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EPSIplus An overview Michael Nicholson Chairman, Locus Association European Associations Meeting, Copenhagen, 31.08.07 funded by eContentPlus.

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Presentation on theme: "EPSIplus An overview Michael Nicholson Chairman, Locus Association European Associations Meeting, Copenhagen, 31.08.07 funded by eContentPlus."— Presentation transcript:

1 ePSIplus An overview Michael Nicholson Chairman, Locus Association European Associations Meeting, Copenhagen, 31.08.07 funded by eContentPlus

2 Locus Association members A not-for-profit organisation A Trade Association representing PSI re-users and VARs About 25 corporate members responsible for some £200,000,000 pa of PSI re-sales Additionally two specialist associations are also members No award schemes have yet been introduced. They may be inappropriate except for “best practice” awards for PSI providers Case studies on PSI Re-use are available

3 Locus Association policy on PSI re-use A Policy statement and Manifesto relating to PSI Re-use is available at Essentially Locus seeks to act as a bridge between private sector PSI reusers and public sector PSI providers Aiming to help establish a level competitive playing-field in PSI trading for the benefit of both the public and private sectors

4 Locus Association activities The Association aims to inform, advise and apply pressure for change when appropriate Activities sice 2005 include: –Some 30 meetings with UK politicians on the subject of PSI –Research within Parliament to ascertain the degree of understanding of issues relating to PSI and to raise the level of support for potential change –Securing support for an Early Day Motion or Adjournment Debate –Meetings with 5 relevant Ministers (more organised) –Public seminars on specific PSI issues (licensing policy, procurements, complaints procedures, review of government reports on PSI) –Direct discussion with PSI providers (OS, UKHO, EA, Coal Authority etc) –Responding to Government Reports on PSI (CUPI, Power of Information etc) –Responding to House of Commons Select Committees (DCLG, Treasury, DEFRA) –Stimulating press campaigns (eg the Guardian “free our data” campaign) –Regular membership briefing meetings –Meetings with European Union Officials –Support for ePSInet –Support and advice for members wishing to “Complain” about unfair treatment

5 Locus Association activities have impacted on…. Members of Parliament The Government House of Commons Select Committees Office of Fair Trading The Office of Public Sector Information (OPSI) The Advisory Panel for Public Sector Information (APPSI) The Press Public Sector Information holders The wider community of PSI re-users Specific parts of the Locus Manifesto are being actively considered by government (eg the economic efficiency of charging for data and support for OPSI)

6 Locus Association concerns PSI producers are typically monopolies with responsibilities for strategic national information infrastructure datasets A full cost recovery regime tempts the PSI producer to focus on exploitation not their public task Protecting revenue leads to complex licensing impeding Central and Local Government own attempts to modernise Inefficient, does not maximise PSI use or current IM opportunities, reduces choice, creates conflict, and limits development of the Knowledge Economy Lack of joined-up and effective guidance and regulation Public exploitation leads to conflicts of interest within the public sector Strong disincentive to private sector investment, enterprise and innovation Public task remit needs very close consideration and definition But should government be seeking to trade commercially in the first place?

7 What the Locus Association wants 1.Information about what PSI is available 2.Clarity about the basis upon which it can be used 3.A level competitive playing-field between public and private sectors 4.A review/appeal process that is relatively swift, low cost, open, adequately independent and robust 5.Transparent outcomes within a realistic timetable 6.Certainty of implementation

8 Some specific Locus Association concerns about the PSI Regulations What element of third party rights should “exclude” a dataset? [2 (b)] Does the pricing principle of cost recovery apply to each PSI “product” separately or to some other broader definition? [6] Should the setting of “Standard Charges” apply in public procurements? [7] Where is Public Task defined and what definition would be most helpful? [10(2)] What is the penalty for failure to comply ?

9 Locus Association contacts All Locus members are specifically concerned with PSI Re-use, primarily at present in the UK but potentially throughout the rest of Europe also. Issues should be addressed to the Secretariat or the Chairman and policy matters will be referred to a management Council

10 THE LOCUS ASSOCIATION PO Box 54826 London SW1Y 4XX Tel: 020 7930 9788 Fax: 020 7976 1680 Email: Web:

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