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CONCEPT MAPPING IN ALGEBRA I Welcome Math Science Teachers of Polk County!

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Presentation on theme: "CONCEPT MAPPING IN ALGEBRA I Welcome Math Science Teachers of Polk County!"— Presentation transcript:

1 CONCEPT MAPPING IN ALGEBRA I Welcome Math Science Teachers of Polk County!

2 Presented by: Matt Campese: Sandalwood HS Jacksonville, FL campesem@ Della Caldwell: Allen D. Nease HS St. Augustine, FL

3 Theory of Knowledge: All knowledge is constructed by human beings. All knowledge is built up from Concepts and Propositions

4 Concept: A perception or an idea about events or objects, or records of events or objects. Concepts can be designated by names or labels. Proposition: Two or more concepts combined to form a statement about the relationship of the concepts.

5 David Ausubel (1968): If I had to reduce all of educational psychology to just one principle I would say this: The most important single factor influencing learning is what the learner already knows. Ascertain this and teach him accordingly. Retention Deficit Disorder? Connections?

6 Key idea: Learners construct their own meanings for concepts and propositions from experiences over time, building their own knowledge structures. The role of the educator is to help ensure that these structures are valid. Theory of Learning

7 Concept Maps: A tool to represent the structure of knowledge. A tool to facilitate Learning. A tool developed by Joseph Novak and his research group in 1972 to represent the knowledge of students prior to and after instruction.

8 A twelve-year longitudinal study of children’s learning : Children received audio-tutorial instruction in basic science concepts in grades one and two. Children were interviewed periodically in grades one through twelve. Concept maps were drawn from interviews to represent the children’s knowledge.

9 Learning Denny, a six year old, is asked to draw a map that shows his understanding of 8 common concepts Concepts: Water Solid River Vapor Steam Ice Liquid Gas Evaporate Denny’s knowledge does not include a meaning for vapor

10 Learning We can easily teach Denny the meaning of “vapor” and a new concept, “evaporate”, by showing how they relate to his current knowledge. Concepts: Water Solid River Vapor Steam Ice Liquid Gas Evaporate



13 The IHMC, Institute for Human and Machine Cognition is an active group of business professors, consultants and mavericks such as Joseph Novak seeking to find ways to create “intelligent enterprises.” In an effort to use concept maps in education the group at IHMC developed an extremely versatile software package called CMap Tools. Schools in Europe and South America are using the CMap Tools to bring concept mapping into the classroom as an effective learning strategy.


15 IHMC – A University Affiliated Research Institute



18 Today we are using computers, internet resources, and guided classroom and field experiences, to educate in ways never before possible. Since 1460 we have had textbooks to help teachers and students learn. What is a concept map? How can it be used in Algebra I ??????? BUT

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