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 BSC Engineering Mechanical From Regional Engineering College Now NITK.  Marine Engineering Specialization, Naval College of Engg, Pune  Aeronautical.

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Presentation on theme: " BSC Engineering Mechanical From Regional Engineering College Now NITK.  Marine Engineering Specialization, Naval College of Engg, Pune  Aeronautical."— Presentation transcript:

1  BSC Engineering Mechanical From Regional Engineering College Now NITK.  Marine Engineering Specialization, Naval College of Engg, Pune  Aeronautical Engineering Specialization, AFTC Bangalore.  Engine Room Watch Keeping Certificate.  Aircraft Competency Certificate from Kunjali II, Mumbai.  Quality Management Course from DGQA( DIQA) Bangalore.  Quality Management Course.  Lead Assessors Course ISO 9001:2000 from QGS Training Institute New Delhi.  Lead Assessors Transition Course ISO 9001:2008 from URS Certification Ltd. My Educational & Professional Qualification

2  Radiography Testing Course( Level 2 ) from Institute of Material Testing & Evaluation  Standardization and Codification Course, 01 Week from Directorate of Standardization(MOD)  Computer Basic Proficiency Course, 03 Months from INS Tunir Mumbai  Diploma in Computer Science from SSI South Campus New Delhi  Sales and Service Engineering from Kirloskar Pneumatic Company, Hadapsar Ind. Estate, Pune My Educational & Professional Qualification

3  Chukar III Operational Training from M/S Northrop America  IPC/WHMA – A- 600 course (Certified IPC Specialist)  IRCA UK Certified Auditor - 2008  GTO Course of three months duration at DIPR, New Delhi during mid 1993. A prestigious course for selection of Indian Armed Forces officers My Educational & Professional Qualification

4  To Provide Value Addition in client/employer’s business.  To implement new systems and improve existing Processes.  To offer solutions for improving quality of products & services.  To ensure sustained business growth of client/employer’s business by aggressive marketing/liason. My Priorities

5  Consultant ISO 9000 QMS I have implemented the requirements of ISO 9000 QMS in close to 1000 government & private organizations as a consultant and as an auditor, covering almost all industrial sectors.  Consultant ISO 14000 EMS I have implemented the requirements of the international standard in several organizations.  Consultant OHSAS I have implemented the requirements of the international standard in several organizations  Consultant Aero Space Standards I have worked with an Aircraft Refueller company for a period close to seven years as a Senior Manager QA/QC and have also worked as maintenance engineer on both fixed wing & Rotary wing Aircraft and am aware of the requirements of the international management standard AS 9100. My Employability

6  Correspondence: I have a good command over english language and can independently handle correspondence. I know local languages like Hindi Punjabi etc for better communication with clients.  Business Development & Marketing: I possess close to seven years of accomplished experience in marketing of various products like compressors, pneumatic tools, fuelling equipment. I have served leading companies as AGM/Senior manager ie with companies like Kirloskar, GHF, URS Certification Ltd.  Admin Officer: I have commanded defence squadron units as an Administrator/Squadron Commander My Employability

7  Accreditation Manager :I am fully conversant with the requirements of ISO 17021.  Aviation Consultant: As I have worked as a maintenance engineer on both fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft I can help clients to ascertain flying worthiness of Aircraft & deep defect diagnosis.  Support Faculty: I can assist smooth conduct of class room training ie ISO 9001:2008 QMS, ISO 14001:2004 EMS etc as a support faculty. My Employability

8  Facility Management: As a commander & as a senior naval officer, I have independently handled several large units.  HRD Manager: I have undergone three months GTO training course in DIPR on selection system for defence officers. My services can be utilized as HRD Manager/ to develop selection system model.  Computer Applications : I possess Sound knowledge of MS-Word, MS- PowerPoint, Networking and Internet and have experience in management of web sites. My Employability

9  Quality Control Engineer :I have served as AGM (QC) M/S Globe Hi- Fabs close to six years and was responsible for Quality Control, Stage Inspections as per QAPs, for manufacture of Filtering Vessels, Aircraft Refuellers, Hydrant Dispensers and Diesel Bowsers etc.  Liason Officer:I have served as DDQA(WP) inDGQA (MOD) organization and various other higher formations of indian navy/government of India being an aviation officer and can liase at senior management level of the organizations like DGQA,DGCA, Naval Coast Guard, Indian Armed Forces etc..  Liason Officer:I have implimented the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 QMS in close to one hundred organizations as a QMS Auditor. My Employability

10  Trainer  Counselor  Advisor  Quality Assurance & Quality Control  Effectively demonstrated my capabilities in imparting QMS & EMS training.  Managing and handling client relationships.  Supervising teams  Administration  Safety & security  Correspondence Expertise

11  Expertise in Quality Assurance & Quality Control, Facility Management.  General Administration  Marketing  Security  Training  Administration Expertise

12 I have Successfully contributed in setting up the following IN facilities:  Second Line Aircraft Maintenance facility of Indian Navy.  Setting up of a Naval Air Station at Arrakkonam.  Rebasing of Helicopter Training Squadron Successfully ensured accident free flying of Military Aircraft.  Awarded fellowship in Quality Leadership Forum from Jan 2007 to Jan 2010 etc.  Ensured incident/accident free flying of military aircraft as an aeronautical engineering officer for a period close to two decades CAREER ACCOMPLISHMENT

13 My Salary expectation: Rs 100,000/- per month and HRA/ Accommodation (Negotiable) Alok Mohan 91-9871702724 My Employability

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