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Viral Diseases. Clinical classification Vesicle form : vesicles dominated,such as Herpes Simplex,Herpes Zoster and Varicella. Erythema form : Erythema.

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Presentation on theme: "Viral Diseases. Clinical classification Vesicle form : vesicles dominated,such as Herpes Simplex,Herpes Zoster and Varicella. Erythema form : Erythema."— Presentation transcript:

1 Viral Diseases

2 Clinical classification Vesicle form : vesicles dominated,such as Herpes Simplex,Herpes Zoster and Varicella. Erythema form : Erythema dominated , such as Measles 、 Rubella and Erythema Infectioum. Neoplasm form : Verruca vulgaris,Verruca planae and Molluscum Contagiosum. STD form : Lymphogranuloma venereum.

3 Herpes simplex Herpes simplex

4 Vericella

5 Herpes zoster

6 Verruca vulgaris Verruca vulgaris

7 Verruca plana

8 Herpes zoster Zoster is a kind of acute skin infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus. Manifestation: unilaterlly ; within the distribution of sensory nerve; little blisters in population; with neuralgia and lymphadenectasis; less recurrence after recovery

9 Etiology and Mechanism varicella-zoster virus.human varicella Latent infection Virus in the ganglia of cranial or spinal sensory nerve Indu cing facto rs Herpes zoster infect

10 Clinical manifestation Predilection human beings : adult Early symptoms : moderate fever,malaise,local lymphadenectasis and neuralgia. Eruption characteristic : ( 1 ) erythema papule blister ( 2 ) distribute unilaterally in band within peripheral nerve ( 3 ) blisters in population ( 4 ) neuralgia and local lymphadenectasis Predilection sites : chest,waist,neck and the distribution regions of trigeminal nerve. course : 2 - 4 weeks



13 Special form Zoster ( Ⅰ ) Herpes zoster without eruptions Abortive type Herpes Zoster Bullous,hemorrhagic or necrotic Herpes Zoster Disseminated Herpes Zoster

14 Herpes Zoster ( hemorrhagic) ) Herpes Zoster ( hemorrhagic) )

15 Special Herpes Zoster (Ⅱ) virus Motor neurons Myasthenia , skin paralysis Myasthenia , skin paralysis virus geniculate ganglion(involvment of the facial and auditory nerves) facial and auditory nerves) Ramsey - Hunt syndrome : Ramsey - Hunt syndrome : Zoster of the external ear, ear pain, Zoster of the external ear, ear pain, facial paralysis, vertigo. facial paralysis, vertigo.

16 Diagnosis Lesions:erythema,papule and blisters; Blisters in population; distribute unilaterally in band within peripheral nerve; with neuralgia.

17 Treatment principles The prevention of neuralgia antivirus : ACV 0.2 q4h X 5 - 10d Valaciclovir 0.3bid X 5 - 10d antiinflammation Topical treatment Prevent secondary infection

18 Molluscum contagiosa papule dermatosis,caused by MCV characteristics: smooth surfaced and dome shaped pearly papules; central umbilication; molluscum body.

19 Etiology and Mechanism Molluscum Contaguosum Virus transmitted by direct skin to skin contact; or auto-inoculation

20 Clinical manifestation Predilection human beings : children and youth. Latent time: 2-3 weeks. Feature of lesions : Feature of lesions : 3 to 5mm in diameter 3 to 5mm in diameter semisphere-like, pearly papules semisphere-like, pearly papules central umbilication central umbilication squeeze out white cheese-like substance squeeze out white cheese-like substance number: several to many number: several to many no confluence no confluence

21 Clinical manifestation Predilection sites : trunk, extremities,scrotum and eyelid trunk, extremities,scrotum and eyelid sometimes lip, tone and sometimes lip, tone and buccal mucosa are involved. buccal mucosa are involved. course : 6 - 9months , individually:4 - 5years or longer. individually:4 - 5years or longer. Symptoms: NO or moderate itching.


23 Treatment Isolation Nicking with trichloracetic acid(33 % ) 10 % potassium hydroxide

24 Definition scabies is one kind of parasitosis caused by Sarcoptes scabies which invade the skin of the finger webs,antecubital fossae, the lower abdomen,genitals and scrotum ect, and characterized by pruritic papular, bullous lesions and also burrows. transimitted by skin to skin contact Scabies

25 Etiology Life of Life of Sarcoptes scabies adult female male mating Female ovulate Male died ovum 3-4 days larvanymphae adult adult Twice ecdysis 2-3 days 7-14days 7-14days Infection style : mostly direct skin to skin contact , a few infected by indirect contact a few infected by indirect contact

26 Clinical manifestation : Predilection human beings : anyone Feature of eruption : 1 papulovesicles with no confluence 2 burrows 3 scabies nodule Predilection sites: the finger web,medial wrist, antecubital fossae,areas around the waist, the lower abdomen, genitals and groins ect. Intense itch: especially in night

27 The finger web


29 Diagnosis eruption : burrows papulovesicles and blisters scrotum nodules predilection sites: especially the finger web and external genitals. intense itch: especially in night infect collectively:the same patients in one family. most convinced evidence: Sarcoptes scabies or its eggs.

30 Differential diagnosis Pruritus Papular urticaria Pediculosis

31 Treatment 10% Oint. Sulfur Solution of killing Solution of killing Sarcoptes scabies Cream. 10 % Crotamiton Cream. 10 % Crotamiton

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