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PROJECT OVERVIEW Team Star Darrius, LaCresia, Ahmed.

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1 PROJECT OVERVIEW Team Star Darrius, LaCresia, Ahmed


3 What is mean Ohio Graduation Tests ( OGT) ? ( OGT) is assessments aligned to Ohio’s Academic Content Standards in reading, mathematics, science, social studies and writing that students in high school must take to demonstrate proficiency before graduation from high school. Ohio Graduation Tests (OGT)

4 Introduction Our goal is to improve 10 th grade performance on the social studies OGT by assisting students in acquiring the vocabulary necessary to be able to ascertain what the question is asking them to do. * Introduction to the learning situation : As you this test is required for all the students in high school. Unfortunately the result was not satisfactory In recent years. * Identification of the learning problem : We have found by exposing the students to more of the problem words and increasing their vocabulary acquisition. * Statement of the learning goal : The objective is to assist the students with acquisition of vocabulary. This is critical for success on the OGT test.

5 Plan of Action/Sample Question Our goal is to improve 10 th grade performance on the social studies OGT by assisting students in acquiring the vocabulary necessary to be able to ascertain what the question is asking them to do. Also, to score at a ten percent increase over an established baseline on the OGT half length Practice test * The needs of students : Acquiring vocabulary There is an example for this point : One effect of widespread suburbanization in the United States during the 1920s was * Who are the Learners? Test group is 20 students,10 th Grade History Students,

6 Plan of Action Our goal is to improve 10 th grade performance on the social studies OGT by assisting students in acquiring the vocabulary necessary to be able to ascertain what the question is asking them to do. * Key Learning Tasks : Review real OGT questions via clicker system and identify key words * Learning Theory We used the blooms taxonomy. * instructional sequence : * The students were given a series of questions using a classroom response (clicker) system. The resulting data was analyzed and included in the excel chart.

7 Plan of action Our goal is to improve 10 th grade performance on the social studies OGT by assisting students in acquiring the vocabulary necessary to be able to ascertain what the question is asking them to do. * The students were then given a vocabulary intervention lesson that focused on the "keyword" in each question. A list of those words is included with your data sheet marked (Pre-Test). * The students were given access to a wiki (created by LaCresia) with which they could share work and further build their vocabulary skills. * The students were then given a Post-Test consisting of questions containing the same keywords. * The student data (Pre and Post Test) was compared and the results are on the chart marked (Post-Test and % Change).

8 Plan of action Our goal is to improve 10 th grade performance on the social studies OGT by assisting students in acquiring the vocabulary necessary to be able to ascertain what the question is asking them to do. *Strategies used : - Students self-test - Cooperative Learning. * Media selection: - Wiki - Clickers. The main goal to chose these tools is the media was age appropriate. Also, technology combined with rigor and relevance of the subject matter made the lessons more interesting to students therefore increasing their interest and their knowledge acquisition.

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