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Jingjing Gao Department of Computer Science and Engineering April 16 th,2014 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Jingjing Gao Department of Computer Science and Engineering April 16 th,2014 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jingjing Gao Department of Computer Science and Engineering April 16 th,2014 1

2  Introduction of Maltego®  Maltego® in Information Warfare  Threats caused by Maltego®  Accountability 2

3 Maltego® is a kind of software which gathers open sources information online and analyzes them intellectually with an outcome of a graphical way. 3

4 Gathering a bunch of data with regard to: People Groups of people (social networks) Companies Organizations Web sites Internet infrastructure such as: Domains, DNS names, Netblocks and IP address. Affiliations Documents and files 4

5  Introduction of Maltego®  Maltego® in Information Warfare  Threats caused by Maltego®  Accountability 5

6  National Security Defensive Operation  Commercial Competitive Application  Social Engineering and Forensic Application toward Individuals 6

7 National Security Defensive Operation “Who is tweeting from NSA’s parking lot?” [1] 7

8 Commercial Competitive Application 8

9 Social Engineering and Forensic Application toward Individuals  Provide context for social Engineering e.g. the language the target person use.  Forensic application Show internal relations between different persons and different organizaitons. 9

10  Introduction of Maltego®  Maltego® in Information Warfare  Threats caused by Maltego®  Accountability 10

11  Violation of Privacy  Reliability of Maltego® as a Forensic Application 11

12 Violation of Privacy 12

13 Violation of Privacy 13

14 Violation of Privacy  Easy and convenient for malicious social engineering attack, e.g. Phishing Emails, account guessing  Open type Mailing lists are vulnerable target’s interests, concerns 14

15 Reliability of Maltego® as a Forensic Application  Unreliable Twitter Geo-location  Mislead 15

16 Reliability of Maltego® as a Forensic Application  Unreliable Twitter Geo-location Various of app especially for Android system Not authorized officially 16

17 Reliability of Maltego® as a Forensic Application  Mislead 17

18  Introduction of Maltego®  Maltego® in Information Warfare  Threats caused by Maltego®  Accountability 18

19  Government and Organization Accountability Need new regulations for collections of integrated personal information Specify the usage of different part of personal information Appeal to whole society to protect privacy  Individual Accountability Be aware of innocuous information may lead to privacy disclosure Pay attention to privacy settings of the app in your smart phone and PC Form good use habit e.g. When leave the local wifi connection, click “forget this network” 19

20 [1] Jeremy Kirk, (2014, March 11), “Who is tweeting from NSA’s parking lot?” Computer World, [Online], Available: NSA_39_s_parking_lot NSA_39_s_parking_lot [2] video-gillen-twitter-articleLarge.jpg, =isch&sa=X&ei=mLlOU_2zHYq- sQS7poLgCQ&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAg&biw=1366&bih=600#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgr c=pZeQN_7zq2lhOM%253A%3BUIvMeomJTRpZYM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fg 2Fvideo-gillen-twitter%252Fvideo-gillen-twitter- %252F07%252Ftechnology%252Ftwitter-prices-ipo-at-26-a- share.html%3B600%3B338 video-gillen-twitter-articleLarge.jpg [3] Csitech, (2014, March 8), “Mapping Corporate infrastructure with open source data”, CSITECH, [Online], Available: corporate-infrastructure-with-open-source-data/ corporate-infrastructure-with-open-source-data/ 20

21 21

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