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Collaboration between EAAP Working Group on AGR and ERFP 11 th Workshop for European National Co-ordinators for the management of farm AGR - Uppsala June.

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Presentation on theme: "Collaboration between EAAP Working Group on AGR and ERFP 11 th Workshop for European National Co-ordinators for the management of farm AGR - Uppsala June."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaboration between EAAP Working Group on AGR and ERFP 11 th Workshop for European National Co-ordinators for the management of farm AGR - Uppsala June 4, 2005

2 EAAP Working Group Animal Genetic Resources - established in 1980, aims: “to promote study, documentation, conservation and development of AnGR, in Europe and the Mediterranean area; co-ordination of research, education and training on AnGR”; “to co-ordinate the EAAP Animal Genetic Data Bank”; “to advise EAAP on the needs for specific developments in the disciplinary areas concerning AnGR”; “to develop contacts with representatives of EAAP member countries, in order to ascertain the situation regarding any specific breed in any country, in co-operation with their National Focal Points”.

3 EAAP contributes, through its WG, to ERFP activities, by acting as a scientific steering committee, and also as an administrative and auditing body in charge of managing the trust fund created to support the ERFP. Current composition: 8 members + 2 lnstitution-members: Mr. Ottmar Distl (representative of EAAP Data Bank), Mr. M'naouer Djemali, Mr. Vincent Ducrocq (President EAAP Commission on AnimaI Genetics), Mr. Gustavo Gandini (Chairman), Mr. Andreas Georgoudis, Mr. Eildert Groeneveld, Mr. Juha Kantanen, Mrs. Elzbieta Martyniuk, Mr. Dominique Planchenault (representative of ERFP), Mr. Miguel Toro.

4 Future research: (from EAAP-WG-AGR Terms of Reference “ …. to promote co-ordination of research, education and training, and to encourage studying and reporting on technical issues related to AGR management and conservation …” EAAP-WG-AGR has been participating to ERFP research projects: "Development of guidelines for cryo-conservation of AnGR in Europe …” "A study on optimising the implementation of databases on AnGR … " Collaboration within the European Farm Animal Biodiversity Information System (EFABIS)

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