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October 28- November 1.  1. diabolic adj. fiendish; wicked (p. 16)  2. divulge v. to make known, especially something secret (p. 16)  3. flinch v.

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Presentation on theme: "October 28- November 1.  1. diabolic adj. fiendish; wicked (p. 16)  2. divulge v. to make known, especially something secret (p. 16)  3. flinch v."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 28- November 1

2  1. diabolic adj. fiendish; wicked (p. 16)  2. divulge v. to make known, especially something secret (p. 16)  3. flinch v. to draw back, as from something painful or unpleasant (p. 36)  4. gullible adj. easily fooled (p. 30)  5. huzza interj. used to express joy (p. 20)

3  6. primly adv. excessively precisely or properly (p. 17)  7. roost v. to perch or settle, especially for the night (p. 1)  8. shrapnel n. fragments from an exploding shell or bomb (p. 30)  9. cadaver- n- a dead body, especially one that is to be dissected  10. edible- adj.- suitable for eating by human beings

4 For each analogy, write out and place the correct vocabulary in the blanks  1. ______: eating :: rest : sleeping  2. angry : happy :: sad : _____  3. fooled : mislead :: ____ : naïve

5  Use each of the following vocabulary words in a sentence. Go for seven words per sentence.  1. Diabolic  2. Divulged  3. Flinch

6  Use each of the following vocabulary words in a sentence. Go for seven words per sentence.  1. Primly  2. Cadaver  3. Edible

7  What can you infer from the following? Answer each with a complete sentence. Go for seven words per sentences.  1. Kerry flinched away from the fire. His arm was red, blisters were forming and it was very painful.  2. Karen was jumping up and down screaming huzza!  3. Mary tripped and shrapnel from her grandmother’s plate flew in every direction.

8  Write out each of the following sentences filling in the blanks with the correct vocabulary word.  1. The chicken’s favorite _____ was high on the fence by the old oak tree.  2. Gina _____ sat down with her shoulders straight and smoothed out her dress.  3. The flower on top of the cake was completely _____.

9  Write the following vocabulary words and then write a matching synonym for each.  1. Diabolic  2. Cadaver  3. Roost

10  Use each of the words in sentences. Go for seven words per sentence.  1. Gullible  2. Flinch  3. Shrapnel

11  List the vocabulary word that matches the synonyms given.  1. Yes! Woah! Oh!: ______________  2. properly, prissily, precisely: ___________  3. perch, settle, rest: _____________

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