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Vocabulary for Achievement Lesson Four Mrs. Carrie Hunnicutt 6 th Grade Reading and Language Arts 2013-2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary for Achievement Lesson Four Mrs. Carrie Hunnicutt 6 th Grade Reading and Language Arts 2013-2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary for Achievement Lesson Four Mrs. Carrie Hunnicutt 6 th Grade Reading and Language Arts 2013-2014

2 Bluff 0 To fool or deceive; to mislead

3 Fabricate 0 To invent in order to deceive

4 Frank 0 Completely honest

5 Genuine 0 Real; not copied or fake

6 Impartial 0 Fair; not favoring one side over another

7 Integrity 0 Strong moral character; the state of sticking strictly to one’s morals

8 Obvious 0 Easy to see; clear; apparent

9 Plagiarize 0 To copy the words or ideas of another person and claim they are your own

10 Reliable 0 Dependable; able to be trusted

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