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Current State Marketing Analytics May 2013 Brands on the Go Professional Baking Solutions.

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1 Current State Marketing Analytics May 2013 Brands on the Go Professional Baking Solutions

2 2© 2009 EVANTAGE CONSULTING Overview- Marketing Analytics Assessment Brands on the Go (BOTG) is responsible for a number of digital properties including: Foodservice (GMIFS) Convenience (C-Store) Professional Baking Solutions (PBS) The team wants to understand the opportunities to improve performance of these digital properties. Questions we answer set out to answer include: How are visitors coming to the site? What content are they visiting most? Are visitors returning? What are visitors engaged with? Are visitors submitting questions? Are visitors utilizing the “Find a Sales Rep” functionality?

3 3© 2009 EVANTAGE CONSULTING Executive Summary Though the site is less than a year old, there has just over 50k visits to the site. The site appears to be very search engine friendly, receiving over half of traffic from search engines. The remaining traffic is somewhat dependent on media The traffic coming to the site is bouncing at a high rate, indicating a lack of quality with the incoming traffic. The visitors that stay on the site have high engagement There is a small amount of conversion activity taking place Find a Sales Rep receives more visits than the Contact Us/Ask a Question form Retention is lacking, with only 8% returning to the site.

4 4© 2009 EVANTAGE CONSULTING Process Analyzed data from two primary sources: Web Analytics: Webtrends JTMega Media Plans Date Ranges: June 1, 2012 through March 31, 2013

5 5© 2009 EVANTAGE CONSULTING Websites Overview Evantage Consulting uses the marketing funnel concept to structure and communicate website performance. Reach: the measurement of methods used to drive traffic to your website Engage: measure the activity of visitors and their interaction with your website Convert: quantifies the predefined call-to-actions on the website Retain: demonstrates the effectiveness of the methods used to motivate a visitor to return Compared to other section, PBS is doing this best.

6 6© 2009 EVANTAGE CONSULTING Reach– Key Findings Overall half of the traffic to the site is from the search engines, with the volume of search increasing month over month. Direct and Referral traffic are dependent on media buys, and without that have low volumes. Internal traffic to the site (4%) and 17% of visits are international. This means ~80% of the traffic to the site is potential target audience.

7 7© 2009 EVANTAGE CONSULTING 57% of traffic comes from the search engines. Search engines send over half of the traffic to PBS Direct traffic is 30% This includes traffic from print materials Referring sites are just 13%

8 8© 2009 EVANTAGE CONSULTING Traffic is consistently growing, with two spikes in October and January. In email for Modern Baking Interstitials for Pizza Marketplace

9 9© 2009 EVANTAGE CONSULTING Those peaks are occurring in Direct Traffic due to print advertisements. In email for Modern Baking

10 10© 2009 EVANTAGE CONSULTING Referring traffic contributes to the peak, but on a smaller scale. Leaderboards for bake Leaderboards for Modern Baking Interstitial

11 11© 2009 EVANTAGE CONSULTING Search traffic is continue to increase and is the major source of traffic to the site.

12 12© 2009 EVANTAGE CONSULTING Search traffic comes to the site from both branded and non-branded phrases. Top phrases include: All Trumps Flour Pillsbury Puff Pastry General Mills Flour Harvest King Flour Non-branded phrases: Frozen donuts Pizza flour Frozen croissants Frozen cinnamon rolls

13 13© 2009 EVANTAGE CONSULTING Referring traffic split between pizzeria and bakery. Referring Site% of Referring Visits Referrals for pizzeria are concentrated to handful of sites Media helps Pizza Marketplace generate a third of referral traffic PMQ which also gets media, does not produce significant traffic Bakery gets traffic from a broader set of sites

14 14© 2009 EVANTAGE CONSULTING Engagement – Key Findings Over half of all the incoming traffic bounces, but the visits that stay on the site consume multiple pages of content. Flours and Products are most popular sections within the site, with “Pizza” out performing other pages within Flours. Search and support pages are lightly used.

15 15© 2009 EVANTAGE CONSULTING While there is traffic coming to the site, 51% of visits are bouncing. The following are the top landing pages for bounced visits: Flour: Pizza Homepage Pizza Dough Troubleshooting Tips Mix: Cake Mix Frozen: Puff Pastry

16 16© 2009 EVANTAGE CONSULTING Engagement is high for those who stay on the site. 2.8 pages/visit3.8 pages/visit All VisitsNon-Bounced Visits

17 17© 2009 EVANTAGE CONSULTING Flours section receives most page visits; however, products is a close second. Mixes and Frozen receive even distribution Support Tools are used, albeit lightly

18 18© 2009 EVANTAGE CONSULTING While Pizza dominates within flours, the rest of category have good distribution of visits. Flours Pizza (6%) Harvest King (3%) Spring Wheat (2%) All Trumps (2%) Products Harvest King (1%) All Trumps High Gluten (1%) Pillsbury Puff Pastry (1%) All Trumps Enriched (1%) Mix Cake Mix (3%)Donut Mix (1%) Crème Cake Mix (1%) Pillsbury (1%) Frozen Puff Pastry (2%)Donuts (1%) Cinnamon Rolls (1%) Croissants (1%) % displayed represents percent of total page visits

19 19© 2009 EVANTAGE CONSULTING Search has 2% of page visits, but is not working well. An onsite search for “Pillsbury Puff Pastry” produces no results.

20 20© 2009 EVANTAGE CONSULTING Pages with light engagement could indicate findability issues or lack of interest. Areas with light engagement (less than 1% of page visits) Videos Cake Troubleshooting Which Flour Should I Use? Why Professional Baking Solutions?

21 21© 2009 EVANTAGE CONSULTING Conversion – Key Findings “Find a Sales Rep” is used more than “Contact Us” with page visits being at 2% and 1.2% respectively. Without a form on Find a Rep, there isn’t a way to ascertain usage of this content The contact us does have a form; however, it is not tagged in Webtrends to view successful submissions. Pizza Apprentice Game has low usage (2%) Data is from April 1 – May 1, 2013 Difficult to find on the site Sources that do find the game include: Direct Organic Search QR Codes from print

22 22© 2009 EVANTAGE CONSULTING Retention – Key Findings Just over 3,500 visitors came to the site more than once. Without a clear retention mechanism, e.g. C-Store emails, this number is likely to continue to be low compared to overall traffic.

23 23© 2009 EVANTAGE CONSULTING Questions?

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