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Alix G Darden, PhD Director of Faculty Development University of Oklahoma Health Science Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Alix G Darden, PhD Director of Faculty Development University of Oklahoma Health Science Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alix G Darden, PhD Director of Faculty Development University of Oklahoma Health Science Center

2  Diagnostic  Summative  Formative 

3  Who/What ◦ Individual ◦ Assignment ◦ Course ◦ Curriculum ◦ Instructional technique, activity, intervention  When? ◦ Point in time ◦ longitudinal

4  Direct assessment of learning  Indirect assessment of learning  Embedded assessment

5  You need to be very clear as to your research objective – What specifically do you want to measure/evaluate? Is your assessment method a valid and reliable measurement of what you want to measure?  Does it discriminate between learners?  Valid – it measures what it is supposed to measure  Reliable – get the same answer/score every time  Triangulation

6  Using multiple methods to answer your question ◦ Adds validity and reliability to your study

7 What are different methods to assess student learning? Miller’s pyramid Bloom’s Taxonomy

8  Written  Oral ◦ Think aloud ◦ interview  Video  Observation ◦ Skills assessment Surveys Satisfaction Values, attitudes, expectations Motivation Learning gains

9  Where are your students now?  What are you building on?  Do you know your students baseline?  How would you figure out your baseline?

10  Goals: 1)Investigate the extent to which students enrolled in the Developmental Biology course could retain basic knowledge and apply basic skills well after the course ended (up to four years), 2) ascertain which course components directly correlated with long-term knowledge and skill retention. P. 126 –last sentence of intro.  Pick one of the results in the paper.  Discuss the methodology used.  What was used for baseline data?  Was the method aligned with the question?  Could another method have been used to answer the question?

11  Reflections on refining your research question and research methodology:

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