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NO MOREeeeee!!. Preventable deaths ? Diarrhoea remains the second leading cause of death among children under five globally. Nearly one in five child.

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Presentation on theme: "NO MOREeeeee!!. Preventable deaths ? Diarrhoea remains the second leading cause of death among children under five globally. Nearly one in five child."— Presentation transcript:

1 NO MOREeeeee!!

2 Preventable deaths ? Diarrhoea remains the second leading cause of death among children under five globally. Nearly one in five child deaths – about 1.5 million each year – is due to diarrhoea. It kills more young children than AIDS, malaria and measles combined An adequate supply of safe drinking water is universally recognized as a basic human need. Yet millions of people in the developing world do not have ready access to an adequate and safe water supply. Human excreta and the lack of adequate personal and domestic hygiene have been implicated in the spread of many infectious diseases including cholera, typhoid, hepatitis, polio, cryptosporidiosis, ascariasis, and schistosomiasis.

3 Kenya ( Kilifi and Ruiru areas ) Many households in Murera (Ruiru Kenya)and suburbs of Kilifi town cannot afford to boil water and sanitize it due to high living costs and low purchasing power. Water is an important resource, which sustains people’s life, there is lack of reasonable access to safe and clean drinking water for many households in rural Kenya Households consume dirty and contaminated water leading to widespread incidences of water related diseases This contributes to approximately a third of all the death among school age children.

4 Death ! Diarrhea. No more

5 Solution In response to this challenge, Keneth Ndua developed the Energy ECOS – a multitasking fuel-efficient biomass stove featuring an innovative built-in jacket that can be filled with 5 litres of water thus sanitizing it through waste Energy from the fire chamber. The waste heat is trapped in an air chamber between the fire chamber and water jacket. This exposes water to between 200-400 degrees centigrade thus sanitizing it and eliminating disease causing micro organisms. ECOS stove can to use bio gas or bio fuel.

6 1 ECOS ( Energy conserving stove ) = 5 children lives = healthy nation = a bright future

7 Contact:-kenneth ndua stamp investment tel:-254-789-656060 tel:-254-789-656060

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