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Besiege [bi-seej] (Vb.) to crowd around in order to press with requests; to harass Vacationers besieged the travel office. Synonyms: beset assail.

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Presentation on theme: "Besiege [bi-seej] (Vb.) to crowd around in order to press with requests; to harass Vacationers besieged the travel office. Synonyms: beset assail."— Presentation transcript:

1 besiege [bi-seej] (Vb.) to crowd around in order to press with requests; to harass Vacationers besieged the travel office. Synonyms: beset assail

2 appease [uh-peez] (vb.) to soothe or pacify; to satisfy The granola bar appeased his hunger. Slow music appeases me when I’m angry or nervous. Synonyms: calm placate conciliate

3 beguile [bi-gahyl] (vb.) to cheat or deceive; to mislead by tricking or cheating (adj.) beguiling He beguiled everyone that he was the doctor, when in fact he wasn’t. I had to show him I was not beguiled by his good looks. …beguiling smile Synonyms: mislead delude

4 commodious [kuh-moh-dee-uh s] (adj.) roomy, spacious I love my commodious apartment. I like driving an SUV because it’s more commodious than a small car. Synonyms: wide big extensive

5 inter [in-tur] (vb.) bury After the body was examined by the forensics, the family interred him during a private funeral at his home in Florida. Synonyms: Antonyms: Inhumeexhume Entombdig up

6 obviate [ob-vee-eyt] (vb.) to anticipate and prevent; to remove They obviated the risk of the H1N1 flu by getting a flu shot. Synonyms:Antonyms: allow Forestallhelp Restrainpermit rule out counteract deter

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