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2012-2013 LCPS Honors Assessment. What is the honors assessment? An on-going project throughout the year involving writing. The final product will be.

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1 2012-2013 LCPS Honors Assessment

2 What is the honors assessment? An on-going project throughout the year involving writing. The final product will be made up of two sections that will count for half of your final exam grade.  Writing Reflection-25%  Big Question Reflection-25% THESE ARE TWO DIFFERENT WRITING ASSIGNMENTS!!

3 Writing Reflection You will write a reflection during 1 st quarter to assess where you think your writing is. Throughout the year, we will place numerous writing assignments into your portfolio. We will reflect on your writing at numerous points throughout the year, both formally and informally to record progress.

4 Writing Reflection Cont. You will write a two-page reflection due at the end of the 3 rd quarter. This reflection will allow you to synthesize your work all year into one reflective essay. Your evidence will be your own writing and you will be looking more at writing conventions and less on content. We will address any areas of concern with the portfolio and work on them in the fourth quarter.

5 Big Questions Reflection You will decide on a “Big Question” at the beginning of the year that will guide you in an individual inquiry project. YOU CAN ONLY PICK ONE!!

6 What do I do with the “Big Question”? At the end of each unit, you will look at how your question applies to the work we have just read and helps you to better explain it or take a stance on it. You will collect material on your own that helps you to understand your “Big Question” such as: MusicOther literatureExcerpts from television or movies PoemsEssaysConnections to other class News StoriesPassages from Textbooks YouTube Clips

7 Big Question Cont. THE MORE YOU COLLECT, THE MORE YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE FROM FOR YOUR REFLECTION.  Try for one to two items per month You want to include items that really help you to grasp what this question means, not only in English class, but also to the world around you. During the 4 th quarter, the students will write a reflection on the big question.

8 Helpful Hints and Thoughts All portfolios need to stay in class. You can and should be working on both pieces throughout the year. I will prompt you for certain aspects, but part of the assessment requires individual work. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE!! IF YOU MAKE THE DECISION TO WORK CONTINUOUSLY THROUGHOUT THE YEAR, I CAN HELP YOU MORE.

9 Possible Questions What makes an explorer? Are people basically good or evil? Who has the right to rule? Does everyone have a dark side? What, if anything, is worth dying for? How are women’s roles changing in society? Why are there haves and have nots? Can ideals/morals survive a catastrophe? How can people honor their heritage? What motivates human behavior? What is worth fighting for? Is revenge ever justified? Why do we hurt the ones we love? How important is family? Which gender is the weaker sex? Which is more important---the journey or the destination? Can a dream change the world?

10 What makes a true hero? Who really shapes our society? Does fate control our lives? Should religion be tied to politics? What can fix society’s problems? Why do people fear change? When is progress a problem? Why do people seek power? What is the ideal society? How does war change our values? Can values be imposed? Are we all alone? How important is culture? Does every generation improve upon the last? Is violence every justified? Is fear our worst enemy? Which is more powerful, love or hate?

11 Is it better to fit in or stand out? What makes something valuable? Is survival a matter of chance? Are role models important? Are old ways the best ways? Is popularity important? Does knowledge come at a price? Can you recover from tragedy? Can ordinary people be heroes? Can you be from two cultures at once? Do world conflicts affect us? Can beauty be captured in words? Who are the victims of war? Do the ends justify the means? What would you sacrifice for justice? Can opponents be allies? Can allies be opponents? Can your conscience mislead you?

12 What if I don’t like those questions? You are more than welcome to come up with a question on your own. You need to make sure that it is broad and can apply to different situations and types of literature. You will also need to clear it with Ms. Mathews before you settle on the question.

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