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The Responsible Jewellery Council Certification System Pamela Caillens, Chair, Membership Committee, RJC RAPAPORT FAIR TRADE CONFERENCE - BASELWORLD.

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Presentation on theme: "The Responsible Jewellery Council Certification System Pamela Caillens, Chair, Membership Committee, RJC RAPAPORT FAIR TRADE CONFERENCE - BASELWORLD."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Responsible Jewellery Council Certification System Pamela Caillens, Chair, Membership Committee, RJC RAPAPORT FAIR TRADE CONFERENCE - BASELWORLD – 30 March 2009

2 Contents About the RJC Structure of the RJC System
RJC System Implementation

3 The Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC)
The RJC is an international not-for-profit organisation established in 2005. Our mission is to reinforce consumer confidence by advancing responsible ethical, human rights, social and environmental practices, through the diamond and gold jewellery supply chain. Our focus is on the development and implementation of the RJC System, a certification system using independent third party auditing to verify that Members of the RJC conform to the RJC’s Code of Practices.

4 The intent of RJC A common standard for our industry: avoid multiplication of standards and verification systems; encourage companies with their own current auditing systems to adopt RJC; recognize existing credible certifications (eg. SA8000, ISO 14001) A credible system: independent auditing, stakeholder involvement and consultation Support for companies that want to improve their practices: tools and guidance documents, training programs Consumer recognition: a label of confidence Cost effectiveness: one cost of development of the standard and system for all; large competing pool of auditors In short: to successfully support the strengthening of our industry’s practices and image and further its growth in a tough environment where products compete for consumer attention and resources 4

5 Membership The RJC currently has 90 Members, large and small, from all parts of the diamond and gold jewellery supply chain, from mine to retail. The RJC seeks to be inclusive, not exclusive. Membership opportunity is open to all businesses and associations participating in the diamond and gold jewellery supply chain and / or engaged in activities that have a potential impact on consumer confidence in diamond or gold jewellery.

6 Scope of Application The RJC System is unique, as it is based on independent auditing and applies to all parts of the diamond and gold jewellery supply chain, from mine to retail. Watches are included Its scope covers all facilities which are owned or controlled by Members, and actively contribute to the diamond and/or gold jewellery supply chain. The system audits management systems and performance at a company and site level. The RJC System does not seek to certify individual jewellery components.

7 RJC System Elements Certification is third party confirmation that fulfilment of specific requirements has been credibly demonstrated

8 The RJC System Under the RJC System, all Commercial Members must be audited by accredited, third party auditors to verify that their performance and management systems conform with the Council’s Code of Practices. Members who have been independently verified as conforming to the Code of Practices will become Certified Members of the Responsible Jewellery Council.

9 Join a Community of Confidence
Now more than ever, the industry must demonstrate responsible practices and protect its reputation. Become certified: support your reputation and provide confidence to your suppliers and customers Use RJC’s transparent and practical mechanism to help your local operations and contractors develop the capacity to meet higher standards of ethical, social and environmental performance. Gain access to a forum for discussion and interaction with industry peers who share a commitment to advancing responsible business practices, and access to information on emerging business responsibility issues and challenges. Benefit from a structured NGO stakeholder dialogue

10 Backup Slides

11 Contents About the RJC Structure of the RJC System
RJC System Implementation 11

12 RJC Certification Standard: Auditor accreditation: Verification:
The RJC Code of Practices, plus additional components as required eg Mining, and associated guidance; Auditor accreditation: Accreditation of qualified and competent independent auditors who have been trained in the RJC system; Verification: Accredited auditors carry out a verification audit of a Member’s Self Assessment against the Code of Practices; Certification decision: Auditor makes formal recommendation for or against certification based on verification findings; RJC grants certification based on auditor’s recommendation.

13 Core System Documents Mission Standards Guidance Forms and Toolkits “To advance responsible ethical, social and environmental practices, which respect human rights, throughout the diamond and gold jewellery supply chain, from mine to retail.” 1. The RJC Principles and Code of Practices, under which Members are to be Certified. 2. Certification Handbook: overview of the System and requirements for achieving certification. 3. RJC Standards Guidance: information and advice about the Code. 4. RJC Assessment Manual: instructions for members and auditors. 5. RJC Assessment Workbook: forms and detailed questions for assessments and audits.

14 The Code of Practices The RJC’s Code of Practices provides the standards on which Members are audited and certified. The RJC Principles and Code of Practices were developed by the Standards Committee with consultation among the RJC’s stakeholders. They were adopted by the RJC in An update was carried out for the System release in 2008. The Code includes provisions on Business Ethics, Human Rights and Social Performance, Environmental Performance, and Management Systems. The provisions have been established through reference to national and international law, established international and industry standards, and sound business practice.

15 Code of Practices 2008 Business Ethics
Human Rights and Social Performance Environmental Performance Management Systems 1.1 Bribery and Facilitation Payments 2.1 Human Rights 3.1 Environmental Protection 4.1 Legal Compliance 1.2 Money Laundering and Finance of Terrorism 2.2 Child Labour and Young Persons 3.2 Hazardous Substances 4.2 Policy 1.3 Kimberley Process 2.3 Forced Labour 3.3 Waste and Emissions 4.3 Business Partners 1.4 Product Security 2.4 Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining 3.4 Use of Energy and Natural Resources 1.5 Product Integrity 2.5 Discrimination 2.6 Health and Safety 2.7 Discipline and Grievance Procedures 2.8 Working Hours 2.9 Remuneration 2.10 General Employment Terms 2.11 Community Development 2.12 Use of Security Personnel

16 Example: extract of Code of Practices
Consumer protection Misrepresentation: Members will not make any untruthful, misleading or deceptive statement, representation[1] or material omission in the selling[2], advertising[3] or distribution of any Diamond, Treated Diamond, Synthetic or Simulant, or any Gold product, in any medium, including the Internet. [1] Representation includes illustrations, descriptions, expressions, words, figures, depictions or symbols shown in a manner that may reasonably be regarded as relating to the substance. [2] Selling includes offering for sale, exposing for sale, displaying in such a manner as to lead to a reasonable belief that the product so displayed is intended for sale. For avoidance of doubt, this includes the accepted industry practice of “memo”, the practice of consigning goods to clients for pre-arranged periods for potential sale. [3] Advertising includes directly or indirectly promoting the sale or use of a product.

17 Example: extract of Code of Practices
Disclosure Synthetic Diamonds: A wholly or partially Synthetic diamond must always be disclosed as “laboratory created”, “laboratory grown”, “man-made”, “[Manufacturer’s name] created”, and/or “Synthetic” and the description must be equally as conspicuous and immediately preceding the word “diamond”.[1] Members will not use the words “real”, “genuine” or “natural” to describe any Synthetic, or any terms that may disguise the fact that a diamond is Synthetic or that mislead the consumer in any way. [1] International Diamond Council Rules for Grading Polished Diamonds (2008).

18 Contents About the RJC Structure of the RJC System
RJC System Implementation 18

19 Implementation Timelines
The Core System Documents were released in December 2008. The next stages of delivery of the RJC System, during the course of 2009 are: Completion of the Mining Supplement Accreditation of Auditors The RJC System will be fully operational once independent auditors have been trained and audit firms accredited. Current RJC Members will be required to be certified by December 2011.

20 Auditor Accreditation
An auditor accreditation system is being developed now. Prospective auditors will need to meet the selection criteria and undertake additional training on the RJC system to become accredited. A list of Accredited Auditors will be publicly available. Auditors accredited under the requirements of ISO/IEC 17021, ISO/IEC Guide 65 (or equivalent) can register their interest in becoming accredited. Auditors will still be required to document their credentials in their Verification Reports and confirm that they have no conflict of interest in carrying out verification for that Member.

21 Implementing the System – What Members will need to do
Become familiar with the core system documents. Participate in RJC System training programs as they become available. Define their Certification Scope - those parts of their business which actively contribute to the diamond and/or gold jewellery supply chain. Conduct a Self Assessment of their organisation and facilities. This covers the same questions that will be addressed by the auditor. Address any non-conformances. Engage an Accredited Auditor. When ready, submit their Self Assessment to their chosen auditor/s and request a Verification Assessment. Prepare and implement a Corrective Action Plan to address any non-conformances.

22 - What the Auditors will do
Conduct a desktop review of the Member’s Self Assessment and related information. Define the Verification Scope: Determine which provisions of the Code of Practices will be verified at which Facilities. Take into account risk and relevance. Conduct on-site review of the selected provisions at selected Facilities, as defined in the Verification Scope. Monitor the Member’s progress on implementing any Corrective Action Plans. Submit verification reports: Detailed report to Member. Summary and recommendation to the RJC Management Team.

23 - What the RJC will do The RJC Management Team grants certification to a Member based on the auditor’s recommendation. The Management Team will confirm the Member is in good standing and will review the auditor’s report to check: Auditors are accredited and competent. All major non-conformances have been corrected, or are subject to a one year corrective plan verified by the auditor. Document the terms of the Certification (names, locations, dates etc.) Issue formal documentation, including a unique Certification identification, conditions for use of the RJC logo and related intellectual property; Record the Member’s certification status on the RJC website.

24 Non-conformances and corrective action
Summary of obligations based on the outcomes of the Auditor’s Verification Assessment Conformance, or Minor Non-Conformance Corrective Action Plan required to address any Minor Non-conformances Certification valid for 3 years Major Non-Conformance Auditor cannot recommend certification until all major non-conformances have been addressed or captured in an approved Corrective Action Plan Certification valid for 1 year Critical Breach Must be immediately reported to the RJC Management Team Disciplinary proceedings will commence

25 Checks and balances Quality control Complaints mechanism Sanctions
Standardised forms for assessing and verifying conformance; Guidance on standards and certification; Formal training and accreditation of auditors; Peer reviews of auditing quality; Member training and support. Complaints mechanism RJC will investigate and resolve complaints relating to certification assessments and outcomes. Sanctions Disciplinary proceedings against Members or auditors will be triggered by actions or omissions that affect the integrity of the RJC system.

26 The Responsible Jewellery Council
The Responsible Jewellery Council is the trading name of the Council for Responsible Jewellery Practices Ltd. Council for Responsible Jewellery Practices Ltd, Bedford Row, London, WC1R 4JS, United Kingdom. The Council for Responsible Jewellery Practices Ltd is registered in England and Wales with company number Website:

27 Founding Members of the RJC
ABN AMRO BHP Billiton Diamonds Cartier (part of Richemont) World Jewellery Confederation Diamond Trading Company (part of De Beers Group) Diarough Jewelers of America National Association of Goldsmiths (UK) Newmont Mining Rio Tinto Rosy Blue Signet Group Tiffany & Co. Zale Corporation.

28 Governance of the Council
Officers of the Council Chairman:  Matt Runci – Jewelers of America Vice-Chairman:  John Hall – Rio Tinto Diamonds Honorary Secretary:  Mark Jenkins – Signet plc Honorary Treasurer:  James Evans Lombe – De Beers Group Committee Chairs Executive Committee:  Matt Runci – Jewelers of America Standards Committee: Rob Headley – Jewelers of America + Mick Roche – BHP Billiton Communications Committee:  John Hall – Rio Tinto Diamonds Membership Committee:  Pamela Caillens – Cartier Legal Committee:  Mark Jenkins – Signet plc People Committee:  Geoff Field - British Jewellers Association Mining Committee: Christine Charles - Newmont Finance Committee: Ruth Batson – American Gem Society Accreditation and Training Committee: Gérard Satre – Chanel Management Team The Executive functions and day-to-day management of the Council are carried out by the RJC Management Team under the direction of Michael Rae, CEO

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