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District Youth Protection Rotary International. District Committee Chairperson: Allan Birrell Members : Jayne Cameron : David Green : Dominique Hayden.

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Presentation on theme: "District Youth Protection Rotary International. District Committee Chairperson: Allan Birrell Members : Jayne Cameron : David Green : Dominique Hayden."— Presentation transcript:

1 District Youth Protection Rotary International

2 District Committee Chairperson: Allan Birrell Members : Jayne Cameron : David Green : Dominique Hayden

3 Our Role To implement the Rotary International Youth Protection Policy Education Training Raising awareness Youth Protection

4 Who does this apply to? All Rotary Youth programmes - International Youth Exchange - Matched Student Exchange - RYLA - RYPEN - Rotaract

5 Statement of Conduct for Working with Youth “ Rotary International is committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for all participants in Rotary activities. It is the duty of all Rotarians, Rotarians’ spouses, partners, and other volunteers to safeguard to the best of their ability the welfare of and to prevent the physical, sexual or emotional abuse of children and young people with whom they come into contact.”

6 What is Child Abuse? The harming( whether physically, sexually, emotionally ) ill treatment, abuse, neglect or deprivation of any child or young person including family violence

7 Neglect Neglect is any act or omission by a parent or caregiver resulting in impaired physical functioning, injury or development of a young person - hunger, thirst, malnutrition - inadequate - clothing - hygiene - living conditions

8 Emotional Abuse or Neglect Any act or omission by a parent or caregiver or parents which results in impaired psychological and or emotional functioning and or development of a child/ young person

9 Physical Abuse Any act or acts that result in inflicted injury to a child or young person. - bruises, welts, cuts, abrasions - fractures, sprains - abdominal injuries, internal organs - head injuries, strangulation, suffication Regardless of motivation, the result is physical abuse

10 Sexual Abuse Any act or acts which result in exploitation of a child or young person, whether consensual or not, for sexual gratification of a parent, adult, child or young person.

11 Family Violence A serious abuse of power and violence within a household. Serious social and criminal problem Can involve death, killing, physical and sexual abuse Creates unhealthy dependency and relationships Generally hidden Long last effects on victims- woman, children, elderly,

12 Recognising Symptoms Behavioural Extreme activity or withdrawal Difficulty concentrating Declining school performance Irritability or angry outbursts Avoidance of people, places Drugs, alcohol Risk taking, antisocial behaviours

13 Physical Symptoms Eating disorders Insomnia Nightmares Headaches, gastrointestinal, abdominal, back or pelvic pain Physical injuries

14 Emotional Symptoms Expressing feelings of shame, guilt Low self esteem Anxiety, depression Suicidal thoughts

15 What if a Young Person Discloses? Listen, stay calm Believe the young person Assure privacy, not confidentiality Ascertain the story, facts, no interrogration Be non judgemental - validate, reassure Record Advise you will need to consult Get help – Youth Protection Committee

16 Inbound Students Allegation Ensure safety of young person Seek advice, report allegation/concerns to District Youth Protection Committee Police/CYF District Governor Rotary International

17 Outbound Students Current Historical Disclosure Disclosure Report allegation Report Police@ Rotary District 9940 advised Liaison host District D. Youth Protection Officer District Governor Rotary International

18 Role of CYF and Police Investigate and assess Ensure the safety of the young person Work with Rotary to ensure the best outcome for the young person

19 Role of Rotary Uphold Rotary statement of working with youth Ensure the safety of the young person Ensure advice to District Youth committee, D.G and R.I Work with CYF and Police Contact with family, counsellors and other parties to be in consultation and advice of District Youth Committee

20 Who needs training? Counsellors Club Youth Protection Officers Parents Students Host families

21 What we need from you Support to ensure protection of our young people Acceptance and adoption of the policy Implementation

22 What we can offer you Training Attending club meetings Advice/ consultation

23 Issues/advice Contact Allan Birrell e-mail: phone: 06-3687463 cell: 027 436 8763

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