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1 Poverty Alleviation Project Monitoring and Evaluation 1 POVERTY ALLEVIATION PROJECT MONITORING AND EVALUATION UPA Package 1, Module 3

2 Poverty Alleviation Project Monitoring and Evaluation 2 Objective enable the students to discuss and analyse the concepts and procedures of monitoring and evaluating poverty alleviation projects

3 Poverty Alleviation Project Monitoring and Evaluation 3 Monitoring and Evaluation “Project evaluation”: attempt to assess the results of an activity, as a function of the results, of the means employed to achieve them “effectiveness” refers to results, meeting objectives “efficiency” refers to “means;” mobilization and organization of resources. (capital-output ratios, output per working hour) “Monitoring”: make regular observations of project status, through reports and inspections,

4 Poverty Alleviation Project Monitoring and Evaluation 4 Ex Post Evaluation Ex post evaluation: retrospective in focus; takes place after project completion Ascertain reasons for project success or failure Identify features for replication and pitfalls to avoid Inform public manager and policy-makers of effectiveness and efficiency of a project Determine impact of project on target group and the environment Review of each phase to determine contribution to project

5 Poverty Alleviation Project Monitoring and Evaluation 5 Follow-Up Additional related activities as a result of an evaluation may have to be carried out for a project to fully achieve its objectives. Another activity as a result of the evaluation: refinement of policy and process policy makers and public managers need to refine policies, plans and procedures based on each completed project. refinement of policies and plans: to keep pace with changing situations with information provided by project evaluation

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