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The Assessment Committee Workshop for College of the Redwoods Fred Trapp August 18, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "The Assessment Committee Workshop for College of the Redwoods Fred Trapp August 18, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Assessment Committee Workshop for College of the Redwoods Fred Trapp August 18, 2008

2 Composition Primarily faculty leaders Administrative & educational support personnel Supported by –Office charged with coordinating/facilitating implementation of assessment activities

3 Selection of Members Based on personal interest and representation Committed to the teaching and learning process Mid-level administrative and educational support personnel Cycled through on a three-year rotation

4 Committee Chair Ideally a faculty member Ideally from the liberal arts or humanities disciplines –Most often these faculty are the most skeptical regarding assessment work The goal is to ease some faculty concerns regarding the assessment process and academic integrity

5 Committee Functions Policy guidance –Use of results –Access to assessment information –What is a program for assessment purposes? –Where are admin & educational support units located? –Timeline or schedule for implementation Follow up to check compliance –Who, how and when is feedback provided to the program/unit re: their assessment work? See the AAHE 9 Principles of Good Practice Handout

6 Committee Functions Constituent representation Leadership training as a committee –Implementation coordinator help here Coaching colleagues to do assessment –Implementation coordinator help here

7 Committee Functions Quality assurance –Review and critique assessment plans relative to its assessment merits –Review and critique assessment reports relative to its assessment merits See your program review flow charts

8 Comment Sheet Topics Plan –Relationship to mission shown –Statement of intended educational outcomes –Means of assessment & criteria for success Report –Assessment results –Use of assessment results See the rating sheet for details

9 Support Central administration –Letters of appreciation –Public recognition –Professional and clerical support –Appoint someone, accountable to senior management, to coordinate implementation

10 Coordinator Respect of the faculty Ability to work independently Numeric capability (not a stranger to data, but not a “number cruncher”) Commonly –Faculty member –Institutional researcher –Associate/assistant chief academic officer

11 Coordinator Duties Lead the process & people involved in assessment –Set and monitor the timeline Provide technical and support services –Walking faculty through implementation activities –Facilitate, not do it for them –Support survey research and any broad- scale exam administration –Develop a knowledge base re assessment

12 Unit Leadership Ascertain what is to be accomplished Determine what support is available to the unit Schedule meetings Ask for faculty, member input Assign tasks Avoid procrastination Do not do the work for the group Function as recorder

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