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Spinal Cord. Length: 18 inches Spinal Cord Length: 18 inches – terminates between L 1 and L 2 (at waist level)

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Presentation on theme: "Spinal Cord. Length: 18 inches Spinal Cord Length: 18 inches – terminates between L 1 and L 2 (at waist level)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spinal Cord

2 Length: 18 inches

3 Spinal Cord Length: 18 inches – terminates between L 1 and L 2 (at waist level)


5 Spinal Cord Length: 18 inches – terminates between L 1 and L 2 (at waist level) Diameter

6 Spinal Cord Length: 18 inches – terminates between L 1 and L 2 (at waist level) Diameter – ½ inch (at cervical and lumbar enlargements)

7 Spinal Cord Length: 18 inches – terminates between L 1 and L 2 (at waist level) Diameter – ½ inch (at cervical and lumbar enlargements) – ¼ inch (thoracic region)

8 Spinal Cord Other Features – Conus medullaris – Cauda equina –Dural sac


10 Protection of Spinal Cord – Vertebrae – Spinal Meninges – CSF


12 Cross-sectional organization – Grey matter: organized into “horns” – White matter: organized into “columns” – Columns composed of ascending tracts descending tracts



15 31 spinal cord segments – each segment is associated with a pair of spinal nerves



18 Anatomy of Nerves



21 Ventral rami of:

22  C 1 -C 5 form the cervical plexus


24 Ventral rami of:  C 1 -C 5 form the cervical plexus

25 Ventral rami of:  C 1 -C 5 form the cervical plexus  C 5 -T 1 form the brachial plexus



28 Ventral rami of:  C 1 -C 5 form the cervical plexus  C 5 -T 1 form the brachial plexus

29 Ventral rami of:  C 1 -C 5 form the cervical plexus  C 5 -T 1 form the brachial plexus  T 2 -T 12 form the intercostal nerves


31 Ventral rami of:  C 1 -C 5 form the cervical plexus  C 5 -T 1 form the brachial plexus  T 2 -T 12 form the intercostal nerves

32 Ventral rami of:  C 1 -C 5 form the cervical plexus  C 5 -T 1 form the brachial plexus  T 2 -T 12 form the intercostal nerves  T 12 -S 4 form the lumbosacral plexus




36 Examples of Peripheral Nerves

37 – Phrenic nerve

38 Examples of Peripheral Nerves – Phrenic nerve Emerges from the cervical plexus composed of axons from C 3 -C 5


40 b

41 Examples of Peripheral Nerves – Phrenic nerve Emerges from the cervical plexus composed of axons from C 3 -C 5

42 Examples of Peripheral Nerves – Phrenic nerve Emerges from the cervical plexus composed of axons from C 3 -C 5 – Median nerve

43 Examples of Peripheral Nerves – Phrenic nerve Emerges from the cervical plexus composed of axons from C 3 -C 5 – Median nerve From brachial plexus; axons from C 6 -T 1


45 Examples of Peripheral Nerves, cont’d – Femoral and Obturator nerves From lumbar plexus; axons from L 2 -L 4


47 Examples of Peripheral Nerves, cont’d – Pudendal nerve

48 Examples of Peripheral Nerves, cont’d – Pudendal nerve From sacral plexus; axons from S 2 -S 4


50 Examples of Peripheral Nerves, cont’d – Pudendal nerve From sacral plexus; axons from S 2 -S 4

51 Examples of Peripheral Nerves, cont’d – Pudendal nerve From sacral plexus; axons from S 2 -S 4 – Sciatic nerve

52 Examples of Peripheral Nerves, cont’d – Pudendal nerve From sacral plexus; axons from S 2 -S 4 – Sciatic nerve From sacral plexus; axons from L 4 -S 3


54 Dermatomes – Regions of skin served by the sensory axons of a specific spinal nerve



57 Neural Pathways

58 – Sensory

59 Neural Pathways – Sensory Some examples of ascending (sensory) spinal cord tracts

60 Neural Pathways – Sensory Some examples of ascending (sensory) spinal cord tracts – lateral spinothalamic


62 Neural Pathways – Sensory Some examples of ascending (sensory) spinal cord tracts – lateral spinothalamic

63 Neural Pathways – Sensory Some examples of ascending (sensory) spinal cord tracts – lateral spinothalamic – fasciculus gracilis



66 –Motor Pyramidal Pathways – conscious control of skeletal muscles – pyramidal tracts: » corticobulbar tract » corticospinal tracts




70 Extrapyramidal Pathways – unconscious control of skeletal muscles – example of extrapyramidal pathways in spinal cord » rubrospinal tract

71 Spinal Reflex Arc



74 Functional Divisions of Nervous System (Review) – Afferent Somatic Visceral – Efferent Somatic Autonomic – Sympathetic – Parasympathetic

75 Autonomic Nervous System Sympathetic (thoracolumbar) – “fight or flight” Parasympathetic (craniosacral) – “rest and repose”


77 Sympathetic system features – Preganglionic fibers in ventral roots of T 1 -L 2 short go to sympathetic ganglia or adrenal medulla release ACh


79 Sympathetic system features, cont’d. – Ganglia collateral ganglia (prevertebral) sympathetic chain (paravertebral) adrenal medulla


81 Sympathetic system features, cont’d. – Postganglionic fibers long extensive divergence from sympathetic ganglia release E or NE (sometimes ACh)


83 Parasympathetic system features – Preganglionic fibers in cranial nerves III, VII, IX, X and pelvic nerves from S 2 -S 4 long, go straight to ganglia very close to the target organs release ACh


85 Parasympathetic system features, cont’d. – Ganglia near target organs (e.g. ciliary ganglion near eye) in wall of target organ (intramural ganglia)


87 Parasympathetic system features, cont’d. – Postganglionic fibers very short little divergence release ACh


89 Comparison of Somatic and Autonomic Divisions

90 Comparison of Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Divisions


92 Comparison of Somatic and Autonomic Divisions

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