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Effects of an exercise and education programme on children with obesity Hussey J, Roche E, Croasdell N, Heraty E, Brennan A, Gormley J, Bell C, Hoey H.

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Presentation on theme: "Effects of an exercise and education programme on children with obesity Hussey J, Roche E, Croasdell N, Heraty E, Brennan A, Gormley J, Bell C, Hoey H."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effects of an exercise and education programme on children with obesity Hussey J, Roche E, Croasdell N, Heraty E, Brennan A, Gormley J, Bell C, Hoey H

2 Background  Ireland, along with other European Countries, is experiencing increasing levels of childhood obesity.  Obesity in childhood and adolescence is associated with cardiovascular risk factors such as low activity levels, low fitness levels, hypertension and hyperlipidemia

3 Previous work in children with obesity (n=45)  Physical activity reduced with 69% reporting engaging in less than minimal recommendation  Exercise tolerance below minimal normal values in 69%  Seventy five percent of this group have at least 2 cardiovascular risk factors  Treatment needs to focus on these in addition to weight loss

4 Aim of the study  To evaluate the effect of an eight week exercise and education programme on cardiovascular risk factors.  Children along with their parents attended the Physiotherapy Department weekly where the children had an hour of exercise ( circuit training and hydrotherapy) and the parents received education in the areas of healthy nutrition and physical activity.

5 Measures  BMI and waist circumference  Blood pressure  Exercise tolerance was measured by the modified Balke treadmill protocol  Physical activity measured by the modifiable activity questionnaire for adolescents. Estimates time spent in light and vigorous activity, time spent sedentary, energy expended in regular activity

6 Results  Nine children entered the programme (5 girls and 4 boys)  mean age ( SD) of 10 +/- 1.1 years  BMI before 29.2 +/-3.2 after 28.8+/-3.6

7 Results- waist circumference

8 Results- physical activity levels

9 Results- exercise tolerance

10 Results – systolic blood pressure

11 Results Before programme After programme p value BMI29.2±3.228.8 ± 3.6NS Waist cm95.5 ± 8.893.7 ± 9.1P<0.05 EE in regular activity MET hr/week 14.4 ± 12.736.3 ± 31.1P<0.01 Est VO 2 33.8 ± 4.636.5 ± 6.9NS Systolic BP121.4 ± 12.8115.1 ± 0.2NS

12 Conclusion  This eight week programme resulted in a significant increase in reported energy expenditure in regular activity as measured by METs and a significant decrease in waist circumference.  These short term effects may be followed by longer lasting changes if activity levels are maintained

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