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The GESCI Content Evaluation Tool Presented by Esther Mwiyeria Country Programme Facilitator Kenya/Tanzania GESCI.

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Presentation on theme: "The GESCI Content Evaluation Tool Presented by Esther Mwiyeria Country Programme Facilitator Kenya/Tanzania GESCI."— Presentation transcript:

1 The GESCI Content Evaluation Tool Presented by Esther Mwiyeria Country Programme Facilitator Kenya/Tanzania GESCI

2 Why evaluate educational content? The evaluation aims at determining the relevance, impact, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability

3 Components of digital content evaluation Quality and comprehensiveness of content Ease of use, functionality, navigation and orientation Attractiveness of design and quality of craftsmanship Appropriateness of content for intended purpose Value added through interactivity and multimedia Maintenance and support

4 Quality and comprehensiveness of content Content is relevant to the context Course description is clear and complete Content provides clear educational value Materials contain all the relevant information and do not deceive, mislead or omitt. Material is differentiated to present a range of challenges to students with different learning needs Material is aligned with the pedagogical goals of the curriculum Content facilitates/enhances the development of higher order thinking The sound is clearly understandable and consistent in quality and volume It provides for continuous assessment or other appropriate forms of assessment Material encourages awareness among students about the subject as well as encourage cognitive evaluation of the said subject Material is accurate and up-to-date (consistent with established fact) Sound and music are relevant to screen displays

5 Ease of use, functionality, navigation and orientation Vocabulary is appropriate to the primary target audience Material is flexible (use, adaptability, assessment) Content is complemented by the use of manipulatives/teaching aids Content uses technology to reinforce learning A search facility exists and it supports a range of reading abilities On-screen written instructions are understandable Graphics, buttons and icons make sense to the intended user There is a suitable help option Links are useful and robust It allows for tracking of individual or group achievement

6 Ease of use, functionality, navigation and orientation User can print, save and download resources Descriptions of specific hardware requirements for operating the application are provided Instructions for installation and operation or a toll free technical support number are provided The interface is clear and intuitive Navigation around the site is flexible The structure of the site or the software and the user’s location is apparent Material is well organized Users can bookmark or save their position It s easy to keep individual students records It is easy to set the difficulty level Users can exit at any point

7 Attractiveness of design and quality of craftsmanship Content is interesting and motivating for target audience (teach, students) Design is based on relevant research Design is appropriate with regard to stated goals and objectives Content contains features that make it interesting and attractive (graphics, simulations, animations) The content contributes towards addressing of learning objectives of system (including skills to be developed)

8 Appropriateness of content for intended purpose It is contextually relevant for the age range and educational stage (skills/knowledge level required) It is aligned with country’s pedagogical philosophy Content anticipates learning difficulties and includes strategies to address them It provides opportunities for enrichment beyond the curriculum It is culturally sensitive and transferable It allows for exploitation of new learning opportunities It will facilitate the acquisition of specific competencies

9 Appropriateness of content for intended purpose Content will enhance information handling or ICT skills It will enable creative or logical thinking Content provides for different learning styles Content aids and/or develops conceptual understanding It provides for practice and application of understanding/skill Points of view are fairly represented with no apparent bias The material is gender-neutral and non-discriminatory; text and graphics are free of nay content that could be derogatory toward a particular group It will enhance collaboration and interaction with others It has value as an independent activity

10 Value added through interactivity and multimedia Content is enhanced through the use of other media/technology to reinforce/augment learning

11 Maintenance and support Content is copyright free Descriptions are provided of specific hardware requirements for operating the application Instructions for installation and operation or toll free technical support telephone number are provided Content is value for money Content is able to run on existing hardware A license is not required to use the content or operate the software

12 ExcellentVery goodAverageNot usableQuestions Quality and comprehensive ness of content 7-8%5-6%4%2%1 - 13 Ease of use, functionality, navigation and orientation 4-5%3-4%2-3%1-2%14 - 35 Attractiveness of design and quality of craftsmanship 25-26%19%12-13%1-2%36 - 39 Appropriateness of content for intended purpose 5-6%4-5%2-3%1-2%40 - 55 Value added through interactivity and multimedia 100%75%50%25%56 Maintenance and support 16-17%12 – 13%8 – 9%4-5%57 - 59 Structure of the Digital Content Evaluation Tool

13 Thank you

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