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University of Economics, Prague MLNET related activities of Laboratory for Intelligent Systems and Dept. of Information and Knowledge Engineering

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1 University of Economics, Prague MLNET related activities of Laboratory for Intelligent Systems and Dept. of Information and Knowledge Engineering

2 (c) Petr Berka, LISp, 20002 Research ä probabilistic methods - decomposable probability models and bayesian networks ä symbolic methods - generalized association rules and decision rules ä logical calculi for knowledge discovery in databases

3 (c) Petr Berka, LISp, 20003 People Jiří IvánekRadim Jiroušek Petr Berka Jan Rauch Tomáš KočkaVojtěch Svátek

4 (c) Petr Berka, LISp, 20004 Software LISp-Miner ä two data mining procedures: 4FT Miner (generalised association rules) and KEX (decision rules), ä large preprocessing module including SQL, ä output of rules in database format enables the users to implement own interpretation procedures.

5 (c) Petr Berka, LISp, 20005 LISP-Miner procedures ä 4FT-Miner (GUHA procedure) generalised association rules in the form Ant ~ Suc / Cond ä KEX weighted decision rules in the form Ant ==> C (weight)

6 (c) Petr Berka, LISp, 20006 4FT-Miner Data Matrix: CLIENTS LOANS Id Age Sex Salary District Amount Payment Months Quality 1 45 F 28 000 Prague 48 000 1 000 48 good........................... 70 000 18 M 12 000 Brno 36 000 2 000 18 bad Problem: Are there segments of clients SC and segments of loans SL such that To be in SC is at 90% equivalent to have a loan from SL and there is at least 100 such clients Ant is at 90% equivalent to Suc Ant  0.90%, 100 Suc is true iff a/(a+b+c)  0.9  a  100 Suc  Suc a - number of objects satisfying Ant and Suc Ant a b b- number of objects satisfying Ant and not satisfying Suc  Ant c d c- number of objects not satisfying Ant and satisfying Suc d- number of objects satisfying neither Ant nor Suc

7 (c) Petr Berka, LISp, 20007 4FT Miner Input: Data matrix, quantifier  0.90%, 100 Derived attributes for SC (possible Ant): Age (7 values), Sex (2 values), Salary (3 values), District (77 values) Derived attributes for SL (possible Suc): Amount (6 values), Duration (5 values), Quality (2 values) Output: All Ant  0.90%, 100 Suc true in data matrix (5 equivalences from about 5 milions possible relations) an example: Age(20 - 30)  Sex(F)  Salary(low)  District (Prague)  0.90%, 100 Amount<20,50)  Quality(Bad) Suc  Suc a/(a+b+c) = 0.95  0.9 Ant 950 30  950  100  Ant 20 69000

8 (c) Petr Berka, LISp, 20008 KEX - classification

9 (c) Petr Berka, LISp, 20009 KEX - learning

10 (c) Petr Berka, LISp, 200010 LISp-Miner

11 (c) Petr Berka, LISp, 200011 LISp-Miner

12 (c) Petr Berka, LISp, 200012 LISp-Miner

13 (c) Petr Berka, LISp, 200013 LISp-Miner

14 (c) Petr Berka, LISp, 200014 4FT Miner and KEX Applications ä truck reliability assessment ä quality control in a brewery ä segmentation of clients of a bank ä short-term electric load prediction

15 (c) Petr Berka, LISp, 200015 LISp Miner References:  Berka,P. - Ivanek,J.: Automated Knowledge Acquisition for PROSPECTOR-like Expert Systems. In: (Bergadano, deRaedt eds.) Proc. ECML'94, Springer 1994, 339-342.  Berka,P. - Rauch,J.: Data Mining using GUHA and KEX. In: (Callaos, Yang, Aguilar eds.) 4th. Int. Conf. on Information Systems, Analysis and Synthesis ISAS'98, 1998, Vol 2, 238- 244.  Rauch,J.: Classes of Four Fold Table Quantifiers. In: (Zytkow, Quafafou eds.) Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. Springer 1998, 203 - 211.

16 (c) Petr Berka, LISp, 200016 Datasets PKDD‘99 Discovery Challenge data ( ä financial data: clients of a bank, their accounts, transactions, loans etc, ä medical data: patients with collagen disease

17 (c) Petr Berka, LISp, 200017 Financial data

18 (c) Petr Berka, LISp, 200018 Medical data

19 (c) Petr Berka, LISp, 200019 Other activities ä Organized conferences ä Teaching (in czech) ä KDD ä KDD seminar ä ML

20 (c) Petr Berka, LISp, 200020 New projects SOL-EU-NET project „Data Mining and Decision Support for Business Competitiveness: A European Virtual Enterprise“ (supported by EU grant IST-1999-11.495) (supported by EU grant IST-1999-11.495)

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