer pressure living in the residences of a South African University. Ms. Vuyo Mntuyedwa PhD: Preliminary.

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Presentation on theme: "First -year students’ experiences of peer groups and peer pressure living in the residences of a South African University. Ms. Vuyo Mntuyedwa PhD: Preliminary."— Presentation transcript:

1 First -year students’ experiences of peer groups and peer pressure living in the residences of a South African University. Ms. Vuyo Mntuyedwa PhD: Preliminary Results SAFSA CONFERENCE: UKZN, Durban 2014 Supervisor: Prof.O. Bojuwoye 5/3/20151

2 Background of the study Transition  Moving from high school to university  Adjusting in a new environment  Adolescent to young adults Introducing the orientation program Peer pressure influence  Forming of peer groups 5/3/20152

3 Statement of the problem Experiences of peer group and peer pressure adapting in a new environment Sense of belonging Recognition from peers 5/3/20153

4 Aim The aim of this study is to gather comprehensive information relevant to the experiences of peer groups and peer pressure by first-year students in the South African university residences 5/3/20154

5 Objectives of the study To explore what first year students consider as reasons for their joining groups To ascertain the types of peer groups first -year students join. To investigate their experiences with their peer groups and in particular peer pressure To investigate what first-year university students consider as benefits and challenges in their experiences s of belonging to peer groups. 5/3/20155

6 Research Questions  What are the reasons given by first year students living in the residences of a selected South African University for joining peer groups?  What types of peer groups do the first year students living in the residences of a selected South African university join?  What do the first year university students living in the residences of a selected South African university consider as their experiences of peer pressure?  What are the benefits and challenges of peer pressure as experienced by the first year students living in the residences of a selected South African university ? 5/3/20156

7 Rationale of the study assist the university to understand the behaviour of first-year students by designing program assist student affairs in gaining a better understanding of the factors that influence students' choice in peer group affiliation intends to provide information for better understanding of living together of students Support of intervention initiation in assisting the institution in policy making 5/3/20157

8 Theoretical framework Transition theory by Schlossberg (1981)  Explains how people adapt to transition Social learning theory by Kandel (1986)  This theory states that students learn by modelling or imitation from one another Student involvement theory by Austin (1985).  This theory mentioned the fact that, student become more active if they involved themselves in the university programs; academically and extra curricular activities 5/3/20158

9 Methodology Research design:- Mixed Methods design. Collect both quantitative and qualitative data. Population target:- First -year students living on residences. Population size:- 545 first-year students Sample size: 257 first- years Research instruments:- questionnaires for quantitative data and focus group interviews for qualitative data. 5/3/20159

10 Demographics for quantitative Electronic survey report  Out of 545 expected participants 257 respondents  Demographics  Gender: 156 Females and 86 Males, 2 refer as other  Ethnicity: 181 Black;59 Colored; Indians 0;4 Whites  Ages: 236:17-22 and 8: 22-25 and 1 above 31  Marital status: Single 235; 3 Divorced and 7 refer as other  Faculty:Arts 50, Education 10, Community and Health Science 24, Economic and Management Science 74, Law 30, Natural Science 48 5/3/201510

11 Preliminary Results: Types of groups first-year students JOIN Primary  Study  Sport  All the above groups  Gender: Females  Ages: 17-21  Ethnicity: Black  Marital status: Single Secondary Social Sexual orientation Political, PASMA, SASCO Academic discipline societies Spiritual Religious Cultural 5/3/201511

12 Reasons for Joining  76%: They want to be seen as a popular students in their residences  64.8 % : gaining sense of belonging  63%: competitive in sport 5/3/201512

13 Effects of peer pressure 91% - changing of their religious values 89% :dating more partners 86.4% : dependency on friends and approval 81.4%: influence on joining student leadership 80.4% :changing of interests 5/3/201513

14 Qualitative Preliminary Results  Three focus group  Male, Female and mixed gender group  Types of groups they join  Study  Social  Sport  Student leadership 5/3/201514

15 Reasons for joining groups  Personal benefits and incentives  Improving academic marks  Moral support  Personal development  Entertainments 5/3/201515

16 Experience of joining the groups Changing of behaviors  Sexually active  Smoking  Drinking  Drugs 5/3/201516 Positive influence

17 Benefits of joining groups Playing sport Joining study group Joining student leadership Committed to books Encouraged to be independent More focus 5/3/201517

18 Challenges of joining groups  Socio-Economic Status  Gender barriers  Family values or religious or cultural  Self-esteem 5/3/201518

19 Questions ?????? 5/3/201519

20 Contacts Ms. Vuyo Mntuyedwa Occupation: Full-time Doctoral candidate (UWC) and Part-time lecturer CPUT Email: Cell: + 27 73 6434 836 Quote: Quote: A house built on top of a mountain can never be hidden‘ Matthew 5: 14 5/3/201520

21 Dr. M. in the making 5/3/201521

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